import os class Config(): def __init__(self) -> None: # Backbone = ['vgg16', 'vgg16bn', 'resnet50'][1] # BN self.use_bn = 'bn' in or 'resnet' in # Augmentation self.preproc_methods = ['flip', 'enhance', 'rotate', 'crop', 'pepper'][:3] # Mask losses = ['sal', 'cls', 'contrast', 'cls_mask'] self.loss = losses[:] self.cls_mask_operation = ['x', '+', 'c'][0] # Loss + Triplet Loss self.lambdas_sal_last = { # not 0 means opening this loss # original rate -- 1 : 30 : 1.5 : 0.2, bce x 30 'bce': 30 * 1, # high performance 'iou': 0.5 * 1, # 0 / 255 'ssim': 1 * 0, # help contours 'mse': 150 * 0, # can smooth the saliency map 'reg': 100 * 0, 'triplet': 3 * 1 * ('cls' in self.loss), } # DB self.db_output_decoder = True self.db_k = 300 self.db_k_alpha = 1 self.split_mask = True and 'cls_mask' in self.loss self.db_mask = False and self.split_mask # Triplet Loss self.triplet = ['_x5', 'mask'][:1] self.triplet_loss_margin = 0.1 # Adv self.lambda_adv = 0. # turn to 0 to avoid adv training # Refiner self.refine = [0, 1, 4][0] # 0 -- no refinement, 1 -- only output mask for refinement, 4 -- but also raw input. if self.refine: self.batch_size = 16 else: if != 'vgg16': self.batch_size = 26 else: self.batch_size = 48 self.db_output_refiner = False and self.refine # Intermediate Layers self.lambdas_sal_others = { 'bce': 0, 'iou': 0., 'ssim': 0, 'mse': 0, 'reg': 0, 'triplet': 0, } self.output_number = 1 self.loss_sal_layers = 4 # used to be last 4 layers self.loss_cls_mask_last_layers = 1 # used to be last 4 layers if 'keep in range': self.loss_sal_layers = min(self.output_number, self.loss_sal_layers) self.loss_cls_mask_last_layers = min(self.output_number, self.loss_cls_mask_last_layers) self.output_number = min(self.output_number, max(self.loss_sal_layers, self.loss_cls_mask_last_layers)) if self.output_number == 1: for cri in self.lambdas_sal_others: self.lambdas_sal_others[cri] = 0 self.conv_after_itp = False self.complex_lateral_connection = False # to control the quantitive level of each single loss by number of output branches. self.loss_cls_mask_ratio_by_last_layers = 4 / self.loss_cls_mask_last_layers for loss_sal in self.lambdas_sal_last.keys(): loss_sal_ratio_by_last_layers = 4 / (int(bool(self.lambdas_sal_others[loss_sal])) * (self.loss_sal_layers - 1) + 1) self.lambdas_sal_last[loss_sal] *= loss_sal_ratio_by_last_layers self.lambdas_sal_others[loss_sal] *= loss_sal_ratio_by_last_layers self.lambda_cls_mask = 2.5 * self.loss_cls_mask_ratio_by_last_layers self.lambda_cls = 3. self.lambda_contrast = 250. # Performance of GCoNet self.val_measures = { 'Emax': {'CoCA': 0.760, 'CoSOD3k': 0.860, 'CoSal2015': 0.887}, 'Smeasure': {'CoCA': 0.673, 'CoSOD3k': 0.802, 'CoSal2015': 0.845}, 'Fmax': {'CoCA': 0.544, 'CoSOD3k': 0.777, 'CoSal2015': 0.847}, } # others self.GAM = True if not self.GAM and 'contrast' in self.loss: self.loss.remove('contrast') = 1e-4 * (self.batch_size / 16) self.relation_module = ['GAM', 'ICE', 'NonLocal', 'MHA'][0] self.self_supervision = False self.label_smoothing = False self.freeze = True self.validation = False self.decay_step_size = 3000 self.rand_seed = 7 run_sh_file = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if 'gco' in f and '.sh' in f] + [os.path.join('..', f) for f in os.listdir('..') if 'gco' in f and '.sh' in f] # with open(run_sh_file[0], 'r') as f: # self.val_last = int([l.strip() for l in f.readlines() if 'val_last=' in l][0].split('=')[-1])