import streamlit as st import sparknlp import os import pandas as pd from sparknlp.base import * from sparknlp.annotator import * from import Pipeline from sparknlp.pretrained import PretrainedPipeline # Page configuration st.set_page_config( layout="wide", page_title="Spark NLP Demos App", initial_sidebar_state="auto" ) # CSS for styling st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) @st.cache_resource def init_spark(): return sparknlp.start() @st.cache_resource def create_pipeline(model): documentAssembler = DocumentAssembler()\ .setInputCol("text")\ .setOutputCol("document") use = UniversalSentenceEncoder.pretrained("tfhub_use", "en")\ .setInputCols(["document"])\ .setOutputCol("sentence_embeddings") sentimentdl = ClassifierDLModel.pretrained(model)\ .setInputCols(["sentence_embeddings"])\ .setOutputCol("sentiment") nlpPipeline = Pipeline(stages = [documentAssembler, use, sentimentdl]) return nlpPipeline def fit_data(pipeline, data): empty_df = spark.createDataFrame([['']]).toDF('text') pipeline_model = model = LightPipeline(pipeline_model) results = model.fullAnnotate(data)[0] return results['sentiment'][0].result # Set up the page layout st.markdown('
State-of-the-Art Emotion Detecter in Tweets with Spark NLP
', unsafe_allow_html=True) # Sidebar content model = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Choose the pretrained model", ["classifierdl_use_emotion"], help="For more info about the models visit:" ) # Reference notebook link in sidebar link = """ Open In Colab """ st.sidebar.markdown('Reference notebook:') st.sidebar.markdown(link, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Load examples examples = [ "I am SO happy the news came out in time for my birthday this weekend! My inner 7-year-old cannot WAIT!", "That moment when you see your friend in a commercial. Hahahaha!", "My soul has just been pierced by the most evil look from @rickosborneorg. A mini panic attack & chill in bones followed soon after.", "For some reason I woke up thinkin it was Friday then I got to school and realized its really Monday -_-", "I'd probably explode into a jillion pieces from the inablility to contain all of my if I had a Whataburger patty melt right now. #drool", "These are not emotions. They are simply irrational thoughts feeding off of an emotion", "Found out im gonna be with sarah bo barah in ny for one day!!! Eggcitement :)", "That awkward moment when you find a perfume box full of sensors!", "Just home from group celebration - dinner at Trattoria Gianni, then Hershey Felder's performance - AMAZING!!", "Nooooo! My dad turned off the internet so I can't listen to band music!" ] st.subheader("Automatically identify Joy, Surprise, Fear, Sadness in Tweets using out pretrained Spark NLP DL classifier.") selected_text = st.selectbox("Select a sample", examples) custom_input = st.text_input("Try it for yourself!") if custom_input: selected_text = custom_input elif selected_text: selected_text = selected_text st.subheader('Selected Text') st.write(selected_text) # Initialize Spark and create pipeline spark = init_spark() pipeline = create_pipeline(model) output = fit_data(pipeline, selected_text) # Display output sentence if output == 'joy': st.markdown("""

This seems like a {} tweet. 😂

""".format('joyous'), unsafe_allow_html=True) elif output == 'surprise': st.markdown("""

This seems like a {} tweet. 😊

""".format('surprised'), unsafe_allow_html=True) elif output == 'sadness': st.markdown("""

This seems like a {} tweet. 😟

""".format('sad'), unsafe_allow_html=True) elif output == 'fear': st.markdown("""

This seems like a {} tweet. 😱

""".format('fearful'), unsafe_allow_html=True)