from fastapi import Body from sse_starlette.sse import EventSourceResponse from configs import LLM_MODELS, TEMPERATURE from server.utils import wrap_done, get_OpenAI from langchain.chains import LLMChain from langchain.callbacks import AsyncIteratorCallbackHandler from typing import AsyncIterable, Optional import asyncio from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from server.utils import get_prompt_template async def completion(query: str = Body(..., description="用户输入", examples=["恼羞成怒"]), stream: bool = Body(False, description="流式输出"), echo: bool = Body(False, description="除了输出之外,还回显输入"), model_name: str = Body(LLM_MODELS[0], description="LLM 模型名称。"), temperature: float = Body(TEMPERATURE, description="LLM 采样温度", ge=0.0, le=1.0), max_tokens: Optional[int] = Body(1024, description="限制LLM生成Token数量,默认None代表模型最大值"), # top_p: float = Body(TOP_P, description="LLM 核采样。勿与temperature同时设置", gt=0.0, lt=1.0), prompt_name: str = Body("default", description="使用的prompt模板名称(在configs/prompt_config.py中配置)"), ): #todo 因ApiModelWorker 默认是按chat处理的,会对params["prompt"] 解析为messages,因此ApiModelWorker 使用时需要有相应处理 async def completion_iterator(query: str, model_name: str = LLM_MODELS[0], prompt_name: str = prompt_name, echo: bool = echo, ) -> AsyncIterable[str]: nonlocal max_tokens callback = AsyncIteratorCallbackHandler() if isinstance(max_tokens, int) and max_tokens <= 0: max_tokens = None model = get_OpenAI( model_name=model_name, temperature=temperature, max_tokens=max_tokens, callbacks=[callback], echo=echo ) prompt_template = get_prompt_template("completion", prompt_name) prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(prompt_template) chain = LLMChain(prompt=prompt, llm=model) # Begin a task that runs in the background. task = asyncio.create_task(wrap_done( chain.acall({"input": query}), callback.done), ) if stream: async for token in callback.aiter(): # Use server-sent-events to stream the response yield token else: answer = "" async for token in callback.aiter(): answer += token yield answer await task return EventSourceResponse(completion_iterator(query=query, model_name=model_name, prompt_name=prompt_name), )