import { ChildNode, Element, DataNode, Document, ParentNode } from "./node.js"; export * from "./node.js"; export interface DomHandlerOptions { /** * Add a `startIndex` property to nodes. * When the parser is used in a non-streaming fashion, `startIndex` is an integer * indicating the position of the start of the node in the document. * * @default false */ withStartIndices?: boolean; /** * Add an `endIndex` property to nodes. * When the parser is used in a non-streaming fashion, `endIndex` is an integer * indicating the position of the end of the node in the document. * * @default false */ withEndIndices?: boolean; /** * Treat the markup as XML. * * @default false */ xmlMode?: boolean; } interface ParserInterface { startIndex: number | null; endIndex: number | null; } declare type Callback = (error: Error | null, dom: ChildNode[]) => void; declare type ElementCallback = (element: Element) => void; export declare class DomHandler { /** The elements of the DOM */ dom: ChildNode[]; /** The root element for the DOM */ root: Document; /** Called once parsing has completed. */ private readonly callback; /** Settings for the handler. */ private readonly options; /** Callback whenever a tag is closed. */ private readonly elementCB; /** Indicated whether parsing has been completed. */ private done; /** Stack of open tags. */ protected tagStack: ParentNode[]; /** A data node that is still being written to. */ protected lastNode: DataNode | null; /** Reference to the parser instance. Used for location information. */ private parser; /** * @param callback Called once parsing has completed. * @param options Settings for the handler. * @param elementCB Callback whenever a tag is closed. */ constructor(callback?: Callback | null, options?: DomHandlerOptions | null, elementCB?: ElementCallback); onparserinit(parser: ParserInterface): void; onreset(): void; onend(): void; onerror(error: Error): void; onclosetag(): void; onopentag(name: string, attribs: { [key: string]: string; }): void; ontext(data: string): void; oncomment(data: string): void; oncommentend(): void; oncdatastart(): void; oncdataend(): void; onprocessinginstruction(name: string, data: string): void; protected handleCallback(error: Error | null): void; protected addNode(node: ChildNode): void; } export default DomHandler; //#