from __future__ import annotations from typing import List, Optional from langchain.chains.llm import LLMChain from swarms.agents.utils.Agent import AgentOutputParser from swarms.agents.utils.human_input import HumanInputRun from swarms.memory.base_memory import BaseChatMessageHistory, ChatMessageHistory from swarms.memory.document import Document from swarms.models.base import AbstractModel from swarms.models.prompts.agent_prompt_auto import ( MessageFormatter, PromptConstructor, ) from swarms.models.prompts.agent_prompt_generator import FINISH_NAME from swarms.models.prompts.base import ( AIMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage, ) from import BaseTool class Agent: """Base Agent class""" def __init__( self, ai_name: str, chain: LLMChain, memory, output_parser: AgentOutputParser, tools: List[BaseTool], feedback_tool: Optional[HumanInputRun] = None, chat_history_memory: Optional[BaseChatMessageHistory] = None, ): self.ai_name = ai_name self.chain = chain self.memory = memory self.next_action_count = 0 self.output_parser = output_parser = tools self.feedback_tool = feedback_tool self.chat_history_memory = chat_history_memory or ChatMessageHistory() @classmethod def integrate( cls, ai_name: str, ai_role: str, memory, tools: List[BaseTool], llm: AbstractModel, human_in_the_loop: bool = False, output_parser: Optional[AgentOutputParser] = None, chat_history_memory: Optional[BaseChatMessageHistory] = None, ) -> Agent: prompt_constructor = PromptConstructor(ai_name=ai_name, ai_role=ai_role, tools=tools) message_formatter = MessageFormatter() human_feedback_tool = HumanInputRun() if human_in_the_loop else None chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt_constructor=prompt_constructor, message_formatter=message_formatter) return cls( ai_name, memory, chain, output_parser or AgentOutputParser(), tools, feedback_tool=human_feedback_tool, chat_history_memory=chat_history_memory, ) def run(self, goals: List[str]) -> str: user_input = ( "Determine which next command to use, and respond using the format specified above:" ) loop_count = 0 while True: loop_count += 1 # Send message to AI, get response assistant_reply = goals=goals, messages=self.chat_history_memory.messages, memory=self.memory, user_input=user_input, ) print(assistant_reply) self.chat_history_memory.add_message(HumanMessage(content=user_input)) self.chat_history_memory.add_message(AIMessage(content=assistant_reply)) # Get command name and arguments action = self.output_parser.parse(assistant_reply) tools = { t for t in} if == FINISH_NAME: return action.args["response"] if in tools: tool = tools[] try: observation = except Exception as error: observation = ( f"Validation Error in args: {str(error)}, args: {action.args}" ) except Exception as e: observation = ( f"Error: {str(e)}, {type(e).__name__}, args: {action.args}" ) result = f"Command {} returned: {observation}" elif == "ERROR": result = f"Error: {action.args}. " else: result = ( f"""Unknown command '{}'. Please refer to the 'COMMANDS' list for available commands and only respond in the specified JSON format.""" ) memory_to_add = ( f"Assistant Reply: {assistant_reply} " f"\nResult: {result} " ) if self.feedback_tool is not None: feedback = f"\n{'Input: ')}" if feedback in {"q", "stop"}: print("EXITING") return "EXITING" memory_to_add += feedback self.memory.add_documents([Document(page_content=memory_to_add)]) self.chat_history_memory.add_message(SystemMessage(content=result))