import torch, torchvision, clip, time, math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from model import encoder_image from sentence import * ##### Get infos & cool facts to display during loadings with open("infos.txt") as file: infos = file.readlines() ##### Get css with open("style.css") as style: css = "" ##### 'DIFFICULTY SWITCH' EVENT def switch_difficulty(var_dict, html_loading): var_dict["difficulty"] = 1 - var_dict["difficulty"] title, infos, new_value = loading(html_loading) return var_dict, title, infos, new_value ##### 'LOADING' EVENT def loading(html_loading=None): ### This is just to make sure the content changes, which triggers the .change event which, itself, will launch a new game if html_loading == "
": new_value = "
" else: new_value = "
" ### Get a random tip info = np.random.choice(infos) ### Return TITLE, TIP TEXT, NEW HTML CONTENT, CANVAS IMG return "




",new_value ##### 'NEW GAME' EVENT def new_game(var_dict,img=None,first_game=False): print("\n----------Launching new game!") if None is not var_dict: difficulty = var_dict["difficulty"] else: difficulty = 1 var_dict = { "start_time": time.time(), "total_time": 0, "found_words": [], "target_sentence": "", "guessed_sentence": "", "parts": [], "win": 0, "step": 0, "prev_steps": [], "prev_norm": float("inf"), "tip": "", "loading": False, "revertedState": False, "difficulty": difficulty } target = iniSentence(var_dict,first_game=first_game) ### Return TITLE, PREDICTION TEXT, CANVAS IMG, VAR DICT return "


", getHTML(var_dict,""), None, var_dict ##### PREDICTION TEXT HTML def getHTML(var_dict,text,win=0): ### Which parts of the sentence have been guessed? guessed, not_guessed = "", "" text_words = text.split(" ") target_words = var_dict["target_sentence"].split(" ") for i,word in enumerate(text_words): if i < len(target_words) and word == target_words[i]: guessed += word + " " else: not_guessed += word + " " ### Display prediction if win!=1: html = "


" else: minutes, seconds = math.floor(var_dict["total_time"]/60), var_dict["total_time"]%60 if minutes < 1 and seconds <= 30: emoji = "πŸ†πŸ˜" elif minutes < 1: emoji = "πŸ˜„" elif minutes < 2: emoji = "😐" elif minutes < 3: emoji = "πŸ˜“" else: emoji = "😱" time_str = "Total time: "+ ((str(minutes)+"m") if minutes>0 else "") + str(seconds)+"s "+emoji html = "


" return css+"
" ##### DRAWING PROCESSING & GAME STATE UPDATE def process_img(var_dict,img,title): # Makes sure that start_time is updates for the first game if var_dict["start_time"] == -1: var_dict["start_time"] = time.time() if (None is img): return getHTML(var_dict,"",win=0),"


",var_dict elif (None is not img) and (var_dict["win"] != 1): print("-----Processing...") part = var_dict["parts"][var_dict["step"]] image = torch.tensor(img).float() / 255 ### Detect Cancel event norm = torch.norm(image) if norm > var_dict["prev_norm"]: print("---Cancel Event") prevState(var_dict) var_dict["prev_norm"] = norm ### Image preprocessing --> shape (224,224) max_edge = max(image.shape[0],image.shape[1]) min_edge = min(image.shape[0],image.shape[1]) square_image = torch.ones(max_edge,max_edge) pad = math.floor((max_edge - min_edge)/2) if max_edge == image.shape[1]: square_image[pad:pad+min_edge,:] = image else: square_image[:,pad:pad+min_edge] = image image = torchvision.transforms.Resize((224,224))(square_image.unsqueeze(0)).repeat(1,3,1,1) ### Computing cosine similarities (drawing<->text embeddings) with torch.no_grad(): image_features = encoder_image(image)[0] text_features = torch.tensor(part["embeddings"]) image_features /= image_features.norm() similarities = torch.matmul(text_features,image_features) probs = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=-1)(similarities) ### Sort indexes by similarity idxs = np.argsort(similarities) ### Use top-3 preditions top3_idxs = idxs[-3:] classes = part["classes"] preds = [classes[idx] for idx in top3_idxs] print(f"Top-3 Predictions: {preds}") print(f"Top-3 Probabilities: {probs[top3_idxs]}") ### Check if win (-1: bad guess, 0:progress=guessed sentence part, 1:win=guessed whole sentence) win = updateState(var_dict, preds) if win == -1: text = preds[-1] elif win == 0: part = var_dict["parts"][var_dict["step"]] text = var_dict["guessed_sentence"] + link_text(part,"something") + " something" elif win == 1: text = var_dict["guessed_sentence"] if var_dict["total_time"] == 0: var_dict["total_time"] = round(time.time() - var_dict["start_time"]) return getHTML(var_dict,text,var_dict["win"]),"


",var_dict else: return getHTML(var_dict,var_dict["target_sentence"],win=1),"

