"""Interface for tools.""" from inspect import signature from typing import Any, Awaitable, Callable, Optional, Union from langchain.agents import Tool as LangChainTool from langchain.tools.base import BaseTool import requests import json import aiohttp import http.client http.client._MAXLINE = 655360 from tool_logging import get_logger logger = get_logger(__name__) class Tool(LangChainTool): tool_logo_md: str = "" class RequestTool(BaseTool): """Tool that takes in function or coroutine directly.""" description: str = "" func: Callable[[str], str] afunc: Callable[[str], str] coroutine: Optional[Callable[[str], Awaitable[str]]] = None max_output_len = 4000 tool_logo_md: str = "" def _run(self, tool_input: str) -> str: """Use the tool.""" return self.func(tool_input) async def _arun(self, tool_input: str) -> str: """Use the tool asynchronously.""" ret = await self.afunc(tool_input) return ret def convert_prompt(self, params): lines = "Your input should be a json (args json schema): {{" for p in params: logger.debug(p) optional = not p["required"] description = p.get("description", "") if len(description) > 0: description = "(" + description + ")" lines += '"{name}" : {type}{desc}, '.format( name=p["name"], type=p["schema"]["type"], optional=optional, desc=description, ) lines += "}}" return lines def __init__(self, root_url, func_url, method, request_info, **kwargs): """Store the function, description, and tool_name in a class to store the information""" url = root_url + func_url def func(json_args): if isinstance(json_args, str): try: json_args = json.loads(json_args) except: return "Your input can not be parsed as json, please use thought." if "tool_input" in json_args: json_args = json_args["tool_input"] # if it's post put patch, then we do json if method.lower() in ["post", "put", "patch"]: response = getattr(requests, method.lower())(url, json=json_args) else: # for other methods, we use get, and use json_args as query params response = requests.get(url, params=json_args) if response.status_code == 200: message = response.text else: message = f"Error code {response.status_code}. You can try (1) Change your input (2) Call another function. (If the same error code is produced more than 4 times, please use Thought: I can not use these APIs, so I will stop. Final Answer: No Answer, please check the APIs.)" message = message[: self.max_output_len] # TODO: not rigorous, to improve return message def convert_openapi_to_params(request_body): if not request_body: return [] params = [] for content_type, content in request_body["content"].items(): schema = content["schema"] properties = schema.get("properties", {}) required = schema.get("required", []) for key, value in properties.items(): param = { "name": key, "schema": value, "required": key in required, "description": value.get("description", ""), } if ( content_type == "multipart/form-data" and value.get("format") == "binary" ): param["type"] = "file" elif content_type in [ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", ]: param["type"] = "form" else: param["type"] = "json" params.append(param) return params async def afunc(json_args): if isinstance(json_args, str): try: json_args = json.loads(json_args) except: return "Your input can not be parsed as json, please use thought." if "tool_input" in json_args: json_args = json_args["tool_input"] async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url, params=json_args) as response: if response.status == 200: message = await response.text() else: message = f"Error code {response.status_code}. You can try (1) Change your input (2) Call another function. (If the same error code is produced more than 4 times, please use Thought: I can not use these APIs, so I will stop. Final Answer: No Answer, please check the APIs.)" message = message[: self.max_output_len] # TODO: not rigorous, to improve return message tool_name = func_url.replace("/", ".").strip(".") str_doc = "" if "parameters" in request_info[method]: str_doc = self.convert_prompt(request_info[method]["parameters"]) if "requestBody" in request_info[method]: str_doc = ( str_doc + "\n" + self.convert_prompt( convert_openapi_to_params(request_info[method]["requestBody"]) ) ) # description = f"- {tool_name}:\n" + \ # request_info[method].get('summary', '').replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}") \ description = ( request_info[method] .get("description", "") .replace("{", "{{") .replace("}", "}}") + ". " + str_doc + f" The Action to trigger this API should be {tool_name} and the input parameters should be a json dict string. Pay attention to the type of parameters." ) logger.info("API Name: {}".format(tool_name)) logger.info("API Description: {}".format(description)) super(RequestTool, self).__init__( name=tool_name, func=func, afunc=afunc, description=description, **kwargs )