#props to shroominic from swarms.tools.base import Tool, ToolException from typing import Any, List from codeinterpreterapi import CodeInterpreterSession, File, ToolException class CodeInterpreter(Tool): def __init__(self, name: str, description: str): super().__init__(name, description, self.run) def run(self, user_request: str, file_paths: List[str] = []) -> Any: # create a session session = CodeInterpreterSession() session.start() # create files from paths files = [File.from_path(file_path) for file_path in file_paths] try: # generate a response based on user input response = session.generate_response(user_request, files=files) # output the response (text + image) print("AI: ", response.content) for file in response.files: file.show_image() except Exception as e: raise ToolException(f"Error running CodeInterpreter: {e}") finally: # terminate the session session.stop() async def arun(self, user_request: str, file_paths: List[str] = []) -> Any: # create a session session = CodeInterpreterSession() await session.astart() # create files from paths files = [File.from_path(file_path) for file_path in file_paths] try: # generate a response based on user input response = await session.generate_response(user_request, files=files) # output the response (text + image) print("AI: ", response.content) for file in response.files: file.show_image() except Exception as e: raise ToolException(f"Error running CodeInterpreter: {e}") finally: # terminate the session await session.astop() """ tool = CodeInterpreter("Code Interpreter", "A tool to interpret code and generate useful outputs.") tool.run("Plot the bitcoin chart of 2023 YTD") # Or with file inputs tool.run("Analyze this dataset and plot something interesting about it.", ["examples/assets/iris.csv"]) import asyncio tool = CodeInterpreter("Code Interpreter", "A tool to interpret code and generate useful outputs.") asyncio.run(tool.arun("Plot the bitcoin chart of 2023 YTD")) # Or with file inputs asyncio.run(tool.arun("Analyze this dataset and plot something interesting about it.", ["examples/assets/iris.csv"])) """