{ "Q1": { "page": "1", "domain": "1", "model_ids": [1, 2, 3, 4], "topics": ["Age", "Gender", "Family History", "Diagnosed Disabilities", "Health Info", "Communication", "Likes", "Dislikes", "Sensory Experiences", "Goals & Aspirations"], "text": "A summary description of the person who is the focus of the plan has been provided.", "name": "Q1" }, "Q2a": { "page": "2", "domain": "2", "model_ids": [23, 31], "topics": ["Person of Focus", "Exclusion Reason"], "text": "The plan indicates that the person who is the focus of this plan was included in the assessment and data gathering processes OR an explanation has been provided as to why they were not included.", "name": "Q2a" }, "Q2b": { "page": "2", "domain": "2", "model_ids": [5, 23, 25], "topics": ["Stakeholder Interview", "File Review", "Observation / Communication", "Speak to Family", "Stakeholder Involvement", "Data Collectors", "Data Collected"], "text": "The plan indicates that the focus person\u2019s family members, support staff, support providers and/or other professionals were included in the assessment and data gathering process.", "name": "Q2b" }, "Q2c": { "page": "2", "domain": "2", "model_ids": [5, 7], "topics": ["Stakeholder Interview", "File Review", "Observation / Communication", "Speak to Family", "Direct"], "text": "The plan indicates that at least one direct data collection approach has been undertaken.", "name": "Q2c" }, "Q2d": { "page": "2", "domain": "2", "model_ids": [6, 7], "topics": ["Psychiatric Assessment", "Medical Assessment", "Speech and Language Assessment", "Indirect"], "text": "The plan indicates that at least one indirect data collection approach has been undertaken.", "name": "Q2d" }, "Q3a": { "page": "3", "domain": "3", "model_ids": [8], "topics": ["Behaviour", "Glossary"], "text": "All listed target behaviours are described in a way that would allow another person to act them out.", "name": "Q3a" }, "Q3b": { "page": "3", "domain": "3", "model_ids": [8], "topics": ["Frequency"], "text": "Information has been provided about how often all the listed target behaviours occur (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly).", "name": "Q3b" }, "Q3c": { "page": "3", "domain": "3", "model_ids": [8], "topics": ["Duration"], "text": "Information has been provided about how long all the listed target behaviours last for (e.g., seconds, minutes, hours, days).", "name": "Q3c" }, "Q3d": { "page": "3", "domain": "3", "model_ids": [8], "topics": ["Severity"], "text": "Information has been provided about the severity of all the listed target behaviours (e.g., damage, disruption, injury, etc.).", "name": "Q3d" }, "Q3e": { "page": "3", "domain": "3", "model_ids": [17], "topics": ["Physical Signs", "Verbal Signs"], "text": "All listed early warning signs are described in a way that is observable to others.", "name": "Q3e" }, "Q4a": { "page": "3", "domain": "4", "model_ids": [9], "topics": ["Triggers"], "text": "The plan describes what is happening immediately before the target behaviour(s) are displayed, i.e., all identified triggers/antecedents are observable to others.", "name": "Q4a" }, "Q4b": { "page": "3", "domain": "4", "model_ids": [9], "topics": ["Consequences"], "text": "The plan describes what happens immediately after the target behaviour(s) are displayed, i.e., all maintaining consequences are observable to others.", "name": "Q4b" }, "Q5b": { "page": "3", "domain": "5", "model_ids": [12], "topics": ["Background", "Contrubuting", "Sustaining", "Strength"], "text": "The plan contains a formulation.", "name": "Q5b" }, "Q6b": { "page": "4", "domain": "6", "model_ids": [15, 16], "topics": ["Specific", "Measurable", "Achievable", "Relevant", "Timely", "Physical / Mental", "Relationships", "Personal Fulfillment", "Financial Stability", "Purpose / Impact"], "text": "The plan contains at least one goal/objective that is related to the focus person\u2019s quality of life.", "name": "Q6b" }, "Q6c": { "page": "4", "domain": "6", "model_ids": [15, 16], "topics": ["Specific", "Measurable", "Achievable", "Relevant", "Timely", "Physical / Mental", "Relationships", "Personal Fulfillment", "Financial Stability", "Purpose / Impact"], "text": "All goals are specific about who the goal/objective is for, what is to be achieved, when it will be achieved by.", "name": "Q6c" }, "Q7i": { "page": "4", "domain": "7", "model_ids": [28], "topics": ["Likes / Dislikes", "Interests", "Hobbies", "Relationships", "Employment", "Health", "Education"], "text": "The plan specifies strategies that aim to enhance the focus person\u2019s quality of life and are not specifically related to the focus person\u2019s target behaviour(s).", "name": "Q7i" }, "Q7ii": { "page": "4", "domain": "7", "model_ids": [14, 19], "topics": ["Safety Strategy", "Setting Event Strategy", "Trigger Strategy", "Other Strategy"], "text": "The plan specifies environmental strategies that address the identified setting events and/or triggers/antecedents.", "name": "Q7ii" }, "Q7iii": { "page": "4", "domain": "7", "model_ids": [13, 19], "topics": ["Replacement Behaviour", "Other Strategy"], "text": "The plan specifies other strategies that will impact upon the focus person\u2019s target behaviour(s).", "name": "Q7iii" }, "Q7iv": { "page": "4", "domain": "7", "model_ids": [27, 30], "topics": ["Restrictive Intervention", "Physical Restraint", "Punitive Approaches"], "text": "None of the proposed strategies reflect a restrictive practice (e.g., seclusion, restraint).", "name": "Q7iv" }, "Q7a": { "page": "4", "domain": "7", "model_ids": [19, 14, 21, 29], "topics": ["Safety Strategy", "Setting Event Strategy", "Trigger Strategy", "Other Strategy", "Privileges", "Breaks", "Verbal Praise", "Social Interaction", "Physical Rewards", "Attention", "When to Implement"], "text": "All strategies are described in enough detail for someone to understand what needs to be done and when it needs to be implemented.", "name": "Q7a" }, "Q7b": { "page": "4", "domain": "7", "model_ids": [13, 20, 21, 32], "topics": ["Replacement Behaviour", "What", "How", "Who", "When", "Where", "Materials", "Privileges", "Breaks", "Verbal Praise", "Social Interaction", "Physical Rewards", "Attention", "Unneeded Teaching Reason"], "text": "Does the plan propose to teach the person of focus alternative behaviours, functionally equivalent replacement behaviours and/or new skills?", "name": "Q7b" }, "Q8a": { "page": "4", "domain": "8", "model_ids": [38], "topics": ["Early Warning"], "text": "A set of early warning signs for the target behaviour(s) are identified for the purposes of de-escalation.", "name": "Q8a" }, "Q8b": { "page": "4", "domain": "8", "model_ids": [38], "topics": ["Early Warning"], "text": "At least one strategy relates to providing support to the person of focus when they start exhibiting the identified early warning signs.", "name": "Q8b" }, "Q8c": { "page": "4", "domain": "8", "model_ids": [13], "topics": ["Replacement Behaviour"], "text": "At least one strategy relates to the person of focus being prompted to use an alternative response (e.g., a functionally equivalent behaviour, an alternative behaviour, moving onto another activity) when the target behaviour occurs.", "name": "Q8c" }, "Q8d": { "page": "4", "domain": "8", "model_ids": [14], "topics": ["Safety Strategy"], "text": "At least one strategy relates to ensuring the safety of the person of focus and/or the people around them when the target behaviour(s) occur.", "name": "Q8d" }, "Q8e": { "page": "4", "domain": "8", "model_ids": [18], "topics": ["Debriefing Strategy"], "text": "At least one strategy relates to debriefing with the person of focus and/or other relevant stakeholders at a designated time after the target behaviour(s) has subsided.", "name": "Q8e" }, "Q8f": { "page": "4", "domain": "8", "model_ids": [27, 30], "topics": ["Restrictive Intervention", "Physical Restraint", "Punitive Approaches"], "text": "Restrictive interventions (e.g., seclusion, restraint) are not mentioned as a de-escalation strategy OR restrictive interventions are only discussed as a last resort strategy once all other de-escalation strategies have been implemented.", "name": "Q8f" }, "Q9a": { "page": "5", "domain": "9", "model_ids": [5, 23, 25], "topics": ["Stakeholder Interview", "Stakeholder Involvement", "Outcome Measurement Strategies"], "text": "The plan describes at least one method of assessing the social validity of the proposed strategies (e.g., interview, rating scale).", "name": "Q9a" }, "Q9b": { "page": "5", "domain": "9", "model_ids": [23, 31], "topics": ["Person of Focus", "Exclusion Reason"], "text": "The plan indicates that the focus person was consulted regarding the social validity of the proposed strategies OR an explanation has been provided around why they were not consulted.", "name": "Q9b" }, "Q9c": { "page": "5", "domain": "9", "model_ids": [5, 23], "topics": ["Stakeholder Interview", "Stakeholder Involvement", "Speak to Family"], "text": "The plan indicates that the focus person\u2019s family members, support staff, support providers and/or other professionals were consulted regarding the social validity of the proposed strategies.", "name": "Q9c" }, "Q10a": { "page": "5", "domain": "10", "model_ids": [24], "topics": ["Implementors & Roles"], "text": "At least one plan implementor and their role (e.g., parent, support staff) is identified in the plan.", "name": "Q10a" }, "Q10b": { "page": "5", "domain": "10", "model_ids": [24], "topics": ["Training Strategies"], "text": "At least one strategy to train relevant plan implementors is proposed and indicates who will deliver the training.", "name": "Q10b" }, "Q10c": { "page": "5", "domain": "10", "model_ids": [24], "topics": ["Implementation Support"], "text": "At least one strategy to support implementation in relevant settings (e.g., mentoring) is proposed and indicates who will deliver the strategy.", "name": "Q10c" }, "Q10d": { "page": "5", "domain": "10", "model_ids": [24], "topics": ["Communication Strategies"], "text": "At least one strategy is proposed regarding how plan implementors will communicate with one another, relevant information about the plan and/or its implementation.", "name": "Q10d" }, "Q11a": { "page": "5", "domain": "11", "model_ids": [25], "topics": ["Outcome Measurement Strategies", "Data Collectors", "Data Collected"], "text": "At least one outcome measurement strategy is proposed and indicates who will collect the data and what data will be collected.", "name": "Q11a" }, "Q11b": { "page": "5", "domain": "11", "model_ids": [26], "topics": ["Data Reviewer", "Reported To"], "text": "The plan indicates who will review the data collected and who they will report the collated data to.", "name": "Q11b" }, "Q11c": { "page": "5", "domain": "11", "model_ids": [26], "topics": ["Review Meeting", "Review Timeframe"], "text": "The plan provides a specific date or timeframe indicating when the plan will be reviewed.", "name": "Q11c" } }