# Gradio YOLOv5 Det v0.4 # author: Zeng Yifu(曾逸夫) # creation time: 2022-05-28 # email: zyfiy1314@163.com # project homepage: https://gitee.com/CV_Lab/gradio_yolov5_det import argparse import csv import gc import json import os import sys from collections import Counter from pathlib import Path import cv2 import gradio as gr import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch import yaml from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from util.fonts_opt import is_fonts from util.pdf_opt import pdf_generate ROOT_PATH = sys.path[0] # root directory # model path model_path = "ultralytics/yolov5" # Gradio YOLOv5 Det version GYD_VERSION = "Gradio YOLOv5 Det v0.4" # model name temporary variable model_name_tmp = "" # Device temporary variables device_tmp = "" # File extension suffix_list = [".csv", ".yaml"] # font size FONTSIZE = 25 # object style obj_style = ["Small Object", "Medium Object", "Large Object"] def parse_args(known=False): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Gradio YOLOv5 Det v0.4") parser.add_argument("--source", "-src", default="upload", type=str, help="input source") parser.add_argument("--source_video", "-src_v", default="webcam", type=str, help="video input source") parser.add_argument("--img_tool", "-it", default="editor", type=str, help="input image tool") parser.add_argument("--model_name", "-mn", default="yolov5s", type=str, help="model name") parser.add_argument( "--model_cfg", "-mc", default="./model_config/model_name_p5_p6_all.yaml", type=str, help="model config", ) parser.add_argument( "--cls_name", "-cls", default="./cls_name/cls_name_en.yaml", type=str, help="cls name", ) parser.add_argument( "--nms_conf", "-conf", default=0.5, type=float, help="model NMS confidence threshold", ) parser.add_argument("--nms_iou", "-iou", default=0.45, type=float, help="model NMS IoU threshold") parser.add_argument( "--device", "-dev", default="cpu", type=str, help="cuda or cpu", ) parser.add_argument("--inference_size", "-isz", default=640, type=int, help="model inference size") parser.add_argument("--max_detnum", "-mdn", default=50, type=float, help="model max det num") parser.add_argument("--slider_step", "-ss", default=0.05, type=float, help="slider step") parser.add_argument( "--is_login", "-isl", action="store_true", default=False, help="is login", ) parser.add_argument('--usr_pwd', "-up", nargs='+', type=str, default=["admin", "admin"], help="user & password for login") parser.add_argument( "--is_share", "-is", action="store_true", default=False, help="is login", ) args = parser.parse_known_args()[0] if known else parser.parse_args() return args # yaml file parsing def yaml_parse(file_path): return yaml.safe_load(open(file_path, encoding="utf-8").read()) # yaml csv file parsing def yaml_csv(file_path, file_tag): file_suffix = Path(file_path).suffix if file_suffix == suffix_list[0]: # model name file_names = [i[0] for i in list(csv.reader(open(file_path)))] # csv version elif file_suffix == suffix_list[1]: # model name file_names = yaml_parse(file_path).get(file_tag) # yaml version else: print(f"{file_path} is not in the correct format! Program exits!") sys.exit() return file_names # model loading def model_loading(model_name, device): # load model model = torch.hub.load(model_path, model_name, force_reload=True, device=device, _verbose=False) return model # check information def export_json(results, img_size): return [[{ "ID": i, "CLASS": int(result[i][5]), "CLASS_NAME": model_cls_name_cp[int(result[i][5])], "BOUNDING_BOX": { "XMIN": round(result[i][:4].tolist()[0], 6), "YMIN": round(result[i][:4].tolist()[1], 6), "XMAX": round(result[i][:4].tolist()[2], 6), "YMAX": round(result[i][:4].tolist()[3], 6),}, "CONF": round(float(result[i][4]), 2), "FPS": round(1000 / float(results.t[1]), 2), "IMG_WIDTH": img_size[0], "IMG_HEIGHT": img_size[1],} for i in range(len(result))] for result in results.xyxyn] # frame conversion def pil_draw(img, countdown_msg, textFont, xyxy, font_size, opt, obj_cls_index, color_list): img_pil = ImageDraw.Draw(img) img_pil.rectangle(xyxy, fill=None, outline=color_list[obj_cls_index]) # bounding box if "label" in opt: text_w, text_h = textFont.getsize(countdown_msg) # Label size img_pil.rectangle( (xyxy[0], xyxy[1], xyxy[0] + text_w, xyxy[1] + text_h), fill=color_list[obj_cls_index], outline=color_list[obj_cls_index], ) # label background img_pil.multiline_text( (xyxy[0], xyxy[1]), countdown_msg, fill=(255, 255, 255), font=textFont, align="center", ) return img def color_set(cls_num): color_list = [] for i in range(cls_num): color = tuple(np.random.choice(range(256), size=3)) # color = ["#"+''.join([random.choice('0123456789ABCDEF') for j in range(6)])] color_list.append(color) return color_list # YOLOv5 image detection function def yolo_det_img(img, device, model_name, infer_size, conf, iou, max_num, model_cls, opt): global model, model_name_tmp, device_tmp # object size num s_obj, m_obj, l_obj = 0, 0, 0 # object area list area_obj_all = [] # cls num stat cls_det_stat = [] if model_name_tmp != model_name: # Model judgment to avoid repeated loading model_name_tmp = model_name model = model_loading(model_name_tmp, device) elif device_tmp != device: device_tmp = device model = model_loading(model_name_tmp, device) # -------------Model tuning ------------- model.conf = conf # NMS confidence threshold model.iou = iou # NMS IoU threshold model.max_det = int(max_num) # Maximum number of detection frames model.classes = model_cls # model classes color_list = color_set(len(model_cls_name_cp)) # 设置颜色 img_size = img.size # frame size results = model(img, size=infer_size) # detection # ----------------目标裁剪---------------- crops = results.crop(save=False) img_crops = [] for i in range(len(crops)): img_crops.append(crops[i]["im"][..., ::-1]) # Data Frame dataframe = results.pandas().xyxy[0].round(2) # ----------------Load fonts---------------- yaml_index = cls_name.index(".yaml") cls_name_lang = cls_name[yaml_index - 2:yaml_index] if cls_name_lang == "zh": # Chinese textFont = ImageFont.truetype(str(f"{ROOT_PATH}/fonts/SimSun.ttf"), size=FONTSIZE) elif cls_name_lang in ["en", "ru", "es", "ar"]: # English, Russian, Spanish, Arabic textFont = ImageFont.truetype(str(f"{ROOT_PATH}/fonts/TimesNewRoman.ttf"), size=FONTSIZE) elif cls_name_lang == "ko": # Korean textFont = ImageFont.truetype(str(f"{ROOT_PATH}/fonts/malgun.ttf"), size=FONTSIZE) for result in results.xyxyn: for i in range(len(result)): id = int(i) # instance ID obj_cls_index = int(result[i][5]) # category index obj_cls = model_cls_name_cp[obj_cls_index] # category cls_det_stat.append(obj_cls) # ------------ border coordinates ------------ x0 = float(result[i][:4].tolist()[0]) y0 = float(result[i][:4].tolist()[1]) x1 = float(result[i][:4].tolist()[2]) y1 = float(result[i][:4].tolist()[3]) # ------------ Actual coordinates of the border ------------ x0 = int(img_size[0] * x0) y0 = int(img_size[1] * y0) x1 = int(img_size[0] * x1) y1 = int(img_size[1] * y1) conf = float(result[i][4]) # confidence # fps = f"{(1000 / float(results.t[1])):.2f}" # FPS det_img = pil_draw( img, f"{id}-{obj_cls}:{conf:.2f}", textFont, [x0, y0, x1, y1], FONTSIZE, opt, obj_cls_index, color_list, ) # ----------add object size---------- w_obj = x1 - x0 h_obj = y1 - y0 area_obj = w_obj * h_obj area_obj_all.append(area_obj) # ------------JSON generate------------ det_json = export_json(results, img.size)[0] # Detection information det_json_format = json.dumps(det_json, sort_keys=False, indent=4, separators=(",", ":"), ensure_ascii=False) # JSON formatting if "json" not in opt: det_json = None # -------PDF generate------- report = "./Det_Report.pdf" if "pdf" in opt: pdf_generate(f"{det_json_format}", report, GYD_VERSION) else: report = None # --------------object size compute-------------- for i in range(len(area_obj_all)): if (0 < area_obj_all[i] <= 32 ** 2): s_obj = s_obj + 1 elif (32 ** 2 < area_obj_all[i] <= 96 ** 2): m_obj = m_obj + 1 elif (area_obj_all[i] > 96 ** 2): l_obj = l_obj + 1 sml_obj_total = s_obj + m_obj + l_obj objSize_dict = {obj_style[i]: [s_obj, m_obj, l_obj][i] / sml_obj_total for i in range(3)} # ------------cls stat------------ clsRatio_dict = {} clsDet_dict = Counter(cls_det_stat) clsDet_dict_sum = sum(clsDet_dict.values()) for k, v in clsDet_dict.items(): clsRatio_dict[k] = v / clsDet_dict_sum return det_img, objSize_dict, clsRatio_dict, det_json, report, dataframe, img_crops # YOLOv5 video detection function def yolo_det_video(video, device, model_name, infer_size, conf, iou, max_num, model_cls, opt): global model, model_name_tmp, device_tmp os.system(""" if [ -e './output.mp4' ]; then rm ./output.mp4 fi """) if model_name_tmp != model_name: # Model judgment to avoid repeated loading model_name_tmp = model_name model = model_loading(model_name_tmp, device) elif device_tmp != device: device_tmp = device model = model_loading(model_name_tmp, device) # -------------Model tuning ------------- model.conf = conf # NMS confidence threshold model.iou = iou # NMS IOU threshold model.max_det = int(max_num) # Maximum number of detection frames model.classes = model_cls # model classes color_list = color_set(len(model_cls_name_cp)) # 设置颜色 # ----------------Load fonts---------------- yaml_index = cls_name.index(".yaml") cls_name_lang = cls_name[yaml_index - 2:yaml_index] if cls_name_lang == "zh": # Chinese textFont = ImageFont.truetype(str(f"{ROOT_PATH}/fonts/SimSun.ttf"), size=FONTSIZE) elif cls_name_lang in ["en", "ru", "es", "ar"]: # English, Russian, Spanish, Arabic textFont = ImageFont.truetype(str(f"{ROOT_PATH}/fonts/TimesNewRoman.ttf"), size=FONTSIZE) elif cls_name_lang == "ko": # Korean textFont = ImageFont.truetype(str(f"{ROOT_PATH}/fonts/malgun.ttf"), size=FONTSIZE) # video->frame gc.collect() output_video_path = "./output.avi" cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"I420") # encoder out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_video_path, fourcc, 30.0, (int(cap.get(3)), int(cap.get(4)))) while cap.isOpened(): ret, frame = cap.read() # Determine empty frame if not ret: break frame2 = frame.copy() results = model(frame2, size=infer_size) # detection h, w, _ = frame.shape # frame size img_size = (w, h) # frame size for result in results.xyxyn: for i in range(len(result)): id = int(i) # instance ID obj_cls_index = int(result[i][5]) # category index obj_cls = model_cls_name_cp[obj_cls_index] # category # ------------ border coordinates ------------ x0 = float(result[i][:4].tolist()[0]) y0 = float(result[i][:4].tolist()[1]) x1 = float(result[i][:4].tolist()[2]) y1 = float(result[i][:4].tolist()[3]) # ------------ Actual coordinates of the border ------------ x0 = int(img_size[0] * x0) y0 = int(img_size[1] * y0) x1 = int(img_size[0] * x1) y1 = int(img_size[1] * y1) conf = float(result[i][4]) # confidence # fps = f"{(1000 / float(results.t[1])):.2f}" # FPS frame = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) frame = pil_draw( frame, f"{id}-{obj_cls}:{conf:.2f}", textFont, [x0, y0, x1, y1], FONTSIZE, opt, obj_cls_index, color_list, ) frame = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(frame), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # frame->video out.write(frame) out.release() cap.release() # cv2.destroyAllWindows() return output_video_path def main(args): gr.close_all() global model, model_cls_name_cp, cls_name source = args.source source_video = args.source_video img_tool = args.img_tool nms_conf = args.nms_conf nms_iou = args.nms_iou model_name = args.model_name model_cfg = args.model_cfg cls_name = args.cls_name device = args.device inference_size = args.inference_size max_detnum = args.max_detnum slider_step = args.slider_step is_login = args.is_login usr_pwd = args.usr_pwd is_share = args.is_share is_fonts(f"{ROOT_PATH}/fonts") # Check font files # model loading model = model_loading(model_name, device) model_names = yaml_csv(model_cfg, "model_names") # model names model_cls_name = yaml_csv(cls_name, "model_cls_name") # class name model_cls_name_cp = model_cls_name.copy() # class name # ------------------- Input Components ------------------- inputs_img = gr.Image(image_mode="RGB", source=source, tool=img_tool, type="pil", label="original image") inputs_device01 = gr.Radio(choices=["cuda:0", "cpu"], value=device, label="device") inputs_model01 = gr.Dropdown(choices=model_names, value=model_name, type="value", label="model") inputs_size01 = gr.Radio(choices=[320, 640, 1280], value=inference_size, label="inference size") input_conf01 = gr.Slider(0, 1, step=slider_step, value=nms_conf, label="confidence threshold") inputs_iou01 = gr.Slider(0, 1, step=slider_step, value=nms_iou, label="IoU threshold") inputs_maxnum01 = gr.Number(value=max_detnum, label="Maximum number of detections") inputs_clsName01 = gr.CheckboxGroup(choices=model_cls_name, value=model_cls_name, type="index", label="category") inputs_opt01 = gr.CheckboxGroup(choices=["label", "pdf", "json"], value=["label", "pdf"], type="value", label="operate") # ------------------- Input Components ------------------- inputs_video = gr.Video(format="mp4", source=source_video, label="original video") # webcam inputs_device02 = gr.Radio(choices=["cuda:0", "cpu"], value=device, label="device") inputs_model02 = gr.Dropdown(choices=model_names, value=model_name, type="value", label="model") inputs_size02 = gr.Radio(choices=[320, 640, 1280], value=inference_size, label="inference size") input_conf02 = gr.Slider(0, 1, step=slider_step, value=nms_conf, label="confidence threshold") inputs_iou02 = gr.Slider(0, 1, step=slider_step, value=nms_iou, label="IoU threshold") inputs_maxnum02 = gr.Number(value=max_detnum, label="Maximum number of detections") inputs_clsName02 = gr.CheckboxGroup(choices=model_cls_name, value=model_cls_name, type="index", label="category") inputs_opt02 = gr.CheckboxGroup(choices=["label"], value=["label"], type="value", label="operate") # Input parameters inputs_img_list = [ inputs_img, # input image inputs_device01, # device inputs_model01, # model inputs_size01, # inference size input_conf01, # confidence threshold inputs_iou01, # IoU threshold inputs_maxnum01, # maximum number of detections inputs_clsName01, # category inputs_opt01, # detect operations ] inputs_video_list = [ inputs_video, # input image inputs_device02, # device inputs_model02, # model inputs_size02, # inference size input_conf02, # confidence threshold inputs_iou02, # IoU threshold inputs_maxnum02, # maximum number of detections inputs_clsName02, # category inputs_opt02, # detect operation ] # -------------------output component------------------- outputs_img = gr.Image(type="pil", label="Detection image") outputs_json = gr.JSON(label="Detection information") outputs_pdf = gr.File(label="Download test report") outputs_df = gr.Dataframe(max_rows=5, overflow_row_behaviour="paginate", type="pandas", label="List of detection information") outputs_objSize = gr.Label(label="Object size ratio statistics") outputs_clsSize = gr.Label(label="Category detection proportion statistics") outputs_crops = gr.Gallery(label="Object crop") # -------------------output component------------------- outputs_video = gr.Video(format='mp4', label="Detection video") # output parameters outputs_img_list = [outputs_img, outputs_objSize, outputs_clsSize, outputs_json, outputs_pdf, outputs_df, outputs_crops] outputs_video_list = [outputs_video] # title title = "Gradio YOLOv5 Det v0.4" # describe description = "
Customizable target detection model, easy to install, easy to use
" # article="https://gitee.com/CV_Lab/gradio_yolov5_det" # example image examples = [ [ "./img_example/bus.jpg", "cpu", "yolov5s", 640, 0.6, 0.5, 10, ["person", "bus"], ["label", "pdf"],], [ "./img_example/giraffe.jpg", "cpu", "yolov5l", 320, 0.5, 0.45, 12, ["giraffe"], ["label", "pdf"],], [ "./img_example/zidane.jpg", "cpu", "yolov5m", 640, 0.25, 0.5, 15, ["person", "tie"], ["pdf", "json"],], [ "./img_example/Millenial-at-work.jpg", "cpu", "yolov5s6", 1280, 0.5, 0.5, 20, ["person", "chair", "cup", "laptop"], ["label", "pdf"],],] # interface gyd_img = gr.Interface( fn=yolo_det_img, inputs=inputs_img_list, outputs=outputs_img_list, title=title, description=description, # article=article, # examples=examples, # theme="seafoam", # live=True, # Change output in real time flagging_dir="run", # output directory # allow_flagging="manual", # flagging_options=["good", "generally", "bad"], ) gyd_video = gr.Interface( # fn=yolo_det_video_test, fn=yolo_det_video, inputs=inputs_video_list, outputs=outputs_video_list, title=title, description=description, # article=article, # examples=examples, # theme="seafoam", # live=True, # Change output in real time flagging_dir="run", # output directory allow_flagging="never", # flagging_options=["good", "generally", "bad"], ) gyd = gr.TabbedInterface(interface_list=[gyd_img, gyd_video], tab_names=["Image Mode", "Video Mode"]) if not is_login: gyd.launch( inbrowser=True, # Automatically open default browser show_tips=True, # Automatically display the latest features of gradio share=is_share, # Project sharing, other devices can access favicon_path="./icon/logo.ico", # web icon show_error=True, # Display error message in browser console quiet=True, # Suppress most print statements ) else: gyd.launch( inbrowser=True, # Automatically open default browser show_tips=True, # Automatically display the latest features of gradio auth=usr_pwd, # login interface share=is_share, # Project sharing, other devices can access favicon_path="./icon/logo.ico", # web icon show_error=True, # Display error message in browser console quiet=True, # Suppress most print statements ) if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args() main(args)