import os import requests import gradio as gr requests.adapters.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60 import time import openai from openai import OpenAI from utils import ai_audit_analysis_categories, get_system_prompt, ANALYSIS_TYPES import json # Create Global Variables client = OpenAI(api_key= "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") global complete_chat_history, bot_last_message bot_last_message = "" complete_chat_history = [] # /////////////////// *****************************///////////////// Utitlity Functions #region Utility Functions # Function to update OpenAPI key the API key def update_api_key(new_api_key): global client if new_api_key.strip() != "": client = OpenAI(api_key=new_api_key) return "API Key updated successfully" def load_chatboat_last_message(): return bot_last_message def load_chatboat_complet_history(): complete_text = "" for turn in complete_chat_history: user_message, bot_message = turn complete_text = f"{complete_text}\nUser: {user_message}\nAssistant: {bot_message}" return complete_text def format_json_result_to_html(result): formatted_result = "" for key, value in result.items(): if isinstance(value, list): formatted_result += f"{key.title()}:
" + "
".join(value) + "

" else: formatted_result += f"{key.title()}: {value}
" return formatted_result.strip() def format_json_result(result): formatted_result = "" for key, value in result.items(): if isinstance(value, list): formatted_result += f"{key.title()}:\n" + "\n".join(value) + "\n\n" else: formatted_result += f"{key.title()}: {value}\n" return formatted_result.strip() # Function to dynamically format the JSON result into Markdown format def format_result_to_markdown(result): formatted_result = "" for key, value in result.items(): formatted_result += f"**{key.title()}**: " if isinstance(value, list): formatted_result += "\n" + "\n".join(f"- {item}" for item in value) + "\n\n" else: formatted_result += f"{value}\n\n" return formatted_result.strip() #endregion # /////////////////// *****************************///////////////// Conversation with Open Ai Chatboat #region Conversation with Open Ai Chatboat # A Normal call to OpenAI API ''' def chat(system_prompt, user_prompt, model = 'gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature = 0): response = messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": system_prompt}, {"role": "user", "content": user_prompt} ], model="gpt-3.5-turbo", ) res = response.choices[0].message.content return res # Lets format the prompt from the chat_history so that its looks good on the UI def format_chat_prompt(message, chat_history, max_convo_length): prompt = "" for turn in chat_history[-max_convo_length:]: user_message, bot_message = turn prompt = f"{prompt}\nUser: {user_message}\nAssistant: {bot_message}" prompt = f"{prompt}\nUser: {message}\nAssistant:" return prompt # This function gets a message from user, passes it to chat gpt and return the output def get_response_from_chatboat(message,chat_history, max_convo_length=10): global bot_last_message, complete_chat_history formatted_prompt = format_chat_prompt(message, chat_history, max_convo_length) bot_message = chat(system_prompt='You are a friendly chatbot. Generate the output for only the Assistant.',user_prompt=formatted_prompt) chat_history.append((message, bot_message)) complete_chat_history.append((message, bot_message)) bot_last_message = bot_message return "", chat_history #endregion def analyse_current_conversation(text, analysis_type): try: if(ANALYSIS_TYPES.get(analysis_type, None) is None): return f"Analysis type {analysis_type} is not implemented yet, please choose another category" if not text: return f"No text provided to analyze for {analysis_type}, please provide text or load from chatboat history" word_count = len(text.split()) if(word_count < 20 ): return f" The text is too short to analyze for {analysis_type}, please provide a large text" system_prompt = get_system_prompt(analysis_type) text_to_analyze = text response = messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": system_prompt}, {"role": "user", "content": text_to_analyze} ], model="gpt-3.5-turbo", ) analysis_result = response.choices[0].message.content print(analysis_result) # Parse the result, handle JSON parsing errors try: parsed_result = json.loads(analysis_result) except json.JSONDecodeError: return "Failed to parse the analysis result. Please check the format of the returned data." formatted_json = format_result_to_markdown(parsed_result) return formatted_json except KeyError as e: return f"Key error occurred: {e}. Please check your keys." except Exception as e: # Check if the error message is related to the API key if 'API key' in str(e): return "OpenAI API key error: Please verify your API key." else: return f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}. Please check your implementation." # parsed_result = json.loads(analysis_result) # formated_json = format_result_to_markdown(parsed_result) # print(parsed_result) # # Your implementation for counting words and performing analysis # return formated_json #region UI Related Functions def update_dropdown(main_category): # Get the subcategories based on the selected main category subcategories = ai_audit_analysis_categories.get(main_category, []) print(subcategories) return gr.Dropdown(choices=subcategories, value=subcategories[0] if subcategories else None) def update_analysis_type(subcategory): pass print(subcategory) #endregion with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("
Align X
") # Add a text field for the API key api_key_field = gr.Textbox(label="Enter your Chatgpt OpenAI API Key") update_api_key_btn = gr.Button("Update API Key"), inputs=[api_key_field], outputs=[]) # gr.Markdown("# AI Audit and GRC Framework!") gr.Markdown("# AlignX Demo") with gr.Tabs(): with gr.TabItem("Prompt Testing"): gr.Markdown("## Prompt Testing") chatbot = gr.Chatbot(height=600) msg = gr.Textbox(label="Write something for the chatbot here") clear = gr.ClearButton(components=[msg, chatbot], value="Clear console") submit_btn = gr.Button("Submit"), inputs=[msg, chatbot], outputs=[msg, chatbot]) msg.submit(get_response_from_chatboat, inputs=[msg, chatbot], outputs=[msg, chatbot]) with gr.TabItem("Prompt Assessment"): gr.Markdown("## Prompt Assessment") gr.Markdown("Load your chatbot text or write your own to and analyze it") text_field = gr.Textbox(label="Text to Process", interactive=True, lines=2) # Radio button and dropdown list initial_main_category = next(iter(ai_audit_analysis_categories)) initial_sub_categories = ai_audit_analysis_categories[initial_main_category] main_category_radio = gr.Radio(list(ai_audit_analysis_categories.keys()), label="Main Audit Categories", value=initial_main_category) sub_category_dropdown = gr.Dropdown(choices=initial_sub_categories, label="Sub Categories", value=initial_sub_categories[0]) # Update the dropdown based on the radio selection main_category_radio.change(fn=update_dropdown, inputs= main_category_radio, outputs=sub_category_dropdown) sub_category_dropdown.change(fn=update_analysis_type, inputs=sub_category_dropdown) load_last_message_btn = gr.Button("Load Last Message") load_complete_conv_btn = gr.Button("Load Complete Chat History") process_btn = gr.Button("Process") # analysis_result = gr.Label() analysis_result = gr.Markdown(), inputs=[], outputs=text_field), inputs=[], outputs=text_field), inputs=[text_field, sub_category_dropdown], outputs=analysis_result) demo.launch(share=True)