# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import hashlib import os import fitz import pandas as pd import textract from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from loguru import logger from deepdoc.parser import RAGFlowPdfParser class FileName: """Record file original name, state and copied filepath with text format.""" def __init__(self, root: str, filename: str, _type: str): self.root = root self.prefix = filename.replace('/', '_') self.basename = os.path.basename(filename) self.origin = os.path.join(root, filename) self.copypath = '' self._type = _type self.state = True self.reason = '' self.jsonpath = '' self.imagefolder = '' self.htmlpath = '' def __str__(self): return '{},{},{},{}\n'.format(self.basename, self.copypath, self.state, self.reason) class FileOperation: """Encapsulate all file reading operations.""" def __init__(self): self.pdf_parser = RAGFlowPdfParser() self.image_suffix = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.bmp'] self.md_suffix = '.md' self.text_suffix = ['.txt', '.text'] self.excel_suffix = ['.xlsx', '.xls', '.csv'] self.pdf_suffix = '.pdf' self.ppt_suffix = '.pptx' self.html_suffix = ['.html', '.htm', '.shtml', '.xhtml'] self.word_suffix = ['.docx', '.doc'] self.normal_suffix = [self.md_suffix ] + self.text_suffix + self.excel_suffix + [ self.pdf_suffix ] + self.word_suffix + [self.ppt_suffix ] + self.html_suffix def get_type(self, filepath: str): filepath = filepath.lower() if filepath.endswith(self.pdf_suffix): return 'pdf' if filepath.endswith(self.md_suffix): return 'md' if filepath.endswith(self.ppt_suffix): return 'ppt' for suffix in self.image_suffix: if filepath.endswith(suffix): return 'image' for suffix in self.text_suffix: if filepath.endswith(suffix): return 'text' for suffix in self.word_suffix: if filepath.endswith(suffix): return 'word' for suffix in self.excel_suffix: if filepath.endswith(suffix): return 'excel' for suffix in self.html_suffix: if filepath.endswith(suffix): return 'html' return None def md5(self, filepath: str): hash_object = hashlib.sha256() with open(filepath, 'rb') as file: chunk_size = 8192 while chunk := file.read(chunk_size): hash_object.update(chunk) return hash_object.hexdigest()[0:8] def summarize(self, files: list): success = 0 skip = 0 failed = 0 for file in files: if file.state: success += 1 elif file.reason == 'skip': skip += 1 else: logger.info('{} {}'.format(file.origin, file.reason)) failed += 1 logger.info('{} {}'.format(file.reason, file.copypath)) logger.info('累计{}文件,成功{}个,跳过{}个,异常{}个'.format(len(files), success, skip, failed)) def scan_dir(self, repo_dir: str): files = [] for root, _, filenames in os.walk(repo_dir): for filename in filenames: _type = self.get_type(filename) if _type is not None: files.append( FileName(root=root, filename=filename, _type=_type)) return files def read_pdf(self, filepath: str): # load pdf and serialize table text_content, tables = self.pdf_parser(filepath, need_image=False, zoomin=3, return_html=True) # text = '' # with fitz.open(filepath) as pages: # for page in pages: # text += page.get_text() # tables = page.find_tables() # for table in tables: # tablename = '_'.join( # filter(lambda x: x is not None and 'Col' not in x, # table.header.names)) # pan = table.to_pandas() # json_text = pan.dropna(axis=1).to_json(force_ascii=False) # text += tablename # text += '\n' # text += json_text # text += '\n' return text_content, tables def read_excel(self, filepath: str): table = None if filepath.endswith('.csv'): table = pd.read_csv(filepath) else: table = pd.read_excel(filepath) if table is None: return '' json_text = table.dropna(axis=1).to_json(force_ascii=False) return json_text def read(self, filepath: str): file_type = self.get_type(filepath) text = '' tbls =[] if not os.path.exists(filepath): return text,tbls, None try: if file_type == 'md' or file_type == 'text': with open(filepath) as f: text = f.read() elif file_type == 'pdf': text,tbls = self.read_pdf(filepath) elif file_type == 'excel': text += self.read_excel(filepath) elif file_type == 'word' or file_type == 'ppt': # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36001482/read-doc-file-with-python # https://textract.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html text = textract.process(filepath).decode('utf8') if file_type == 'ppt': text = text.replace('\n', ' ') elif file_type == 'html': with open(filepath) as f: soup = BeautifulSoup(f.read(), 'html.parser') text += soup.text except Exception as e: logger.error((filepath, str(e))) return '',[], e text = text.replace('\n\n', '\n') text = text.replace('\n\n', '\n') text = text.replace('\n\n', '\n') text = text.replace(' ', ' ') text = text.replace(' ', ' ') text = text.replace(' ', ' ') return text, tbls, None if __name__ == '__main__': def get_pdf_files(directory): pdf_files = [] # 遍历目录 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for file in files: # 检查文件扩展名是否为.pdf if file.lower().endswith('.pdf'): # 将完整路径添加到列表中 pdf_files.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, file))) return pdf_files # 将你想要搜索的目录替换为下面的路径 pdf_list = get_pdf_files('/home/khj/huixiangdou-web-online-data/hxd-bad-file') # 打印所有找到的PDF文件的绝对路径 opr = FileOperation() for pdf_path in pdf_list: text, error = opr.read(pdf_path) print('processing {}'.format(pdf_path)) if error is not None: # pdb.set_trace() print('') else: if text is not None: print(len(text)) else: # pdb.set_trace() print('')