import stc import cv2 import random import numpy as np import gradio as gr from PIL import Image from scipy import signal title = "Steganography" description = '''Explore hiding messages in images using content adaptive steganography and STCs (Syndrome Trellis Codes). . We use HILL . Python implementation adapted from Daniel Lerch's . To encode: Drag and drop a PNG file, write a message and enter a key (remember the key), the generated image has the secret message encoded. To decode: Drag and drop the stego file that you just generated, enter the key. Note that this software is supplied "as is," without any services or security guaranties. ''' def HILL(input_image, operation, message, key): tmp_name = str(random.randint(100,500)) buffer = I = cv2.imdecode(np.frombuffer(buffer, np.uint8), 1) I = cv2.cvtColor(I,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cv2.imwrite('tmp/'+tmp_name+'.png',I) if operation == 'decode': try: stc.extract('tmp/'+tmp_name+'.png', key, 'tmp/'+tmp_name+'.txt') return 'tmp/'+tmp_name+'.txt' except: raise ValueError('Unable to decode') else: H = np.array( [[-1, 2, -1], [ 2, -4, 2], [-1, 2, -1]]) L1 = np.ones((3, 3)).astype('float32')/(3**2) L2 = np.ones((15, 15)).astype('float32')/(15**2) costs = signal.convolve2d(I, H, mode='same', boundary='symm') costs = abs(costs) costs = signal.convolve2d(costs, L1, mode='same', boundary='symm') costs = 1/costs costs = signal.convolve2d(costs, L2, mode='same', boundary='symm') costs[costs == np.inf] = 1 stc.embed('tmp/'+tmp_name+'.png', costs, message, key, 'tmp/'+tmp_name+'.png') return 'tmp/'+tmp_name+'.png' iface = gr.Interface(HILL, ['file', gr.inputs.Radio(['encode', 'decode']), 'text', 'text'], 'file', examples=[['tmp/8825.png', 'encode', 'This is a secret message', 'secret-key'], ['tmp/9390.png', 'encode', 'This is another secret message', 'secret-key-2']], title=title, description=description) iface.launch()