import queue import threading from time import sleep from swarms.utils.decorators import error_decorator, log_decorator, timing_decorator from swarms.workers.worker import Worker class AutoScaler: """ The AutoScaler is like a kubernetes pod, that autoscales an agent or worker or boss! # TODO Handle task assignment and task delegation # TODO: User task => decomposed into very small sub tasks => sub tasks assigned to workers => workers complete and update the swarm, can ask for help from other agents. # TODO: Missing, Task Assignment, Task delegation, Task completion, Swarm level communication with vector db Example ``` # usage of usage auto_scaler = AutoScaler(agent=YourCustomAgent) auto_scaler.start() for i in range(100): auto_scaler.add_task9f"task {I}}) ``` """ @log_decorator @error_decorator @timing_decorator def __init__( self, initial_agents=10, scale_up_factor=1, idle_threshold=0.2, busy_threshold=0.7, agent=None, ): self.agent = agent or Worker self.agents_pool = [self.agent() for _ in range(initial_agents)] self.task_queue = queue.Queue() self.scale_up_factor = scale_up_factor self.idle_threshold = idle_threshold self.lock = threading.Lock() def add_task(self, task): self.tasks_queue.put(task) @log_decorator @error_decorator @timing_decorator def scale_up(self): with self.lock: new_agents_counts = len(self.agents_pool) * self.scale_up_factor for _ in range(new_agents_counts): self.agents_pool.append(Worker()) def scale_down(self): with self.lock: if len(self.agents_pool) > 10: #ensure minmum of 10 agents del self.agents_pool[-1] #remove last agent @log_decorator @error_decorator @timing_decorator def monitor_and_scale(self): while True: sleep(60)#check minute pending_tasks = self.task_queue.qsize() active_agents = sum([1 for agent in self.agents_pool if agent.is_busy()]) if pending_tasks / len(self.agents_pool) > self.busy_threshold: self.scale_up() elif active_agents / len(self.agents_pool) < self.idle_threshold: self.scale_down() @log_decorator @error_decorator @timing_decorator def start(self): monitor_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.monitor_and_scale) monitor_thread.start() while True: task = self.task_queue.get() if task: available_agent = next((agent for agent in self.agents_pool)) if available_agent: def del_agent(self): with self.lock: if self.agents_pool: agent_to_remove = self.agents_poo.pop() del agent_to_remove