import streamlit as st import numpy as np import onnxruntime as rt import soundfile as sf import sounddevice as sd from import write # Load the ONNX model model_path = 'model.onnx' # Replace with the actual path to your model model_inference = rt.InferenceSession(model_path) # Function to preprocess audio data def preprocess_audio(audio_data): mu = np.nanmean(audio_data) std = np.nanstd(audio_data) audio_data = (audio_data - mu) / std audio_data = np.pad(audio_data, (0, 22050 - len(audio_data)), 'constant').reshape(1, -1, 1).astype(np.float32) return audio_data # Function to preprocess clinical data def preprocess_clinical_data(age, height, weight, reported_cough_dur, heart_rate, temperature, sex, tb_prior, tb_prior_Pul, tb_prior_Extrapul, tb_prior_Unknown, hemoptysis, weight_loss, smoke_lweek, fever, night_sweats): sex_Female = 1 if sex == 'Female' else 0 sex_Male = 1 if sex == 'Male' else 0 tb_prior_No = 1 if tb_prior == 'No' else 0 tb_prior_Not_sure = 1 if tb_prior == 'Not sure' else 0 tb_prior_Yes = 1 if tb_prior == 'Yes' else 0 tb_prior_Pul_No = 1 if tb_prior_Pul == 'No' else 0 tb_prior_Pul_Yes = 1 if tb_prior_Pul == 'Yes' else 0 tb_prior_Extrapul_No = 1 if tb_prior_Extrapul == 'No' else 0 tb_prior_Extrapul_Yes = 1 if tb_prior_Extrapul == 'Yes' else 0 tb_prior_Unknown_No = 1 if tb_prior_Unknown == 'No' else 0 tb_prior_Unknown_Yes = 1 if tb_prior_Unknown == 'Yes' else 0 hemoptysis_No = 1 if hemoptysis == 'No' else 0 hemoptysis_Yes = 1 if hemoptysis == 'Yes' else 0 weight_loss_No = 1 if weight_loss == 'No' else 0 weight_loss_Yes = 1 if weight_loss == 'Yes' else 0 smoke_lweek_No = 1 if smoke_lweek == 'No' else 0 smoke_lweek_Yes = 1 if smoke_lweek == 'Yes' else 0 fever_No = 1 if fever == 'No' else 0 fever_Yes = 1 if fever == 'Yes' else 0 night_sweats_No = 1 if night_sweats == 'No' else 0 night_sweats_Yes = 1 if night_sweats == 'Yes' else 0 clinical_data = [age, height, weight, reported_cough_dur, heart_rate, temperature, sex_Female, sex_Male, tb_prior_No, tb_prior_Not_sure, tb_prior_Yes, tb_prior_Pul_No, tb_prior_Pul_Yes, tb_prior_Extrapul_No, tb_prior_Extrapul_Yes, tb_prior_Unknown_No, tb_prior_Unknown_Yes, hemoptysis_No, hemoptysis_Yes, weight_loss_No, weight_loss_Yes, smoke_lweek_No, smoke_lweek_Yes, fever_No, fever_Yes, night_sweats_No, night_sweats_Yes] clinical_data = np.array(clinical_data).reshape(1, -1).astype(np.float32) return clinical_data # Main function to run the app def main(): st.title('TB Cough Sound Analysis') # Create tabs tabs = ["Record Cough Sound", "Upload Cough Sound"] choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose Option", tabs) if choice == "Record Cough Sound": st.write("**Record Cough Sound**") st.write("Press the button below to start recording:") start_recording = st.button("Start Recording") if start_recording: duration = 5 # Set the default recording duration to 5 seconds st.write("Recording started...") sample_rate = 22050 audio_data = sd.rec(int(duration * sample_rate), samplerate=sample_rate, channels=1) sd.wait() write("audio_file.wav", sample_rate, audio_data) st.success("Recording saved as 'audio_file.wav'.")"Please proceed to the next step.") elif choice == "Upload Cough Sound": st.write("**Upload Cough Sound**") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload Cough Sound (WAV file)", type=["wav"]) if uploaded_file is not None: with open("audio_file.wav", "wb") as f: f.write(uploaded_file.getvalue()) st.success("File uploaded successfully.")"Please proceed to the next step.") st.write('**Step 2: Enter Clinical Information**') age = st.slider('Age', 1, 100, 30) height = st.slider('Height (cm)', 100, 300, 170) weight = st.slider('Weight (kg)', 20, 200, 70) reported_cough_dur = st.slider('Reported Cough Duration (days)', 1, 100, 10) heart_rate = st.slider('Heart Rate (bpm)', 50, 200, 80) temperature = st.slider('Body Temperature (°C)', 35.0, 40.0, 37.0) sex ='Sex', ('Male', 'Female')) tb_prior ='TB Prior', ('No', 'Not sure', 'Yes')) tb_prior_Pul ='TB Prior Pul', ('No', 'Yes')) tb_prior_Extrapul ='TB Prior Extrapul', ('No', 'Yes')) tb_prior_Unknown ='TB Prior Unknown', ('No', 'Yes')) hemoptysis ='Hemoptysis', ('No', 'Yes')) weight_loss ='Weight Loss', ('No', 'Yes')) smoke_lweek ='Smoke Lweek', ('No', 'Yes')) fever ='Fever', ('No', 'Yes')) night_sweats ='Night Sweats', ('No', 'Yes')) if st.button('Predict'): if choice == "Record Cough Sound": audio_file_path = "audio_file.wav" elif choice == "Upload Cough Sound": audio_file_path = "audio_file.wav" raw_values, rate = audio_data = preprocess_audio(raw_values) clinical_data = preprocess_clinical_data(age, height, weight, reported_cough_dur, heart_rate, temperature, sex, tb_prior, tb_prior_Pul, tb_prior_Extrapul, tb_prior_Unknown, hemoptysis, weight_loss, smoke_lweek, fever, night_sweats) input_name = model_inference.get_inputs()[0].name input_name2 = model_inference.get_inputs()[1].name label_name = model_inference.get_outputs()[0].name onnx_pred =[label_name], {input_name: audio_data, input_name2: clinical_data}) result = onnx_pred[0] st.write(f"**Prediction:** {result[0][0]}") if result[0][0] >= 0.5: st.write("Tuberculosis (TB) is found based on the audio data and clinical information.") else: st.write("No Tuberculosis (TB) is found based on the audio data and clinical information.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()