from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from termcolor import colored from tabulate import tabulate class GodMode: """ GodMode ----- Architecture: How it works: 1. GodMode receives a task from the user. 2. GodMode distributes the task to all LLMs. 3. GodMode collects the responses from all LLMs. 4. GodMode prints the responses from all LLMs. Parameters: llms: list of LLMs Methods: run(task): distribute task to all LLMs and collect responses print_responses(task): print responses from all LLMs Usage: god_mode = GodMode(llms) god_mode.print_responses(task) """ def __init__( self, llms ): self.llms = llms def run(self, task): with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: responses = llm: llm(task), self.llms) return list(responses) def print_responses(self, task): """Prints the responses in a tabular format""" responses = self.run_all(task) table = [] for i, response in enumerate(responses): table.append([f"LLM {i+1}", response]) print( colored( tabulate( table, headers=["LLM", "Response"], tablefmt="pretty" ), "cyan" ) )