# PDF management # author: Zeng Yifu # creation time: 2022-05-05 from fpdf import FPDF # PDF generation class class PDF(FPDF): # Reference: https://pyfpdf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Tutorial/index.html def header(self): # Set Chinese font self.add_font("SimSun", "", "./fonts/SimSun.ttf", uni=True) self.set_font("SimSun", "", 16) # Calculate width of title and position w = self.get_string_width(title) + 6 self.set_x((210 - w) / 2) # Colors of frame, background and text self.set_draw_color(255, 255, 255) self.set_fill_color(255, 255, 255) self.set_text_color(0, 0, 0) # Thickness of frame (1 mm) # self.set_line_width(1) # Title self.cell(w, 9, title, 1, 1, "C", 1) # Line break self.ln(10) def footer(self): # Position at 1.5 cm from bottom self.set_y(-15) # Set Chinese font self.add_font("SimSun", "", "./fonts/SimSun.ttf", uni=True) self.set_font("SimSun", "", 12) # Text color in gray self.set_text_color(128) # Page number self.cell(0, 10, "Page " + str(self.page_no()), 0, 0, "C") def chapter_title(self, num, label): # Set Chinese font self.add_font("SimSun", "", "./fonts/SimSun.ttf", uni=True) self.set_font("SimSun", "", 12) # Background color self.set_fill_color(200, 220, 255) # Title # self.cell(0, 6, 'Chapter %d : %s' % (num, label), 0, 1, 'L', 1) self.cell(0, 6, "Test result:", 0, 1, "L", 1) # Line break self.ln(4) def chapter_body(self, name): # Set Chinese font self.add_font("SimSun", "", "./fonts/SimSun.ttf", uni=True) self.set_font("SimSun", "", 12) # Output justified text self.multi_cell(0, 5, name) # Line break self.ln() self.cell(0, 5, "--------------------------------------") def print_chapter(self, num, title, name): self.add_page() self.chapter_title(num, title) self.chapter_body(name) # pdf generation function def pdf_generate(input_file, output_file, title_): global title title = title_ pdf = PDF() pdf.set_title(title) pdf.set_author("Zeng Yifu") pdf.print_chapter(1, "A RUNAWAY REEF", input_file) pdf.output(output_file)