# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """diarc.ipynb Automatically generated by Colaboratory. Original file is located at https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Jyccp5Aeml-7oZABbACY2VTE9iQJg9Pe # Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem # Almadadh Ya Gause RadiAllahu Ta'alah Anh - Ameen # DIabetes-related Amputation Risk Calculator (DIARC) _by Zakia Salod_ """ !pip install pycaret from pycaret.utils import version version() from pycaret.utils import enable_colab enable_colab() import numpy as np # Linear algebra import pandas as pd # Data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # For graphical representations of the data import seaborn as sns # Just to make sure the results are reproducible np.random.seed(1234) dataset = pd.read_excel('amputation_dataset.xlsx') print(dataset['AMPUTATION'].value_counts()) ax = sns.countplot(x="AMPUTATION", data=dataset) # show the number of duplicate rows in this dataset dataset.duplicated(keep='first').sum() # remove the duplicate rows in this dataset # only keep the first instance of the row dataset = dataset.drop_duplicates(keep='first') print(dataset['AMPUTATION'].value_counts()) ax = sns.countplot(x="AMPUTATION", data=dataset) dataset.head() # Under sample the dataset to handle the imbalance # Shuffle the Dataset. shuffled_dataset = dataset.sample(frac=1, random_state=4) # Put all the amputation class in a separate dataset. amputation_dataset = shuffled_dataset.loc[shuffled_dataset['AMPUTATION'] == 1] #Randomly select 105 observations from the non-amputation (majority class) non_amputation_dataset = shuffled_dataset.loc[shuffled_dataset['AMPUTATION'] == 0].sample(n=105,random_state=42) # Concatenate both dataframes again dataset = pd.concat([amputation_dataset, non_amputation_dataset]) print(dataset['AMPUTATION'].value_counts()) ax = sns.countplot(x="AMPUTATION", data=dataset) dataset.to_excel('amputation_removed_duplicates_and_balanced.xlsx') from pycaret.classification import * clf = setup(data = dataset, target = 'AMPUTATION', session_id = 42) # display the dataset (X_train) get_config('X_train') # converts age from numeric to float # converts gender and diabetes_class (the two binary category variables) into label encoder conversion # so, gender_f ---> with value 1 indicating FEMALE is TRUE and value 0 indicating FEMALE is FALSE (and instead, MALE) # diabetes_class type 1 diabetes ---> value 1 indicates diabetes type 1 and value 0 means diabetes type 2 # then, one hot encoding is applied to the race column (each race is split into separate columns, with value 1 denoting TRUE for that race) # display the dataset (y_train) get_config('y_train') best_model = compare_models(sort = 'AUC') # BLEND MODELS, ALHUM # create models for blending nb = create_model('nb') bagged_nb = ensemble_model(nb, method='Bagging') lr = create_model('lr') bagged_lr = ensemble_model(lr, method='Bagging') lda = create_model('lda') bagged_lda = ensemble_model(lda, method='Bagging') rf = create_model('rf') bagged_rf = ensemble_model(rf, method='Bagging') ada = create_model('ada') bagged_ada = ensemble_model(ada, method='Bagging') blend_specific = blend_models(estimator_list = [bagged_nb, bagged_lr, bagged_lda, bagged_rf, bagged_ada]) # plot model plot_model(blend_specific) # tuning tuned_blend_specific = tune_model(blend_specific) evaluate_model(tuned_blend_specific) tuned_blend_specific_predictions = predict_model(tuned_blend_specific) # finalize model for deployment final_tuned_blend_specific = finalize_model(tuned_blend_specific) # save the model # creates a .pkl file save_model(tuned_blend_specific, "tuned_blend_specific_model_19112021", verbose=True) # display the dataset (X_test) get_config('X_test') # display the dataset (y_test) get_config('y_test') dataset2 = pd.read_excel('amputation_removed_duplicates_and_balanced.xlsx') !pip install pandas-profiling from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport profile = ProfileReport(dataset2, title="Pandas Profiling Report") profile.to_file("amputation_removed_duplicates_and_balanced_report.html")