import { Modal, Icon, Message } from 'semantic-ui-react' import { ReactComponent as Gradio } from '../../images/gradio.svg' import { ReactComponent as Streamlit } from '../../images/streamlit.svg' import { ReactComponent as Exit } from '../../images/exit.svg' import { ReactComponent as Proxmox } from '../../images/proxmox.svg' import { useState } from 'react' import { BsSearch } from 'react-icons/bs'; export default function Import(props) { const [subTab, setSubTab] = useState(0) const [embedUrl, setEmbedUrl] = useState(""); const [vmid, setVmid] = useState(''); const [node, setNode] = useState(''); const [iframeSrc, setIframeSrc] = useState(""); const [tab, setTab] = useState('') const [iframeTitle, setIframeTitle] = useState(""); // Added state for iframeTitle const handleSubmit = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); console.debug("Embed submit:", iframeSrc); props.onAddEmbed({ url: iframeSrc, title: iframeTitle, type: 'embed' }); // Modified to include title }; const handleProxmoxSubmit = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const requestData = { vmid, node }; fetch("http://localhost:2000/api/proxmox/vnc", { method: "POST", headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify(requestData) }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { if (data.iframe_src) { setIframeSrc(data.iframe_src); props.onAddEmbed({ url: data.iframe_src, type: 'embed' }); } else { console.error("Failed to get iframe source URL"); } }) .catch(error => { console.error("Error fetching iframe source URL:", error); }); }; return (
  • { setTab("gradio") props.catch ? props.handelError(false) : props.handelError(props.catch) }}>
  • { setTab("streamlit") props.catch ? props.handelError(false) : props.handelError(props.catch) }}>
  • { setTab("proxmox") props.catch ? props.handelError(false) : props.handelError(props.catch) }}>
{ props.quitHandeler(false) props.catch ? props.handelError(false) : props.handelError(props.catch) }}>
{tab === "gradio" &&
  • { setSubTab(0) props.catch ? props.handelError(false) : props.handelError(props.catch) }}>
  • { setSubTab(1) props.catch ? props.handelError(false) : props.handelError(props.catch) }}>
{subTab === 0 && } {subTab === 1 && } {props.catch &&
🚫 Something went wrong...

🤔 Possible Things That could of happen

  • - The input was empty
  • - The connection was forbidden
  • - The name was already taken
  • - The link you gave did not pass the regex
    • - http://localhost:xxxx
    • -
    • -$user/$space_name/+
  • - link already exist within the menu
} {tab === "streamlit" &&
} {tab === "IframeURL" && (
setIframeTitle(} className="input" /> setIframeSrc(} className="input" />
)} {iframeSrc && (
)} {iframeSrc &&
} {tab === "proxmox" &&
setVmid(} /> setNode(} />
{iframeSrc &&
Access Proxmox noVNC Session
setEmbedUrl(} />
) } function Local(props) { return (
🏗️ Comming soon... This tab will allow you grab your function from a given directory and build your own tabular module gradio functions
) } function Shared(props) { const [preview, setPreview] = useState("") const [fetchable, setFetch] = useState(false) const isFetchable = async (url) => { const pattern = { share: new RegExp("^https?:\\/\\/([0-9a-zA-Z-]+)\\.gradio\\.live\\/?"), hugginFace: new RegExp("^https?:\\/\\/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)-gradio\\.hf\\.space\\/?$") } if (!pattern.share.test(url) && !pattern.hugginFace.test(url)) { setFetch(false) return } fetch(url, { mode: "no-cors" }).then((re) => { console.log(re) if (re.url.includes("http://localhost:3000")) { setFetch(false) } else { setFetch(true) props.catch ? props.handelError(false) : props.handelError(props.catch) } }).catch((err) => { setFetch(false) }) setFetch(false) } return (
{ if (e.key.includes("Enter")) props.appendHandler(props.type) }}>
{fetchable === true &&
