import os import io import cv2 import requests import numpy as np import streamlit as st from PIL import Image from import imread def infer() -> None: st.title("IAM Handwriting recognition app") image_file_buffer = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Select input image", type=["png"]) # read the image if image_file_buffer is not None: image = image_array = np.array(image) st.image(image_array, caption=f"Input image: {}") else: st.write("Input image: not selected") # run inference when the option is invoked by the user infer_button = st.sidebar.button("Run inference") if infer_button: files = {"image_file": (, image_file_buffer.getvalue())} # if the deployment is on local machine response = "", files=files, ) # if the deployment is on hugging face # response = # "", # files=files, # ) st.write("The following is the prediction") st.write(response.json()) return def app_info() -> None: st.title("App info") st.markdown("_Task - IAM Handwriting recognition_") st.markdown("_Project repo - [](") st.markdown("_Dataset - [IAM dataset](") st.header("Brief description of the project") st.write("The IAM dataset contains images of handwritten text in English language.") st.write("A custom architecture is modeled for the recognition task.") st.write("The best performing model has been used for the deployed application.") return app_modes = { "App Info" : app_info, "IAM Handwriting Recognition Inference App": infer, } def start_app() -> None: selected_mode = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select mode", list(app_modes.keys())) app_modes[selected_mode]() return def main() -> None: start_app() return if __name__ == "__main__": main()