#Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem #Almadadh Ya Gause RadiAllahu Ta'alah Anh - Ameen import gradio as gr import pandas as pd from pycaret.classification import load_model, predict_model # load the trained model for predictions model = load_model("tuned_blend_specific_model_19112021") # define the function to call def predict(model, input_df): predictions_df = predict_model(estimator=model, data=input_df) predictions = predictions_df["Amputation"][0] #input_dict = {"AGE": age, "GENDER_F": gender, "RACE_Asian": ,"RACE_Black": , "RACE_Coloured":, "RACE_Other":, "RACE_White":, "DIABETES_CLASS_Type 1 diabetes":} # the parameters in this function, actually gets the inputs for the prediction def predict_amputation(age, gender, race, diabetes_type): input_dict = {"AGE": 70.0, "GENDER_F": 0.0, "RACE_Asian": 1.0, "RACE_Black": 0.0, "RACE_Coloured": 0.0, "RACE_Other": 0.0, "RACE_White": 0.0, "DIABETES_CLASS_Type 1 diabetes":0.0} input_df = pd.DataFrame([input_dict]) return "ALLAH"+predict(model=model, input_df=input_df) # calls the predict function when the 'submit' button is clicked title = "DIabetes-related Amputation Risk Calculator (DIARC)" description = "A diabetes-related amputation machine learning model trained on the diabetes dataset from the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital (IALCH) in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa." article = "

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" iface = gr.Interface( fn=predict_amputation, title=title, description=description, article=article, inputs=[gr.inputs.Slider(minimum=0,maximum=100, step=1, label="Age"), gr.inputs.Dropdown(["Female", "Male"], default="Male", label="Gender"), gr.inputs.Dropdown(["Asian", "Black", "Coloured", "White", "Other"], default="Asian", label="Race"), gr.inputs.Dropdown(["1", "2"], default="1", label="Diabetes Type")], outputs="text", theme="darkhuggingface", examples=[ [50, "Male", "Black", 2], [76, "Female", "Asian", 2], [12, "Female", "White", 1], [30, "Male", "Coloured", 1], [65, "Female", "Other", 2], ], ) iface.test_launch() if __name__ == "__main__": iface.launch()