# Shell Commands Contributor: [Sihan Zhao](https://github.com/Sarah816) # Terminal Tool This tool allows you to run shell commands on a machine. ## Setup The tool is initialized with the following parameters: - **name_for_model**: "Terminal" - **description_for_model**: "Run shell commands on this machine." - **logo_url**: "https://your-app-url.com/.well-known/logo.png" - **contact_email**: "hello@contact.com" - **legal_info_url**: "hello@legal.com" ## Endpoint The tool provides the following endpoint: - **/shell_run**: Run commands and return final output. The input should be a command string. ## Function Description - **shell_run(commands: str)**: This function runs commands and returns the final output. The commands should be a string. The function returns the output of the executed commands.