from __future__ import annotations from abc import abstractmethod from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Sequence from pydantic import Field from swarms.utils.serializable import Serializable if TYPE_CHECKING: from import ChatPromptTemplate def get_buffer_string( messages: Sequence[BaseMessage], human_prefix: str = "Human", ai_prefix: str = "AI" ) -> str: """Convert sequence of Messages to strings and concatenate them into one string. Args: messages: Messages to be converted to strings. human_prefix: The prefix to prepend to contents of HumanMessages. ai_prefix: THe prefix to prepend to contents of AIMessages. Returns: A single string concatenation of all input messages. Example: .. code-block:: python from langchain.schema import AIMessage, HumanMessage messages = [ HumanMessage(content="Hi, how are you?"), AIMessage(content="Good, how are you?"), ] get_buffer_string(messages) # -> "Human: Hi, how are you?\nAI: Good, how are you?" """ string_messages = [] for m in messages: if isinstance(m, HumanMessage): role = human_prefix elif isinstance(m, AIMessage): role = ai_prefix elif isinstance(m, SystemMessage): role = "System" elif isinstance(m, FunctionMessage): role = "Function" elif isinstance(m, ChatMessage): role = m.role else: raise ValueError(f"Got unsupported message type: {m}") message = f"{role}: {m.content}" if isinstance(m, AIMessage) and "function_call" in m.additional_kwargs: message += f"{m.additional_kwargs['function_call']}" string_messages.append(message) return "\n".join(string_messages) class BaseMessage(Serializable): """The base abstract Message class. Messages are the inputs and outputs of ChatModels. """ content: str """The string contents of the message.""" additional_kwargs: dict = Field(default_factory=dict) """Any additional information.""" @property @abstractmethod def type(self) -> str: """Type of the Message, used for serialization.""" @property def lc_serializable(self) -> bool: """Whether this class is LangChain serializable.""" return True def __add__(self, other: Any) -> ChatPromptTemplate: from import ChatPromptTemplate prompt = ChatPromptTemplate(messages=[self]) return prompt + other class BaseMessageChunk(BaseMessage): def _merge_kwargs_dict( self, left: Dict[str, Any], right: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Merge additional_kwargs from another BaseMessageChunk into this one.""" merged = left.copy() for k, v in right.items(): if k not in merged: merged[k] = v elif type(merged[k]) != type(v): raise ValueError( f'additional_kwargs["{k}"] already exists in this message,' " but with a different type." ) elif isinstance(merged[k], str): merged[k] += v elif isinstance(merged[k], dict): merged[k] = self._merge_kwargs_dict(merged[k], v) else: raise ValueError( f"Additional kwargs key {k} already exists in this message." ) return merged def __add__(self, other: Any) -> BaseMessageChunk: # type: ignore if isinstance(other, BaseMessageChunk): # If both are (subclasses of) BaseMessageChunk, # concat into a single BaseMessageChunk return self.__class__( content=self.content + other.content, additional_kwargs=self._merge_kwargs_dict( self.additional_kwargs, other.additional_kwargs ), ) else: raise TypeError( 'unsupported operand type(s) for +: "' f"{self.__class__.__name__}" f'" and "{other.__class__.__name__}"' ) class HumanMessage(BaseMessage): """A Message from a human.""" example: bool = False """Whether this Message is being passed in to the model as part of an example conversation. """ @property def type(self) -> str: """Type of the message, used for serialization.""" return "human" class HumanMessageChunk(HumanMessage, BaseMessageChunk): pass class AIMessage(BaseMessage): """A Message from an AI.""" example: bool = False """Whether this Message is being passed in to the model as part of an example conversation. """ @property def type(self) -> str: """Type of the message, used for serialization.""" return "ai" class AIMessageChunk(AIMessage, BaseMessageChunk): pass class SystemMessage(BaseMessage): """A Message for priming AI behavior, usually passed in as the first of a sequence of input messages. """ @property def type(self) -> str: """Type of the message, used for serialization.""" return "system" class SystemMessageChunk(SystemMessage, BaseMessageChunk): pass class FunctionMessage(BaseMessage): """A Message for passing the result of executing a function back to a model.""" name: str """The name of the function that was executed.""" @property def type(self) -> str: """Type of the message, used for serialization.""" return "function" class FunctionMessageChunk(FunctionMessage, BaseMessageChunk): pass class ChatMessage(BaseMessage): """A Message that can be assigned an arbitrary speaker (i.e. role).""" role: str """The speaker / role of the Message.""" @property def type(self) -> str: """Type of the message, used for serialization.""" return "chat" class ChatMessageChunk(ChatMessage, BaseMessageChunk): pass def _message_to_dict(message: BaseMessage) -> dict: return {"type": message.type, "data": message.dict()} def messages_to_dict(messages: Sequence[BaseMessage]) -> List[dict]: """Convert a sequence of Messages to a list of dictionaries. Args: messages: Sequence of messages (as BaseMessages) to convert. Returns: List of messages as dicts. """ return [_message_to_dict(m) for m in messages] def _message_from_dict(message: dict) -> BaseMessage: _type = message["type"] if _type == "human": return HumanMessage(**message["data"]) elif _type == "ai": return AIMessage(**message["data"]) elif _type == "system": return SystemMessage(**message["data"]) elif _type == "chat": return ChatMessage(**message["data"]) elif _type == "function": return FunctionMessage(**message["data"]) else: raise ValueError(f"Got unexpected message type: {_type}") def messages_from_dict(messages: List[dict]) -> List[BaseMessage]: """Convert a sequence of messages from dicts to Message objects. Args: messages: Sequence of messages (as dicts) to convert. Returns: List of messages (BaseMessages). """ return [_message_from_dict(m) for m in messages]