{ "General Symptoms (Body)": [ ["Fever", "I have an elevated body temperature."], ["Nausea", "I feel the urge to vomit."], ["Vomiting", "I am expelling stomach contents through my mouth."], ["Dizziness", "I experience a sensation of lightheadedness or unsteadiness."], ["Weight loss", "I have lost a significant amount of body weight."], ["Fatigue", "I feel extreme tiredness and lack of energy."], ["Excessive sweating", "I am sweating profusely."], ["Anemia", "I have a deficiency of red blood cells, leading to fatigue."], ["Chills", "I experience shivering or feeling cold."], ["Bulging veins", "My veins appear swollen or protruded."], ["Body aches", "I feel discomfort or pain throughout my body."] ], "Head/Neck": [ ["Head pain", "I have pain in my head."], ["Neck pain", "I experience pain in my neck."], ["Headache on one side", "I feel a headache concentrated on one side of my head."], ["Confusion", "I am disoriented or have difficulty understanding things."], ["Blurred vision", "My vision is unclear or fuzzy."], ["Distorted vision", "I see images in an altered or abnormal way."], ["Sensitivity to light and sound", "I am more sensitive to light and sound than usual."], ["Stiff neck", "My neck feels stiff and limited in movement."] ], "Eyes": [ ["Itchy eyes", "My eyes are experiencing itching."], ["Watery eyes", "My eyes are producing excessive tears."], ["Red eyes", "The whites of my eyes appear red."], ["Eye pain", "I am experiencing pain or discomfort in my eyes."], ["Yellow eyes", "The whites of my eyes have a yellowish tint."], ["Blurred vision", "My vision is unclear or fuzzy."], ["Sensitivity to light", "I am more sensitive to light than usual."] ], "Digestive System": [ ["Heartburn", "I feel a burning sensation in my chest or throat."], ["Upper abdominal or chest pain", "I experience pain in the upper abdomen or chest."], ["Difficulty swallowing", "I have trouble moving food from my mouth to my stomach."], ["Sensation of a lump in the throat", "I feel like there is something stuck in my throat."], ["Excessive thirst", "I am very thirsty."], ["Abdominal pain", "I have pain or discomfort in my abdomen."], ["Severe diarrhea", "I am experiencing frequent, watery bowel movements."], ["Vomiting", "I am expelling stomach contents through my mouth."], ["Nausea", "I feel the urge to vomit."], ["Bloating", "I have a feeling of fullness and tightness in the abdomen."], ["Belching", "I am expelling gas from the stomach through the mouth."], ["Decreased appetite", "I have a reduced desire to eat."], ["Indigestion", "I am experiencing discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen."] ], "Skin": [ ["Changes in skin color", "There are alterations in the color of my skin."], ["Red/itchy sores", "I have red and itchy sores on my skin."], ["Yellow or honey-colored scabs", "Scabs on my skin have a yellow or honey-colored appearance."], ["Warm, red skin", "My skin feels warm and appears red."], ["Scaly skin", "My skin is dry and covered with scales."], ["Rash", "I have an outbreak of red, raised, and often itchy skin."], ["Scabs", "I have dried blood or pus over a healing wound."], ["Fluid-filled blisters", "Blisters on my skin contain clear fluid."], ["Itching", "I experience a sensation that prompts me to scratch my skin."], ["Dry skin", "My skin lacks moisture and feels rough or flaky."], ["Swelling", "There is an abnormal enlargement of body parts or areas."] ], "Urinary Tract": [ ["Pain during urination", "I feel pain or discomfort while urinating."], ["Burning sensation during urination", "I experience a burning or stinging feeling during urination."], ["Frequent urination", "I need to urinate more often than usual."], ["Cloudy urine", "My urine appears cloudy or murky."], ["Blood in urine", "There is blood visible in my urine."], ["Difficulty controlling bladder", "I have trouble controlling my bladder, leading to leakage."], ["Difficulty controlling bowels", "I have trouble controlling my bowels, leading to leakage."], ["Dark urine", "My urine has a darker color than usual."], ["Pale or clay-colored stools", "My stools have a pale or clay-like color."], ["Urinary urgency", "I feel a strong and sudden need to urinate."] ], "Muscle/Skeletal System": [ ["Joint pain", "I have pain or discomfort in the joints."], ["Restricted movement", "There is a limitation in the normal range of motion."], ["Weakness", "I feel a lack of strength or energy."], ["Muscle wasting", "My muscles are shrinking or losing mass."], ["Nighttime leg cramps", "I experience cramping in my legs during the night."], ["Swelling in joints", "There is an abnormal enlargement of joints."], ["Stiffness", "I feel difficulty in moving certain body parts."], ["Muscle spasms", "I experience involuntary contractions of muscles."] ], "Respiratory System (Lungs)": [ ["Sneezing", "I forcefully expel air through my nose."], ["Nasal congestion", "My nasal passages are blocked or congested."], ["Coughing", "I am expelling air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound."], ["Runny nose", "My nose is producing excess mucus."], ["Sore throat", "I have pain or irritation in the throat."], ["Wheezing", "I produce a whistling sound while breathing."], ["Coughing attacks", "I experience sudden and severe bouts of coughing."], ["Shortness of breath", "I find it difficult to breathe and feel breathless."], ["Chest tightness", "I feel a squeezing or pressure in my chest."], ["Rapid breathing", "I am breathing at a faster rate than normal."] ] }