/*! * jQuery Lightbox Evolution - for jQuery 1.4+ * http://codecanyon.net/item/jquery-lightbox-evolution/115655?ref=aeroalquimia * * Copyright (c) 2013, Eduardo Daniel Sada * Released under CodeCanyon Regular License. * http://codecanyon.net/licenses/regular * * Version: 1.8.0 (August 17 2013) */ ; (function ($, A, B, C) { var D = (function (u) { return function () { return u.search(arguments[0]) } })((navigator && navigator.userAgent) ? navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() : ""); var E = false; var F = (function () { for (var a = 3, b = B.createElement("b"), c = b.all || []; b.innerHTML = "", c[0];); return 4 < a ? a : B.documentMode })(); var G = (function () { var b; var a; var c = B.createElement("div"); c.innerHTML = "
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"iframe" : c; if (h.width) { j.width = h.width; j.height = h.height } else { var b = this.calculate(this.options[j.type].width, this.options[j.type].height); j.width = b.width; j.height = b.height } return false } })); if (!!j.type) return false })); return j }, create_gallery: function (a, b) { var c = this; var d = c.esqueleto.buttons.prev; var f = c.esqueleto.buttons.next; c.gallery.total = a.length; if (a.length > 1) { d.unbind('.lightbox'); f.unbind('.lightbox'); d.bind('click.lightbox touchend.lightbox', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); a.unshift(a.pop()); c.show(a) }); f.bind('click.lightbox touchend.lightbox', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); a.push(a.shift()); c.show(a) }); if (c.esqueleto.navigator.css("display") === "none") { c.esqueleto.buttons.div.show() } d.show(); f.show(); if (this.options.preload) { if (a[1].href.match(this.imgsreg)) { (new Image()).src = a[1].href } if (a[a.length - 1].href.match(this.imgsreg)) { (new Image()).src = a[a.length - 1].href } } } else { d.hide(); f.hide() } }, custombuttons: function (c, d) { var f = this.esqueleto; f.buttons.custom.empty(); $.each(c, this.proxy(function (i, a) { var b = $('' + a['html'] + ''); b.bind('click', this.proxy(function (e) { if ($.isFunction(a.callback)) { a.callback(this.esqueleto.image.src, this, d) } e.preventDefault() })); f.buttons.custom.append(b) })); f.buttons.div.show() }, show: function (d, f, g) { if (this.utils.isEmpty(d)) { return false } var h = d[0]; var i = ''; var j = false; var k = h.href; var l = this.esqueleto; var m = { x: this.win.width(), y: this.win.height() }; var n, height; if (d.length === 1 && h.type === "element") { i = "element" } this.loading(); j = this.visible; this.open(); if (j === false) { this.movebox() } this.create_gallery(d, f); f = $.extend(true, { 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'modal': 0, 'force': '', 'autoresize': true, 'move': true, 'maximized': false, 'iframe': false, 'flashvars': '', 'cufon': true, 'ratio': 1, 'onOpen': function () { }, 'onClose': function () { } }, f || {}, h); this.options.onOpen = f.onOpen; this.options.onClose = f.onClose; this.options.cufon = f.cufon; var o = this.unserialize(k); f = $.extend({}, f, o); if (f.width && ("" + f.width).indexOf("p") > 0) { f.width = Math.round((m.x - 20) * f.width.substring(0, f.width.indexOf("p")) / 100) } if (f.height && ("" + f.height).indexOf("p") > 0) { f.height = Math.round((m.y - 20) * f.height.substring(0, f.height.indexOf("p")) / 100) } this.overlay.options.modal = f.modal; var p = l.buttons.max; p.removeClass(this.options.name + '-button-min'); p.removeClass(this.options.name + '-button-max'); p.addClass(this.options.name + '-hide'); this.move = !!f.move; this.maximized = !!f.maximized; if ($.isArray(f.buttons)) { this.custombuttons(f.buttons, h.element) } if (l.buttons.custom.is(":empty") === false) { l.buttons.div.show() } if (this.utils.isEmpty(f.force) === false) { i = f.force } else if (f.iframe) { i = 'iframe' } else if (k.match(this.imgsreg)) { i = 'image' } else { var q = this.ex({ "flash": this.videoregs, "iframe": this.mapsreg }, k, f); if (!!q.type === true) { k = q.href; i = q.type; f.width = q.width; f.height = q.height } if (!!i === false) { if (k.match(/#/)) { var r = k.substr(k.indexOf("#")); if ($(r).length > 0) { i = 'inline'; k = r } else { i = 'ajax' } } else { i = 'ajax' } } } if (i === 'image') { l.image = new Image(); $(l.image).load(this.proxy(function () { var a = this.esqueleto.image; $(a).unbind('load'); if (this.visible === false) { return false } if (f.width) { n = parseInt(f.width, 10); height = parseInt(f.height, 10); f.autoresize = false } else { a.width = parseInt(a.width * f.ratio, 10); a.height = parseInt(a.height * f.ratio, 10); if (f.maximized) { n = a.width; height = a.height } else { var b = this.calculate(a.width, a.height); n = b.width; height = b.height } } if (f.autoresize) { if (f.maximized || (!f.maximized && a.width != n && a.height != height)) { l.buttons.div.show(); l.buttons.max.removeClass(this.options.name + '-hide'); l.buttons.max.addClass(this.options.name + (f.maximized ? '-button-min' : '-button-max')) } } l.title = (this.utils.isEmpty(f.title)) ? false : $('
').html(f.title); this.loadimage(); this.resize(n, height) })); this.esqueleto.image.onerror = this.proxy(function () { this.error("The requested image cannot be loaded. Please try again later.") }); this.esqueleto.image.src = k } else if (i == 'jwplayer' && typeof jwplayer !== "undefined") { if (f.width) { n = f.width; height = f.height } else { this.error("You have to specify the size. Add ?lightbox[width]=600&lightbox[height]=400 at the end of the url."); return false } var s = 'DV_' + (new Date().getTime()); var t = '
'; this.appendhtml($(t).css({ width: n, height: height }), n, height); this.esqueleto.background.bind('complete', this.proxy(function () { this.esqueleto.background.unbind('complete'); jwplayer(s).setup($.extend(true, { file: k, autostart: true }, f)); if (this.visible === false) { return false } })) } else if (i == 'flash' || i == 'inline' || i == 'ajax' || i == 'element') { if (i == 'inline') { var u = $(k); var v = f.source == "original" ? u : u.clone(true).show(); n = f.width > 0 ? f.width : u.outerWidth(true); height = f.height > 0 ? f.height : u.outerHeight(true); this.appendhtml(v, n, height) } else if (i == 'ajax') { if (f.width) { n = f.width; height = f.height } else { this.error("You have to specify the size. Add ?lightbox[width]=600&lightbox[height]=400 at the end of the url."); return false } if (this.animations.ajax) { this.animations.ajax.abort() } this.animations.ajax = $.ajax($.extend(true, {}, this.options.ajax, f.ajax || {}, { url: k, error: this.proxy(function (a, b, c) { this.error("AJAX Error " + a.status + " " + c + ". Url: " + k) }), success: this.proxy(function (a) { this.appendhtml($("
" + a + "
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Add ?lightbox[width]=600&lightbox[height]=400&lighbox[iframe]=true at the end of the url."); return false } var t = ''; this.appendhtml($(t).css({ width: n, height: height }), n, height) } this.callback = $.isFunction(g) ? g : function (e) { } }, loadimage: function () { var a = this.esqueleto; var b = a.background; var c = this.options.name + '-loading'; b.bind('complete', this.proxy(function () { b.unbind('complete'); if (this.visible === false) { return false } this.changemode('image'); b.empty(); a.html.empty(); if (a.title) { b.append(a.title) } b.append(a.image); if (!G.opacity) { b.removeClass(c) } else { $(a.image).css("background-color", "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"); $(a.image).stop().css("opacity", 0).animate({ "opacity": 1 }, (E ? this.options.animation.show.duration / 2 : this.options.animation.show.duration), function () { b.removeClass(c) }) } this.options.onOpen.apply(this) })) }, swf2html: function (c, d, e, f) { var g = $.extend(true, { classid: "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000", width: d, height: e, movie: c, src: c, style: "margin:0; padding:0;", allowFullScreen: "true", allowscriptaccess: "always", wmode: "transparent", autostart: "true", autoplay: "true", type: "application/x-shockwave-flash", flashvars: "autostart=1&autoplay=1&fullscreenbutton=1" }, f); var h = "" } }); var k = h + ">" + j + i + ">"; return k }, appendhtml: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = this; var f = e.options; var g = e.esqueleto; var h = g.background; e.changemode("html"); e.resize(b + 30, c + 20); h.bind('complete', function () { h.removeClass(f.name + '-loading'); g.html.append(a); if (d == "flash" && D("chrome") > -1) { g.html.html(a) } h.unbind('complete'); if (f.cufon && typeof Cufon !== 'undefined') { Cufon.refresh() } f.onOpen.apply(this) }) }, movebox: function (w, h) { var a = $(this.win); var b = { x: a.width(), y: a.height() }; var c = { x: a.scrollLeft(), y: a.scrollTop() }; var d = this.esqueleto; var e = w != null ? w : d.lightbox.outerWidth(true); var f = h != null ? h : d.lightbox.outerHeight(true); var y = 0; var x = 0; x = c.x + ((b.x - e) / 2); if (this.visible) { y = c.y + (b.y - f) / 2 } else if (this.options.emergefrom == "bottom") { y = (c.y + b.y + 14) } else if (this.options.emergefrom == "top") { y = (c.y - f) - 14 } else if (this.options.emergefrom == "right") { x = b.x; y = c.y + (b.y - f) / 2 } else if (this.options.emergefrom == "left") { x = -e; y = c.y + (b.y - f) / 2 } if (this.visible) { if (!this.animations.move) { this.morph(d.move, { 'left': parseInt(x, 10) }, 'move') } this.morph(d.move, { 'top': parseInt(y, 10) }, 'move') } else { d.move.css({ 'left': parseInt(x, 10), 'top': parseInt(y, 10) }) } }, morph: function (d, f, g, h, i) { var j = jQuery.fn.jquery.split("."); if (j[0] == 1 && j[1] < 8) { var k = $.speed({ queue: i || false, duration: (E ? this.options.animation[g].duration / 2 : this.options.animation[g].duration), easing: this.options.animation[g].easing, complete: ($.isFunction(h) ? this.proxy(h, this) : null) }); return d[k.queue === false ? "each" : "queue"](function () { if (j[1] > 5) { if (k.queue === false) { $._mark(this) } } var c = $.extend({}, k), self = this; c.curAnim = $.extend({}, f); c.animatedProperties = {}; for (var p in f) { name = p; c.animatedProperties[name] = c.specialEasing && c.specialEasing[name] || c.easing || 'swing' } $.each(f, function (a, b) { var e = new $.fx(self, c, a); e.custom(e.cur(true) || 0, b, "px") }); return true }) } else { d.animate(f, { queue: i || false, duration: (E ? this.options.animation[g].duration / 2 : this.options.animation[g].duration), easing: this.options.animation[g].easing, complete: ($.isFunction(h) ? this.proxy(h, this) : null) }) } }, resize: function (x, y) { var a = this.esqueleto; if (this.visible) { var b = { x: $(this.win).width(), y: $(this.win).height() }; var c = { x: $(this.win).scrollLeft(), y: $(this.win).scrollTop() }; var d = Math.max((c.x + (b.x - (x + 14)) / 2), 0); var e = Math.max((c.y + (b.y - (y + 14)) / 2), 0); this.animations.move = true; this.morph(a.move.stop(), { 'left': (this.maximized && d < 0) ? 0 : d, 'top': (this.maximized && (y + 14) > b.y) ? c.y : e }, 'move', $.proxy(function () { this.move = false }, this.animations)); this.morph(a.html, { 'height': y - 20 }, 'move'); this.morph(a.lightbox.stop(), { 'width': (x + 14), 'height': y - 20 }, 'move', {}, true); this.morph(a.navigator, { 'width': x }, 'move'); this.morph(a.navigator, { 'top': (y - (a.navigator.height())) / 2 }, 'move'); this.morph(a.background.stop(), { 'width': x, 'height': y }, 'move', function () { $(a.background).trigger('complete') }) } else { a.html.css({ 'height': y - 20 }); a.lightbox.css({ 'width': x + 14, 'height': y - 20 }); a.background.css({ 'width': x, 'height': y }); a.navigator.css({ 'width': x }) } }, close: function (a) { var b = this.esqueleto; this.visible = false; this.gallery = {}; this.options.onClose(); var c = b.html.children(".jwplayer"); if (c.length > 0 && typeof jwplayer !== "undefined") { jwplayer(c[0]).remove() } if (F || !G.opacity || E) { b.background.empty(); b.html.find("iframe").attr("src", ""); if (F) { setTimeout(function () { b.html.hide().empty().show() }, 100) } else { b.html.hide().empty().show() } b.buttons.custom.empty(); b.move.css("display", "none"); this.movebox() } else { b.move.animate({ "opacity": 0, "top": "-=40" }, { queue: false, complete: (this.proxy(function () { b.background.empty(); b.html.empty(); b.buttons.custom.empty(); this.movebox(); b.move.css({ "display": "none", "opacity": 1, "overflow": "visible" }) })) }) } this.overlay.hide(this.proxy(function () { if ($.isFunction(this.callback)) { this.callback.apply(this, $.makeArray(a)) } })); b.background.stop(true, false).unbind("complete") }, open: function () { this.visible = true; if (!G.opacity) { this.esqueleto.move.get(0).style.removeAttribute("filter") } this.esqueleto.move.stop().css({ opacity: 1, display: "block", overflow: "visible" }).show(); this.overlay.show() }, shake: function () { var z = this.options.animation.shake; var x = z.distance; var d = z.duration; var t = z.transition; var o = z.loops; var l = this.esqueleto.move.position().left; var e = this.esqueleto.move; for (var i = 0; i < o; i++) { e.animate({ left: l + x }, d, t); e.animate({ left: l - x }, d, t) }; e.animate({ left: l + x }, d, t); e.animate({ left: l }, d, t) }, changemode: function (a) { if (a != this.mode) { var b = this.options.name + "-mode-"; this.esqueleto.lightbox.removeClass(b + this.mode).addClass(b + a); this.mode = a } this.esqueleto.move.css("overflow", "visible") }, error: function (a) { alert(a); this.close() }, unserialize: function (d) { var e = /lightbox\[([^\]]*)?\]$/i; var f = {}; if (d.match(/#/)) { d = d.slice(0, d.indexOf("#")) } d = d.slice(d.indexOf('?') + 1).split("&"); $.each(d, function () { var a = this.split("="); var b = a[0]; var c = a[1]; if (b.match(e)) { if (isFinite(c)) { c = parseFloat(c) } else if (c.toLowerCase() == "true") { c = true } else if (c.toLowerCase() == "false") { c = false } f[b.match(e)[1]] = c } }); return f }, calculate: function (x, y) { var a = this.options.maxsize.width > 0 ? this.options.maxsize.width : this.win.width() - 50; var b = this.options.maxsize.height > 0 ? this.options.maxsize.height : this.win.height() - 50; if (x > a) { y = y * (a / x); x = a; if (y > b) { x = x * (b / y); y = b } } else if (y > b) { x = x * (b / y); y = b; if (x > a) { y = y * (a / x); x = a } } return { width: parseInt(x, 10), height: parseInt(y, 10) } }, loading: function () { var a = this.options.style; var b = this.esqueleto; var c = b.background; this.changemode('image'); c.children().stop(true); c.empty(); b.html.empty(); b.buttons.div.hide(); b.buttons.div.css("width"); c.addClass(this.options.name + '-loading'); if (this.visible == false) { this.movebox(a["width"], a["height"]); this.resize(a["width"], a["height"]) } }, maximinimize: function () { var a = this; var b = a.esqueleto.buttons; var c = a.esqueleto.image; var d = a.options.name; var e = {}; b.max.removeClass(d + '-button-min ' + d + '-button-max').addClass((a.maximized) ? d + '-button-max' : d + '-button-min'); a.loading(); a.loadimage(); b.div.show(); if (a.maximized) { e = a.calculate(c.width, c.height) } else { e = c } a.resize(e.width, e.height); a.maximized = !a.maximized }, getOptions: function (a) { var a = $(a); return $.extend({}, { href: a.attr("href"), rel: ($.trim(a.attr("data-rel") || a.attr("rel"))), relent: a.attr("data-rel") ? "data-rel" : "rel", title: $.trim(a.attr("data-title") || a.attr("title")), element: a[0] }, ($.parseJSON((a.attr("data-options") || "{}").replace(/\'/g, '"')) || {})) }, link: function (b, c) { var d = $(c.element); var e = this.getOptions(d); var f = e.rel; var g = e.relent; var h = c.options; var j = []; d.blur(); if (c.gallery) { j = c.gallery } else if (this.utils.isEmpty(f) || f === 'nofollow') { j = [e] } else { var k = []; var l = []; var m = false; $("a[" + g + "], area[" + g + "]", this.ownerDocument).filter("[" + g + "=\"" + f + "\"]").each($.proxy(function (i, a) { if (d[0] === a) { k.unshift(this.getOptions(a)); m = true } else if (m == false) { l.push(this.getOptions(a)) } else { k.push(this.getOptions(a)) } }, this)); j = k.concat(l) } $.lightbox(j, h, c.callback, d); return false }, utils: { isEmpty: function (a) { if (a == null) return true; if (Object.prototype.toString.call(a) === '[object String]' || $.type(a) === "array") return a.length === 0 } } }, lightbox: function (a, b, c) { var d = []; if ($.LightBoxObject.utils.isEmpty(a)) { return $.LightBoxObject } if ($.type(a) === "string") { d = [$.extend({}, { href: a }, b)] } else if ($.type(a) === "array") { var e = a[0]; if ($.type(e) === "string") { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { d[i] = $.extend({}, { href: a[i] }, b) } } else if ($.type(e) === "object") { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { d[i] = $.extend({}, b, a[i]) } } } else if ($.type(a) === "object" && a[0].nodeType) { d = [$.extend({}, { type: "element", href: "#", element: a }, b)] } return $.LightBoxObject.show(d, b, c) } }); $.fn.lightbox = function (a, b) { var c = { "selector": this.selector, "options": a, "callback": b }; return $(this).live('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return $.proxy($.LightBoxObject.link, $.LightBoxObject)(e, $.extend({}, c, { "element": this })) }) }; $(function () { var a = jQuery.fn.jquery.split("."); if (a[0] > 1 || (a[0] == 1 && a[1] > 3)) { $.LightBoxObject.create() } else { throw "The jQuery version that was loaded is too old. Lightbox Evolution requires jQuery 1.4+"; } }) })(jQuery, window, document);