import os import re import signal import subprocess import time from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union from import tool from ptrace.debugger import ( NewProcessEvent, ProcessExecution, ProcessExit, ProcessSignal, PtraceDebugger, PtraceProcess, ) from ptrace.func_call import FunctionCallOptions from ptrace.syscall import PtraceSyscall from import signal_to_exitcode from import BaseToolSet, SessionGetter, ToolScope, tool from swarms.utils.logger import logger from swarms.utils.main import ANSI, Color, Style # test #helpers PipeType = Union[Literal["stdout"], Literal["stderr"]] def verify(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: filepath = args[0].filepath except AttributeError: raise Exception("This tool doesn't have filepath. Please check your code.") if not str(Path(filepath).resolve()).startswith(str(Path().resolve())): return "You can't access file outside of playground." return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper class SyscallTimeoutException(Exception): def __init__(self, pid: int, *args) -> None: super().__init__(f"deadline exceeded while waiting syscall for {pid}", *args) class SyscallTracer: def __init__(self, pid: int): self.debugger: PtraceDebugger = PtraceDebugger() int = pid self.process: PtraceProcess = None def is_waiting(self, syscall: PtraceSyscall) -> bool: if"wait"): return True return False def attach(self): self.process = self.debugger.addProcess(, False) def detach(self): self.process.detach() self.debugger.quit() def set_timer(self, timeout: int): def handler(signum, frame): raise SyscallTimeoutException( signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler) signal.alarm(timeout) def reset_timer(self): signal.alarm(0) def wait_syscall_with_timeout(self, timeout: int): self.set_timer(timeout) self.process.waitSyscall() self.reset_timer() def wait_until_stop_or_exit(self) -> Tuple[Optional[int], str]: self.process.syscall() exitcode = None reason = "" while True: if not self.debugger: break try: self.wait_syscall_with_timeout(30) except ProcessExit as event: if event.exitcode is not None: exitcode = event.exitcode continue except ProcessSignal as event: event.process.syscall(event.signum) exitcode = signal_to_exitcode(event.signum) reason = event.reason continue except NewProcessEvent: continue except ProcessExecution: continue except Exception as e: reason = str(e) break syscall = self.process.syscall_state.event( FunctionCallOptions( write_types=False, write_argname=False, string_max_length=300, replace_socketcall=True, write_address=False, max_array_count=20, ) ) self.process.syscall() if syscall is None: continue if syscall.result: continue self.reset_timer() return exitcode, reason class StdoutTracer: def __init__( self, process: subprocess.Popen, timeout: int = 30, interval: int = 0.1, on_output: Callable[[PipeType, str], None] = lambda: None, ): self.process: subprocess.Popen = process self.timeout: int = timeout self.interval: int = interval self.last_output: datetime = None self.on_output: Callable[[PipeType, str], None] = on_output def nonblock(self): os.set_blocking(self.process.stdout.fileno(), False) os.set_blocking(self.process.stderr.fileno(), False) def get_output(self, pipe: PipeType) -> str: output = None if pipe == "stdout": output = elif pipe == "stderr": output = if output: decoded = output.decode() self.on_output(pipe, decoded) self.last_output = return decoded return "" def last_output_passed(self, seconds: int) -> bool: return ( - self.last_output).seconds > seconds def wait_until_stop_or_exit(self) -> Tuple[Optional[int], str]: self.nonblock() self.last_output = output = "" exitcode = None while True: new_stdout = self.get_output("stdout") if new_stdout: output += new_stdout new_stderr = self.get_output("stderr") if new_stderr: output += new_stderr if self.process.poll() is not None: exitcode = self.process.poll() break if self.last_output_passed(self.timeout): self.process.kill() break time.sleep(self.interval) return (exitcode, output) class Terminal(BaseToolSet): def __init__(self): self.sessions: Dict[str, List[SyscallTracer]] = {} @tool( name="Terminal", description="Executes commands in a terminal." "If linux errno occurs, we have to solve the problem with the terminal. " "Input must be one valid command. " "Output will be any output from running that command.", scope=ToolScope.SESSION, ) def execute(self, commands: str, get_session: SessionGetter) -> str: session, _ = get_session() try: process = subprocess.Popen( commands, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, )"Realtime Terminal Output").to(Color.magenta()) + ": ") output = "" tracer = StdoutTracer( process, on_output=lambda p, o: ANSI(p).to(Style.dim()) + " " + o.strip("\n") ), ) exitcode, output = tracer.wait_until_stop_or_exit() except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed Terminal, Input Commands: {commands} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output ############# @tool( name="Terminal", description="Executes commands in a terminal." "If linux errno occurs, we have to solve the problem with the terminal. " "Input must be one valid command. " "Output will be any output from running that command.", scope=ToolScope.SESSION, ) def terminal_execute(self, commands: str, get_session: SessionGetter) -> str: session, _ = get_session() try: process = subprocess.Popen( commands, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, )"Realtime Terminal Output").to(Color.magenta()) + ": ") output = "" tracer = StdoutTracer( process, on_output=lambda p, o: ANSI(p).to(Style.dim()) + " " + o.strip("\n") ), ) exitcode, output = tracer.wait_until_stop_or_exit() except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed Terminal, Input Commands: {commands} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output """ write protocol: """ class WriteCommand: separator = "\n" def __init__(self, filepath: str, content: int): self.filepath: str = filepath self.content: str = content self.mode: str = "w" def with_mode(self, mode: str) -> "WriteCommand": self.mode = mode return self @verify def execute(self) -> str: dir_path = os.path.dirname(self.filepath) if dir_path: os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True) with open(self.filepath, self.mode) as f: f.write(self.content) return self.content @staticmethod def from_str(command: str) -> "WriteCommand": filepath = command.split(WriteCommand.separator)[0] return WriteCommand(filepath, command[len(filepath) + 1 :]) class CodeWriter: @staticmethod def write(command: str) -> str: return WriteCommand.from_str(command).with_mode("w").execute() @staticmethod def append(command: str) -> str: return WriteCommand.from_str(command).with_mode("a").execute() """ read protocol: |- """ class Line: def __init__(self, content: str, line_number: int, depth: int): self.__content: str = content self.__line_number: int = line_number self.__depth: int = depth self.__children: List[Line] = [] def get_content(self) -> str: return self.__content def get_depth(self) -> int: return self.__depth def append_child(self, child: "Line") -> None: self.__children.append(child) def find_by_lte_depth(self, depth: int) -> List["Line"]: if self.__depth > depth: return [] lines: List[Line] = [self] for child in self.__children: lines += child.find_by_lte_depth(depth) return lines def find_by_content(self, content: str) -> List["Line"]: if content in self.__content: return [self] lines: List[Line] = [] for child in self.__children: lines += child.find_by_content(content) return lines def find_last_lines(self) -> List["Line"]: if len(self.__children) == 0: return [self] else: return [self, *self.__children[-1].find_last_lines()] def print(self, depth: int = 0) -> None: print(f"{' ' * depth}{self}", end="") for child in self.__children: child.print(depth + 1) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__line_number}: {self.__content}" class CodeTree: def __init__(self): self.root: Line = Line("\n", -1, -1) def append(self, content: str, line_number: int) -> None: last_lines: List[Line] = self.root.find_last_lines() new_leading_spaces: int = self.__get_leading_spaces(content) previous_line: Line = self.root previous_leading_spaces: int = -1 for line in last_lines: leading_spaces = self.__get_leading_spaces(line.get_content()) if ( previous_leading_spaces < new_leading_spaces and new_leading_spaces <= leading_spaces ): break previous_line, previous_leading_spaces = line, leading_spaces new_line_depth: int = previous_line.get_depth() + 1 previous_line.append_child(Line(content, line_number, new_line_depth)) def find_from_root(self, depth: int) -> List[Line]: return self.root.find_by_lte_depth(depth) def find_from_parent(self, depth: int, parent_content: str) -> List[Line]: lines: List[Line] = self.root.find_by_content(parent_content) if len(lines) == 0: return [] parent = lines[0] return parent.find_by_lte_depth(depth + parent.get_depth()) def print(self): print("Code Tree:") print("=================================") self.root.print() print("=================================") def __get_leading_spaces(self, content: str) -> int: return len(content) - len(content.lstrip()) class ReadCommand: separator = "|" def __init__(self, filepath: str, start: int, end: int): self.filepath: str = filepath self.start: int = start self.end: int = end @verify def execute(self) -> str: with open(self.filepath, "r") as f: code = f.readlines() if self.start == self.end: code = code[self.start - 1] else: code = "".join(code[self.start - 1 : self.end]) return code @staticmethod def from_str(command: str) -> "ReadCommand": filepath, line = command.split(ReadCommand.separator) start, end = line.split("-") return ReadCommand(filepath, int(start), int(end)) class SummaryCommand: separator = "|" def __init__(self, filepath: str, depth: int, parent_content: Optional[str] = None): self.filepath: str = filepath self.depth: int = depth self.parent_content: Optional[str] = parent_content @verify def execute(self) -> str: with open(self.filepath, "r") as f: code = f.readlines() code_tree = CodeTree() for i, line in enumerate(code): if line.strip() != "": code_tree.append(line, i + 1) if self.parent_content is None: lines = code_tree.find_from_root(self.depth) else: lines = code_tree.find_from_parent(self.depth, self.parent_content) return "".join([str(line) for line in lines]) @staticmethod def from_str(command: str) -> "SummaryCommand": command_list: List[str] = command.split(SummaryCommand.separator) filepath: str = command_list[0] depth: int = int(command_list[1]) parent_content: str | None = command_list[2] if len(command_list) == 3 else None return SummaryCommand( filepath=filepath, depth=depth, parent_content=parent_content ) class CodeReader: @staticmethod def read(command: str) -> str: return ReadCommand.from_str(command).execute() @staticmethod def summary(command: str) -> str: return SummaryCommand.from_str(command).execute() """ patch protocol: |,|,| ---~~~+++===+++~~~--- |,|,| ---~~~+++===+++~~~--- ... ---~~~+++===+++~~~--- let say original code is: ``` import requests def crawl_news(keyword): url = f"{keyword}+news" response = requests.get(url) news = [] for result in response: news.append(result.text) return news ``` and we want to change it to: ``` import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def crawl_news(keyword): url = f"{keyword}+news" html = requests.get(url).text soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") news_results = soup.find_all("div", class_="BNeawe vvjwJb AP7Wnd") news_titles = [] for result in news_results: news_titles.append(result.text) return news_titles ``` then the command will be:|2,1|2,1|from bs4 import BeautifulSoup ---~~~+++===+++~~~---|5,5|5,33|html = requests.get(url).text soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") news_results = soup.find_all("div", class_="BNeawe vvjwJb AP7Wnd") ---~~~+++===+++~~~---|7,5|9,13|news_titles = [] for result in news_results: news_titles ---~~~+++===+++~~~---|11,16|11,16|_titles """ class Position: separator = "," def __init__(self, line: int, col: int): self.line: int = line self.col: int = col def __str__(self): return f"(Ln {self.line}, Col {self.col})" @staticmethod def from_str(pos: str) -> "Position": line, col = pos.split(Position.separator) return Position(int(line) - 1, int(col) - 1) class PatchCommand: separator = "|" def __init__(self, filepath: str, start: Position, end: Position, content: str): self.filepath: str = filepath self.start: Position = start self.end: Position = end self.content: str = content def read_lines(self) -> list[str]: with open(self.filepath, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() return lines def write_lines(self, lines: list[str]) -> int: with open(self.filepath, "w") as f: f.writelines(lines) return sum([len(line) for line in lines]) @verify def execute(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: lines = self.read_lines() before = sum([len(line) for line in lines]) lines[self.start.line] = ( lines[self.start.line][: self.start.col] + self.content + lines[self.end.line][self.end.col :] ) lines = lines[: self.start.line + 1] + lines[self.end.line + 1 :] after = self.write_lines(lines) written = len(self.content) deleted = before - after + written return written, deleted @staticmethod def from_str(command: str) -> "PatchCommand": match = r"(.*)\|([0-9]*),([0-9]*)\|([0-9]*),([0-9]*)(\||\n)(.*)", command, re.DOTALL, ) filepath = start_line = start_col = end_line = end_col = content = return PatchCommand( filepath, Position.from_str(f"{start_line},{start_col}"), Position.from_str(f"{end_line},{end_col}"), content, ) class CodePatcher: separator = "\n---~~~+++===+++~~~---\n" @staticmethod def sort_commands(commands: list[PatchCommand]) -> list[PatchCommand]: return sorted(commands, key=lambda c: c.start.line, reverse=True) @staticmethod def patch(bulk_command: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: commands = [ PatchCommand.from_str(command) for command in bulk_command.split(CodePatcher.separator) if command != "" ] commands = CodePatcher.sort_commands(commands) written, deleted = 0, 0 for command in commands: if command: w, d = command.execute() written += w deleted += d return written, deleted class CodeEditor(BaseToolSet): @tool( name="CodeEditor.READ", description="Read and understand code. " "Input should be filename and line number group. ex.|1-10 " "and the output will be code. ", ) def read(self, inputs: str) -> str: try: output = except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.READ, Input Commands: {inputs} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output @tool( name="CodeEditor.SUMMARY", description="Summary code. " "Read the code structured into a tree. " "If you set specific line, it will show the code from the specific line. " "Input should be filename, depth, and specific line if you want. ex.|2 or|3|print('hello world') " "and the output will be list of (line number: code). ", ) def summary(self, inputs: str) -> str: try: output = CodeReader.summary(inputs) except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.SUMMARY, Input Commands: {inputs} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output @tool( name="CodeEditor.APPEND", description="Append code to the existing file. " "If the code is completed, use the Terminal tool to execute it, if not, append the code through the this tool. " "Input should be filename and code to append. " "Input code must be the code that should be appended, NOT whole code. " "ex.\nprint('hello world')\n " "and the output will be last 3 lines.", ) def append(self, inputs: str) -> str: try: code = CodeWriter.append(inputs) output = "Last 3 line was:\n" + "\n".join(code.split("\n")[-3:]) except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.APPEND, Input: {inputs} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output @tool( name="CodeEditor.WRITE", description="Write code to create a new tool. " "If the code is completed, use the Terminal tool to execute it, if not, append the code through the CodeEditor.APPEND tool. " "Input should be formatted like: " "\n\n\n" "Here is an example: " "\nmessage = 'hello world'\nprint(message)\n" "\n" "The output will be last 3 lines you wrote.", ) def write(self, inputs: str) -> str: try: code = CodeWriter.write(inputs.lstrip()) output = "Last 3 line was:\n" + "\n".join(code.split("\n")[-3:]) except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.WRITE, Input: {inputs} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output @tool( name="CodeEditor.PATCH", description="Patch the code to correct the error if an error occurs or to improve it. " "Input is a list of patches. The patch is separated by {seperator}. ".format( seperator=CodePatcher.separator.replace("\n", "\\n") ) + "Each patch has to be formatted like below.\n" "|,|,|" "Here is an example. If the original code is:\n" "print('hello world')\n" "and you want to change it to:\n" "print('hi corca')\n" "then the patch should be:\n" "|1,8|1,19|hi corca\n" "Code between start and end will be replaced with new_code. " "The output will be written/deleted bytes or error message. ", ) def patch(self, patches: str) -> str: try: w, d = CodePatcher.patch(patches) output = f"successfully wrote {w}, deleted {d}" except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.PATCH, Input Patch: {patches} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output @tool( name="CodeEditor.DELETE", description="Delete code in file for a new start. " "Input should be filename." "ex. " "Output will be success or error message.", ) def delete(self, inputs: str, filepath: str) -> str: try: with open(filepath, "w") as f: f.write("") output = "success" except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.DELETE, Input filename: {inputs} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output #---------------- end @tool( name="CodeEditor.READ", description="Read and understand code. " "Input should be filename and line number group. ex.|1-10 " "and the output will be code. ", ) def code_editor_read(self, inputs: str) -> str: try: output = except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.READ, Input Commands: {inputs} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output @tool( name="CodeEditor.SUMMARY", description="Summary code. " "Read the code structured into a tree. " "If you set specific line, it will show the code from the specific line. " "Input should be filename, depth, and specific line if you want. ex.|2 or|3|print('hello world') " "and the output will be list of (line number: code). ", ) def code_editor_summary(self, inputs: str) -> str: try: output = CodeReader.summary(inputs) except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.SUMMARY, Input Commands: {inputs} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output @tool( name="CodeEditor.APPEND", description="Append code to the existing file. " "If the code is completed, use the Terminal tool to execute it, if not, append the code through the this tool. " "Input should be filename and code to append. " "Input code must be the code that should be appended, NOT whole code. " "ex.\nprint('hello world')\n " "and the output will be last 3 lines.", ) def code_editor_append(self, inputs: str) -> str: try: code = CodeWriter.append(inputs) output = "Last 3 line was:\n" + "\n".join(code.split("\n")[-3:]) except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.APPEND, Input: {inputs} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output @tool( name="CodeEditor.WRITE", description="Write code to create a new tool. " "If the code is completed, use the Terminal tool to execute it, if not, append the code through the CodeEditor.APPEND tool. " "Input should be formatted like: " "\n\n\n" "Here is an example: " "\nmessage = 'hello world'\nprint(message)\n" "\n" "The output will be last 3 lines you wrote.", ) def code_editor_write(self, inputs: str) -> str: try: code = CodeWriter.write(inputs.lstrip()) output = "Last 3 line was:\n" + "\n".join(code.split("\n")[-3:]) except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.WRITE, Input: {inputs} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output @tool( name="CodeEditor.PATCH", description="Patch the code to correct the error if an error occurs or to improve it. " "Input is a list of patches. The patch is separated by {seperator}. ".format( seperator=CodePatcher.separator.replace("\n", "\\n") ) + "Each patch has to be formatted like below.\n" "|,|,|" "Here is an example. If the original code is:\n" "print('hello world')\n" "and you want to change it to:\n" "print('hi corca')\n" "then the patch should be:\n" "|1,8|1,19|hi corca\n" "Code between start and end will be replaced with new_code. " "The output will be written/deleted bytes or error message. ", ) def code_editor_patch(self, patches: str) -> str: try: w, d = CodePatcher.patch(patches) output = f"successfully wrote {w}, deleted {d}" except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.PATCH, Input Patch: {patches} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output @tool( name="CodeEditor.DELETE", description="Delete code in file for a new start. " "Input should be filename." "ex. " "Output will be success or error message.", ) def code_editor_delete(self, inputs: str, filepath: str) -> str: try: with open(filepath, "w") as f: f.write("") output = "success" except Exception as e: output = str(e) logger.debug( f"\nProcessed CodeEditor.DELETE, Input filename: {inputs} " f"Output Answer: {output}" ) return output