#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os.path import math import random import struct import hashlib from PIL import Image from ctypes import * from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad def prepare_message(filename, password): f = open(filename, 'r') content_data = f.read().encode('utf-8') # Prepare a header with basic data about the message content_ver=struct.pack("B", 1) # version 1 content_len=struct.pack("!I", len(content_data)) content=content_ver+content_len+content_data # encrypt enc = encrypt(content, password) array=[] for b in enc: for i in range(8): array.append((b >> i) & 1) return array # {{{ encrypt() def encrypt(plain_text, password): salt = get_random_bytes(AES.block_size) # use the Scrypt KDF to get a private key from the password private_key = hashlib.scrypt( password.encode(), salt=salt, n=2**14, r=8, p=1, dklen=32) cipher = AES.new(private_key, AES.MODE_CBC) cipher_text = cipher.encrypt(pad(plain_text, AES.block_size)) enc = salt+cipher.iv+cipher_text return enc # }}} # {{{ decrypt() def decrypt(cipher_text, password): salt = cipher_text[:AES.block_size] iv = cipher_text[AES.block_size:AES.block_size*2] cipher_text = cipher_text[AES.block_size*2:] # Fix padding mxlen = len(cipher_text)-(len(cipher_text)%AES.block_size) cipher_text = cipher_text[:mxlen] private_key = hashlib.scrypt( password.encode(), salt=salt, n=2**14, r=8, p=1, dklen=32) cipher = AES.new(private_key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv) decrypted = cipher.decrypt(cipher_text) #decrypted = unpad(decrypted, AES.block_size) return decrypted # }}} def embed(input_img_path, cost_matrix, msg_file_path, password, output_img_path, payload=0.40): me = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(me, "lib", "stc.so")) # Prepare cover image im=Image.open(input_img_path) if im.mode in ['L']: width, height = im.size if im.mode in ['RGB', 'RGBA', 'RGBX']: pass I = im.load() cover = (c_int*(width*height))() idx=0 for j in range(height): for i in range(width): cover[idx] = I[i, j] idx += 1 # Prepare costs INF = 2**31-1 costs = (c_float*(width*height*3))() idx=0 for j in range(height): for i in range(width): if cover[idx]==0: costs[3*idx+0] = INF costs[3*idx+1] = 0 costs[3*idx+2] = cost_matrix[i, j] elif cover[idx]==255: costs[3*idx+0] = cost_matrix[i, j] costs[3*idx+1] = 0 costs[3*idx+2] = INF else: costs[3*idx+0] = cost_matrix[i, j] costs[3*idx+1] = 0 costs[3*idx+2] = cost_matrix[i, j] idx += 1 # Prepare message msg_bits = prepare_message(msg_file_path, password) if len(msg_bits)>width*height*payload: print("Message too long") sys.exit(0) m = int(width*height*payload) message = (c_ubyte*m)() for i in range(m): if i