import os import cv2 from tqdm import tqdm from PIL import Image from torch.utils import data from torchvision import transforms from preproc import preproc from config import Config Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = None # remove DecompressionBombWarning config = Config() _class_labels_TR_sorted = 'Airplane, Ant, Antenna, Archery, Axe, BabyCarriage, Bag, BalanceBeam, Balcony, Balloon, Basket, BasketballHoop, Beatle, Bed, Bee, Bench, Bicycle, BicycleFrame, BicycleStand, Boat, Bonsai, BoomLift, Bridge, BunkBed, Butterfly, Button, Cable, CableLift, Cage, Camcorder, Cannon, Canoe, Car, CarParkDropArm, Carriage, Cart, Caterpillar, CeilingLamp, Centipede, Chair, Clip, Clock, Clothes, CoatHanger, Comb, ConcretePumpTruck, Crack, Crane, Cup, DentalChair, Desk, DeskChair, Diagram, DishRack, DoorHandle, Dragonfish, Dragonfly, Drum, Earphone, Easel, ElectricIron, Excavator, Eyeglasses, Fan, Fence, Fencing, FerrisWheel, FireExtinguisher, Fishing, Flag, FloorLamp, Forklift, GasStation, Gate, Gear, Goal, Golf, GymEquipment, Hammock, Handcart, Handcraft, Handrail, HangGlider, Harp, Harvester, Headset, Helicopter, Helmet, Hook, HorizontalBar, Hydrovalve, IroningTable, Jewelry, Key, KidsPlayground, Kitchenware, Kite, Knife, Ladder, LaundryRack, Lightning, Lobster, Locust, Machine, MachineGun, MagazineRack, Mantis, Medal, MemorialArchway, Microphone, Missile, MobileHolder, Monitor, Mosquito, Motorcycle, MovingTrolley, Mower, MusicPlayer, MusicStand, ObservationTower, Octopus, OilWell, OlympicLogo, OperatingTable, OutdoorFitnessEquipment, Parachute, Pavilion, Piano, Pipe, PlowHarrow, PoleVault, Punchbag, Rack, Racket, Rifle, Ring, Robot, RockClimbing, Rope, Sailboat, Satellite, Scaffold, Scale, Scissor, Scooter, Sculpture, Seadragon, Seahorse, Seal, SewingMachine, Ship, Shoe, ShoppingCart, ShoppingTrolley, Shower, Shrimp, Signboard, Skateboarding, Skeleton, Skiing, Spade, SpeedBoat, Spider, Spoon, Stair, Stand, Stationary, SteeringWheel, Stethoscope, Stool, Stove, StreetLamp, SweetStand, Swing, Sword, TV, Table, TableChair, TableLamp, TableTennis, Tank, Tapeline, Teapot, Telescope, Tent, TobaccoPipe, Toy, Tractor, TrafficLight, TrafficSign, Trampoline, TransmissionTower, Tree, Tricycle, TrimmerCover, Tripod, Trombone, Truck, Trumpet, Tuba, UAV, Umbrella, UnevenBars, UtilityPole, VacuumCleaner, Violin, Wakesurfing, Watch, WaterTower, WateringPot, Well, WellLid, Wheel, Wheelchair, WindTurbine, Windmill, WineGlass, WireWhisk, Yacht' class_labels_TR_sorted = _class_labels_TR_sorted.split(', ') class MyData(data.Dataset): def __init__(self, data_root, image_size, is_train=True): self.size_train = image_size self.size_test = image_size self.keep_size = not config.size self.data_size = (config.size, config.size) self.is_train = is_train self.load_all = config.load_all self.device = config.device self.dataset = data_root.replace('\\', '/').split('/')[-1] if self.is_train and config.auxiliary_classification: self.cls_name2id = {_name: _id for _id, _name in enumerate(class_labels_TR_sorted)} self.transform_image = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(self.data_size), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]), ][self.load_all or self.keep_size:]) self.transform_label = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(self.data_size), transforms.ToTensor(), ][self.load_all or self.keep_size:]) ## 'im' and 'gt' need modifying image_root = os.path.join(data_root, 'im') self.image_paths = [os.path.join(image_root, p) for p in os.listdir(image_root)] self.label_paths = [p.replace('/im/', '/gt/').replace('.jpg', '.png') for p in self.image_paths] if self.load_all: self.images_loaded, self.labels_loaded = [], [] self.class_labels_loaded = [] # for image_path, label_path in zip(self.image_paths, self.label_paths): for image_path, label_path in tqdm(zip(self.image_paths, self.label_paths), total=len(self.image_paths)): _image = cv2.imread(image_path) _label = cv2.imread(label_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) if not self.keep_size: _image_rs = cv2.resize(_image, (config.size, config.size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) _label_rs = cv2.resize(_label, (config.size, config.size), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) self.images_loaded.append( Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(_image_rs, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)).convert('RGB') ) self.labels_loaded.append( Image.fromarray(_label_rs).convert('L') ) self.class_labels_loaded.append( self.cls_name2id[label_path.split('/')[-1].split('#')[3]] if self.is_train and config.auxiliary_classification else -1 ) def __getitem__(self, index): if self.load_all: image = self.images_loaded[index] label = self.labels_loaded[index] class_label = self.class_labels_loaded[index] if self.is_train and config.auxiliary_classification else -1 else: image =[index]).convert('RGB') label =[index]).convert('L') class_label = self.cls_name2id[self.label_paths[index].split('/')[-1].split('#')[3]] if self.is_train and config.auxiliary_classification else -1 # loading image and label if self.is_train: image, label = preproc(image, label, preproc_methods=config.preproc_methods) # else: # if _label.shape[0] > 2048 or _label.shape[1] > 2048: # _image = cv2.resize(_image, (2048, 2048), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # _label = cv2.resize(_label, (2048, 2048), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) image, label = self.transform_image(image), self.transform_label(label) if self.is_train: return image, label, class_label else: return image, label, self.label_paths[index] def __len__(self): return len(self.image_paths)