from utils.prompts import generate_paper_prompts, generate_keywords_prompts, generate_experiments_prompts, generate_bg_summary_prompts from utils.gpt_interaction import get_responses, extract_responses, extract_keywords, extract_json from utils.figures import generate_random_figures import time import os from utils.prompts import KEYWORDS_SYSTEM, SECTION_GENERATION_SYSTEM from utils.gpt_interaction import get_gpt_responses import json # three GPT-based content generator: # 1. section_generation: used to generate main content of the paper # 2. keywords_generation: used to generate a json output {key1: output1, key2: output2} for multiple purpose. # 3. figure_generation: used to generate sample figures. # all generator should return the token usage. MAX_ATTEMPTS = 6 def section_generation_bg(paper, section, save_to_path, model): """ The main pipeline of generating a section. 1. Generate prompts. 2. Get responses from AI assistant. 3. Extract the section text. 4. Save the text to .tex file. :return usage """ print(f"Generating {section}...") prompts = generate_bg_summary_prompts(paper, section) gpt_response, usage = get_responses(prompts, model) output = gpt_response # extract_responses(gpt_response) paper["body"][section] = output tex_file = os.path.join(save_to_path, f"{section}.tex") # tex_file = save_to_path + f"/{section}.tex" if section == "abstract": with open(tex_file, "w") as f: f.write(r"\begin{abstract}") with open(tex_file, "a") as f: f.write(output) with open(tex_file, "a") as f: f.write(r"\end{abstract}") else: with open(tex_file, "w") as f: f.write(f"\section{{{section.upper()}}}\n") with open(tex_file, "a") as f: f.write(output) time.sleep(5) print(f"{section} has been generated. Saved to {tex_file}.") return usage def section_generation(paper, section, save_to_path, model, research_field="machine learning"): """ The main pipeline of generating a section. 1. Generate prompts. 2. Get responses from AI assistant. 3. Extract the section text. 4. Save the text to .tex file. :return usage """ prompts = generate_paper_prompts(paper, section) output, usage= get_gpt_responses(SECTION_GENERATION_SYSTEM.format(research_field=research_field), prompts, model=model, temperature=0.4) paper["body"][section] = output tex_file = os.path.join(save_to_path, f"{section}.tex") with open(tex_file, "w") as f: f.write(output) time.sleep(5) return usage def keywords_generation(input_dict, default_keywords=None): ''' Input: input_dict: a dictionary containing the title of a paper. default_keywords: if anything went wrong, return this keywords. Output: a dictionary including all keywords and their importance score. Input example: {"title": "The title of a Machine Learning Paper"} Output Example: {"machine learning": 5, "reinforcement learning": 2} ''' title = input_dict.get("title") attempts_count = 0 while (attempts_count < MAX_ATTEMPTS) and (title is not None): try: keywords, usage= get_gpt_responses(KEYWORDS_SYSTEM.format(min_refs_num=1, max_refs_num=10), title, model="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0.4) print(keywords) output = json.loads(keywords) return output.keys(), usage except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: attempts_count += 1 time.sleep(10) # Default references print("Error: Keywords generation has failed. Return the default keywords.") if default_keywords is None or isinstance(default_keywords, dict): return {"machine learning": 10} else: return default_keywords def figures_generation(paper, save_to_path, model): # todo: this function is not complete. prompts = generate_experiments_prompts(paper) gpt_response, usage = get_responses(prompts, model) list_of_methods = list(extract_json(gpt_response)) generate_random_figures(list_of_methods, os.path.join(save_to_path, "comparison.png")) return usage