import time import gradio as gr from config.config_utils import get_config from model import Captioner, VicunaHandler def mirror(x): return x def clear_chat(conv_template): return "", [], conv_template def clear_four(): return [], "", "", "" def respond(input, chat_history, conv): bot_response, new_conv = handler.gr_chat(input, conv) chat_history.append((input, bot_response)) time.sleep(0.1) return "", chat_history, new_conv # global variables config = get_config('config/infer.yaml') captioner = Captioner(config) handler = VicunaHandler(config['vicuna']) with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft()) as demo: gr.Markdown("##


") gr.Markdown("""🔥 [ChatVID]( is a video chatbot. Please give us a ⭐ Star!""") gr.Markdown("""🎥 You may use the example video by clicking it.""") gr.Markdown("""🚀 For any questions or suggestions, feel free to drop Yiqin an email at or open an issue.""") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): video_path = gr.Video(label="Video") with gr.Column(): upload_button = gr.Button("""Upload & Process. (Click and wait 3min until dialog box appears)""") num_frames = gr.Slider( minimum=5, value=12, maximum=12, step=1, label="Number of frames") gr.Markdown("## Video Examples") gr.Examples( examples=[ "examples/cook_720p.mp4", "examples/temple_of_heaven_720p.mp4" ], inputs=video_path, outputs=video_path, fn=mirror, cache_examples=False, ) with gr.Column(): caption_box = gr.Textbox("") chatbot = gr.Chatbot() conv_template = gr.State("") # determined by the video conv = gr.State("") # updated thourghout the conversation with gr.Row(visible=False) as input: with gr.Column(scale=0.7): txt = gr.Textbox( show_label=False, placeholder="Enter text and press enter").style( container=False) with gr.Column(scale=0.15, min_width=0): run_button = gr.Button("RUN!") with gr.Column(scale=0.15, min_width=0): clear_button = gr.Button("CLEAR") # conv_template and conv are `Conversation` objects gr.update(visible=False), None, input).then( clear_four, None, [chatbot, conv, conv_template, caption_box]).then( captioner.caption_video, [video_path, num_frames], [conv_template]).then(mirror, [conv_template], [caption_box]).then( handler.gr_chatbot_init, [conv_template], [conv_template, conv]).then(lambda: gr.update(visible=True), None, input) txt.submit( respond, inputs=[txt, chatbot, conv], outputs=[txt, chatbot, conv]) respond, inputs=[txt, chatbot, conv], outputs=[txt, chatbot, conv]) clear_chat, inputs=[conv_template], outputs=[txt, chatbot, conv]) demo.queue(default_enabled=False).launch()