from langchain.chains import LLMChain from langchain_community.llms import OpenAI from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate import streamlit as st mini_template = "You are an expert researcher. You\'ve talked to hundreds of {Target Audience}. \ Each person in the niche of {Target Audience} has certain struggles that make it easier to sell {My Course}. \ These are called Pain Points. There's a recipe for getting to the core of the Pain Points of {Target Audience}. \ Namely, answer each of these Questions 3 times, each getting deeper in the issues of {Target Audience}, \ appealing to their Emotions and uncertainties related to {My Course}. \ The Questions (answer each QUESTION 3 tiems in listicle format according to the instructions):\ 1. What keeps them awake at night?\ 2. What are they afraid of?\ 3. What are they angry about?\ " st.title("Saas Application") prompt = PromptTemplate( input_variables = ["Target Audience", "My Course"], template=mini_template, ) chain = LLMChain(llm=OpenAI(), prompt=prompt) #target_audience = "professionals looking for course on Power BI" #my_course = "Zero to Hero in PowerBI" target_audience = st.text_input("Enter your target audience") my_course = st.text_input("Enter your course name") if st.button("Get resposne"): if target_audience and my_course: with st.spinner("Generating response..."): with st.expander("Show prompt", expanded=False): answer ={"Target Audience": target_audience, "My Course":my_course}) st.write(answer) st.success("Hope you like the resposne.❤") elif target_audience: st.error("Enter your course name.") elif my_course: st.error("Enter your target audience.") else: st.error("No input detected, Please provide the desired information.")