import gradio as gr from inspect import getfile, isclass, getmro import socket import random import requests class Dock: def __init__(self) -> None: self.num_ports = 20 self.port_range = (7860, 7880) def portConnection(self, port : int): s = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) result = s.connect_ex(("localhost", port)) if result == 0: return True return False def determinePort(self, max_trial_count=10): trial_count = 0 while trial_count <= max_trial_count: port=random.randint(*self.port_range) if not self.portConnection(port): return port trial_count += 1 raise Exception('Exceeded Max Trial count without finding port') DOCKER_LOCAL_HOST = '' DOCKER_PORT = Dock() def tabularGradio(funcs, names, name="Tabular Temp Name", **kwargs): #print([fn.__name__ for fn in funcs]) assert len(funcs) == len(names), f"{bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.FAIL}๐Ÿ› something went wrong!!! The function you appended dose not match the lenght of the names{bcolor.ENDC}" # assert all([fn == "wrap" for fn in funcs]), f"{bcolor().BOLD}{bcolor().FAIL}not all of these are decorated with the right decorator{bcolor().ENDC}" port= kwargs["port"] if "port" in kwargs else DOCKER_PORT.determinePort() try:"http://{DOCKER_LOCAL_HOST}:{ kwargs[ 'listen' ] if 'listen' in kwargs else 5000 }/api/append/port", json={"port" : port, "host" : f'http://localhost:{port}', "file" : 'Not Applicable', "name" : name, "kwargs" : kwargs}) except Exception as e: print(f"**{bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.FAIL}CONNECTION ERROR{bcolor.ENDC}** ๐Ÿ›The listening api is either not up or you choose the wrong port.๐Ÿ› \n {e}") return gr.TabbedInterface(funcs, names).launch(server_port=port, server_name=f"{DOCKER_LOCAL_HOST}", inline= kwargs['inline'] if "inline" in kwargs else True, share=kwargs['share'] if "share" in kwargs else None, debug=kwargs['debug'] if "debug" in kwargs else False, enable_queue=kwargs['enable_queue'] if "enable_queue" in kwargs else None, max_threads=kwargs['max_threads'] if "max_threads" in kwargs else None, auth=kwargs['auth'] if "auth" in kwargs else None, auth_message=kwargs['auth_message'] if "auth_message" in kwargs else None, prevent_thread_lock=kwargs['prevent_thread_lock'] if "prevent_thread_lock" in kwargs else False, show_error=kwargs['show_error'] if "show_error" in kwargs else True, show_tips=kwargs['show_tips'] if "show_tips" in kwargs else False, height=kwargs['height'] if "height" in kwargs else 500, width=kwargs['width'] if "width" in kwargs else 900, encrypt=kwargs['encrypt'] if "encrypt" in kwargs else False, favicon_path=kwargs['favicon_path'] if "favicon_path" in kwargs else None, ssl_keyfile=kwargs['ssl_keyfile'] if "ssl_keyfile" in kwargs else None, ssl_certfile=kwargs['ssl_certfile'] if "ssl_certfile" in kwargs else None, ssl_keyfile_password=kwargs['ssl_keyfile_password'] if "ssl_keyfile_password" in kwargs else None, quiet=kwargs['quiet'] if "quiet" in kwargs else False) try:"http://{DOCKER_LOCAL_HOST}:{ kwargs[ 'listen' ] if 'listen' in kwargs else '5000' }/api/remove/port", json={"port" : port, "host" : f'http://localhost:{port}', "file" : 'Not Applicable', "name" : name, "kwargs" : kwargs}) except Exception as e: print(f"**{bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.FAIL}CONNECTION ERROR{bcolor.ENDC}** ๐Ÿ›The api either lost connection or was turned off...๐Ÿ› \n {e}") return def register(inputs, outputs, examples=None, **kwargs): def register_gradio(func): def wrap(*args, **wargs): fn_name = func.__name__ if 'self' in func.__code__.co_varnames and func.__name__ in dir(args[0]): """ given the decorator is on a class then initialize a registered_gradio_functons if not already initialize. """ assert len(inputs) == func.__code__.co_argcount - 1, f"โŒ {bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.FAIL}inputs should have the same length as arguments{bcolor.ENDC}" try: self = args[0] self.registered_gradio_functons except AttributeError: print("โœจInitializing Class Functions...โœจ\n") self.registered_gradio_functons = dict() if not fn_name in self.registered_gradio_functons: self.registered_gradio_functons[fn_name] = dict(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, examples=examples) if len(args[1:]) == (func.__code__.co_argcount - 1): return func(*args, **wargs) else : """ the function is not a class function """ assert len(inputs) == func.__code__.co_argcount, f"โŒ {bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.FAIL}inputs should have the same length as arguments{bcolor.ENDC}" if len(args) == (func.__code__.co_argcount): return func(*args, **wargs) return gr.Interface(fn=func, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, examples=examples, cache_examples=kwargs['cache_examples'] if "cache_examples" in kwargs else None, examples_per_page=kwargs['examples_per_page'] if "examples_per_page" in kwargs else 10, interpretation=kwargs['interpretation'] if "interpretation" in kwargs else None, num_shap=kwargs['num_shap'] if "num_shap" in kwargs else 2.0, title=kwargs['title'] if "title" in kwargs else None, article=kwargs['article'] if "article" in kwargs else None, thumbnail=kwargs['thumbnail'] if "thumbnail" in kwargs else None, css=kwargs['css'] if "css" in kwargs else None, live=kwargs['live'] if "live" in kwargs else False, allow_flagging=kwargs['allow_flagging'] if "allow_flagging" in kwargs else None, theme='default', ) return None return wrap return register_gradio def GradioModule(cls): class Decorator: def __init__(self) -> None: self.cls = cls() def get_funcs(self): return [func for func in dir(self.cls) if not func.startswith("__") and type(getattr(self.cls, func, None)) == type(self.get_funcs) ] def compile(self, **kwargs): print("Just putting on the finishing touches... ๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿงฐ") for func in self.get_funcs(): this = getattr(self.cls, func, None) if this.__name__ == "wrap": this() demos, names = [], [] for func, param in self.get_registered_gradio_functons().items(): names.append(func) demos.append(gr.Interface(fn=getattr(self.cls, func, None), inputs=param['inputs'], outputs=param['outputs'], examples=param['examples'], cache_examples=kwargs['cache_examples'] if "cache_examples" in kwargs else None, examples_per_page=kwargs['cache_examples'] if "cache_examples" in kwargs else 10, interpretation=kwargs['interpretation'] if "interpretation" in kwargs else None, num_shap=kwargs['num_shap'] if "num_shap" in kwargs else 2.0, title=kwargs['title'] if "title" in kwargs else None, article=kwargs['article'] if "article" in kwargs else None, thumbnail=kwargs['thumbnail'] if "thumbnail" in kwargs else None, css=kwargs['css'] if "css" in kwargs else None, live=kwargs['live'] if "live" in kwargs else False, allow_flagging=kwargs['allow_flagging'] if "allow_flagging" in kwargs else None, theme='default', )) print(f"{func}....{bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.OKGREEN} done {bcolor.ENDC}") print("\nHappy Visualizing... ๐Ÿš€") return gr.TabbedInterface(demos, names) def get_registered_gradio_functons(self): try: self.cls.registered_gradio_functons except AttributeError: return None return self.cls.registered_gradio_functons def run(self, **kwargs): port= kwargs["port"] if "port" in kwargs else DOCKER_PORT.determinePort() try:"http://{DOCKER_LOCAL_HOST}:{ kwargs[ 'listen' ] if 'listen' in kwargs else '5000' }/api/append/port", json={"port" : port, "host" : f'http://localhost:{port}', "file" : getfile(self.cls.__class__), "name" : self.cls.__class__.__name__, "kwargs" : kwargs}) except Exception: print(f"**{bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.FAIL}CONNECTION ERROR{bcolor.ENDC}** ๐Ÿ›The listening api is either not up or you choose the wrong port.๐Ÿ›") return self.compile(live=kwargs[ 'live' ] if "live" in kwargs else False, allow_flagging=kwargs[ 'allow_flagging' ] if "allow_flagging" in kwargs else None, cache_examples=kwargs['cache_examples'] if "cache_examples" in kwargs else None, examples_per_page=kwargs['cache_examples'] if "cache_examples" in kwargs else 10, interpretation=kwargs['interpretation'] if "interpretation" in kwargs else None, num_shap=kwargs['num_shap'] if "num_shap" in kwargs else 2.0, title=kwargs['title'] if "title" in kwargs else None, article=kwargs['article'] if "article" in kwargs else None, thumbnail=kwargs['thumbnail'] if "thumbnail" in kwargs else None, css=kwargs['css'] if "css" in kwargs else None, theme=kwargs['theme'] if "theme" in kwargs else None, ).launch(server_port=port, server_name=f"{DOCKER_LOCAL_HOST}", inline= kwargs['inline'] if "inline" in kwargs else True, share=kwargs['share'] if "share" in kwargs else None, debug=kwargs['debug'] if "debug" in kwargs else False, enable_queue=kwargs['enable_queue'] if "enable_queue" in kwargs else None, max_threads=kwargs['max_threads'] if "max_threads" in kwargs else None, auth=kwargs['auth'] if "auth" in kwargs else None, auth_message=kwargs['auth_message'] if "auth_message" in kwargs else None, prevent_thread_lock=kwargs['prevent_thread_lock'] if "prevent_thread_lock" in kwargs else False, show_error=kwargs['show_error'] if "show_error" in kwargs else True, show_tips=kwargs['show_tips'] if "show_tips" in kwargs else False, height=kwargs['height'] if "height" in kwargs else 500, width=kwargs['width'] if "width" in kwargs else 900, encrypt=kwargs['encrypt'] if "encrypt" in kwargs else False, favicon_path=kwargs['favicon_path'] if "favicon_path" in kwargs else None, ssl_keyfile=kwargs['ssl_keyfile'] if "ssl_keyfile" in kwargs else None, ssl_certfile=kwargs['ssl_certfile'] if "ssl_certfile" in kwargs else None, ssl_keyfile_password=kwargs['ssl_keyfile_password'] if "ssl_keyfile_password" in kwargs else None, quiet=kwargs['quiet'] if "quiet" in kwargs else False) try:"http://{DOCKER_LOCAL_HOST}:{ kwargs[ 'listen' ] if 'listen' in kwargs else '5000' }/api/remove/port", json={"port" : port, "host" : f'http://localhost:{port}', "file" : getfile(self.cls.__class__), "name" : self.cls.__class__.__name__, "kwargs" : kwargs}) except Exception: print(f"**{bcolor.BOLD}{bcolor.FAIL}CONNECTION ERROR{bcolor.ENDC}** ๐Ÿ›The api either lost connection or was turned off...๐Ÿ›") return return Decorator class bcolor: HEADER = '\033[95m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKCYAN = '\033[96m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' WARNING = '\033[93m' FAIL = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'