import torch import joblib import numpy as np import pandas as pd import gradio as gr from import load as nltk_load from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM print("Loading model & Tokenizer...") model_id = 'gpt2-large' tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id) print("Loading NLTL & and scikit-learn model...") NLTK = nltk_load('data/english.pickle') sent_cut_en = NLTK.tokenize clf = joblib.load(f'data/gpt2-large-model', 'rb') CROSS_ENTROPY = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') def gpt2_features(text, tokenizer, model, sent_cut): # Tokenize input_max_length = tokenizer.model_max_length - 2 token_ids, offsets = list(), list() sentences = sent_cut(text) for s in sentences: tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(s) ids = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokens) difference = len(token_ids) + len(ids) - input_max_length if difference > 0: ids = ids[:-difference] offsets.append((len(token_ids), len(token_ids) + len(ids))) token_ids.extend(ids) if difference >= 0: break input_ids = torch.tensor([tokenizer.bos_token_id] + token_ids) logits = model(input_ids).logits # Shift so that n-1 predict n shift_logits = logits[:-1].contiguous() shift_target = input_ids[1:].contiguous() loss = CROSS_ENTROPY(shift_logits, shift_target) all_probs = torch.softmax(shift_logits, dim=-1) sorted_ids = torch.argsort(all_probs, dim=-1, descending=True) # stable=True expanded_tokens = shift_target.unsqueeze(-1).expand_as(sorted_ids) indices = torch.where(sorted_ids == expanded_tokens) rank = indices[-1] counter = [ rank < 10, (rank >= 10) & (rank < 100), (rank >= 100) & (rank < 1000), rank >= 1000 ] counter = [c.long().sum(-1).item() for c in counter] # compute different-level ppl text_ppl = loss.mean().exp().item() sent_ppl = list() for start, end in offsets: nll = loss[start: end].sum() / (end - start) sent_ppl.append(nll.exp().item()) max_sent_ppl = max(sent_ppl) sent_ppl_avg = sum(sent_ppl) / len(sent_ppl) if len(sent_ppl) > 1: sent_ppl_std = torch.std(torch.tensor(sent_ppl)).item() else: sent_ppl_std = 0 mask = torch.tensor([1] * loss.size(0)) step_ppl = loss.cumsum(dim=-1).div(mask.cumsum(dim=-1)).exp() max_step_ppl = step_ppl.max(dim=-1)[0].item() step_ppl_avg = step_ppl.sum(dim=-1).div(loss.size(0)).item() if step_ppl.size(0) > 1: step_ppl_std = step_ppl.std().item() else: step_ppl_std = 0 ppls = [ text_ppl, max_sent_ppl, sent_ppl_avg, sent_ppl_std, max_step_ppl, step_ppl_avg, step_ppl_std ] return ppls + counter # type: ignore def predict(features, classifier, id_to_label): x = np.asarray([features]) pred = classifier.predict(x)[0] prob = classifier.predict_proba(x)[0, pred] return [id_to_label[pred], prob] def predict(text): with torch.no_grad(): feats = gpt2_features(text, tokenizer, model, sent_cut_en) out = predict(*feats, clf, ['Human Written', 'LLM Generated']) return out print("Building Gradio Interface...") with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown( """ ## ChatGPT Detector 🔬 (Linguistic version / 语言学版) Visit our project on Github: [chatgpt-comparison-detection project](
欢迎在 Github 上关注我们的 [ChatGPT 对比与检测项目](
We provide three kinds of detectors, all in Bilingual / 我们提供了三个版本的检测器,且都支持中英文: - [QA version / 问答版](
detect whether an **answer** is generated by ChatGPT for certain **question**, using PLM-based classifiers / 判断某个**问题的回答**是否由ChatGPT生成,使用基于PTM的分类器来开发; - [Sinlge-text version / 独立文本版](
detect whether a piece of text is ChatGPT generated, using PLM-based classifiers / 判断**单条文本**是否由ChatGPT生成,使用基于PTM的分类器来开发; - [**Linguistic version / 语言学版** (👈 Current / 当前使用)](
detect whether a piece of text is ChatGPT generated, using linguistic features / 判断**单条文本**是否由ChatGPT生成,使用基于语言学特征的模型来开发; """ ) gr.Markdown( """ ## Introduction: Two Logistic regression models trained with two kinds of features: 1. [GLTR]( Test-2, Language model predict token rank top-k buckets, top 10, 10-100, 100-1000, 1000+. 2. PPL-based, text ppl, sentence ppl, etc. English LM is [GPT2-small]( Note: Providing more text to the `Text` box can make the prediction more accurate! """ ) a1 = gr.Textbox( lines=5, label='Text', value="There are a few things that can help protect your credit card information from being misused when you give it to a restaurant or any other business:\n\nEncryption: Many businesses use encryption to protect your credit card information when it is being transmitted or stored. This means that the information is transformed into a code that is difficult for anyone to read without the right key." ) button1 = gr.Button("🤖 Predict!") gr.Markdown("GLTR") label1_gltr = gr.Textbox(lines=1, label='GLTR Predicted Label 🎃') score1_gltr = gr.Textbox(lines=1, label='GLTR Probability'), inputs=[a1], outputs=[label1_gltr, score1_gltr]) demo.launch()