from river import stream from river import cluster class River: def __init__(self, model): self.model = model def partial_fit(self, umap_embeddings): for umap_embedding, _ in stream.iter_array(umap_embeddings): self.model = self.model.learn_one(umap_embedding) labels = [] for umap_embedding, _ in stream.iter_array(umap_embeddings): label = self.model.predict_one(umap_embedding) labels.append(label) self.labels_ = labels return self import pandas as pd from typing import List import plotly.graph_objects as go from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize def visualize_topics_over_time(topic_model, topics_over_time: pd.DataFrame, top_n_topics: int = None, topics: List[int] = None, normalize_frequency: bool = False, custom_labels: bool = False, title: str = "Topics over Time", width: int = 860, height: int = 600) -> go.Figure: """ Based on BERTopic's funciton """ #colors = ["#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#D55E00", "#0072B2", "#CC79A7"] # Select topics based on top_n and topics args freq_df = topic_model.get_topic_freq() freq_df = freq_df.loc[freq_df.Topic != -1, :] if topics is not None: selected_topics = list(topics) elif top_n_topics is not None: selected_topics = sorted(freq_df.Topic.to_list()[:top_n_topics]) else: selected_topics = sorted(freq_df.Topic.to_list()) # Prepare data if topic_model.custom_labels_ is not None and custom_labels: topic_names = {key: topic_model.custom_labels_[key + topic_model._outliers] for key, _ in topic_model.topic_labels_.items()} else: topic_names = {key: value[:30] + "..." if len(value) > 30 else value for key, value in topic_model.topic_labels_.items()} topics_over_time["Name"] = data = topics_over_time.loc[topics_over_time.Topic.isin(selected_topics), :].sort_values(["Topic", "Timestamp"]) # Add traces fig = go.Figure() for index, topic in enumerate(data.Topic.unique()): trace_data = data.loc[data.Topic == topic, :] topic_name = trace_data.Name.values[0] words = trace_data.Words.values if normalize_frequency: y = normalize(trace_data.Frequency.values.reshape(1, -1))[0] else: y = trace_data.Frequency fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=pd.to_datetime(trace_data.Timestamp), y=y, mode='lines', #marker_color=colors[index % 7], hoverinfo="text", name=topic_name, hovertext=[f'Topic {topic}
Words: {word}' for word in words])) # Styling of the visualization #fig.update_xaxes( # dtick=7, # tickformat="%b\n%Y" # ) fig.update_layout( yaxis_title="Normalized Frequency" if normalize_frequency else "Frequency", title={'text':f'{title}', 'font': dict(size=22) }, width=width, height=height, hoverlabel=dict( bgcolor="white", font_size=16, #font_family="Rockwell" ), legend=dict( title="Global Topic Representation", orientation="h", y = -.2, x = 0 #yanchor="bottom", #xanchor="left" ) ) return fig def visualize_topics_per_class(topic_model, topics_per_class: pd.DataFrame, top_n_topics: int = 10, topics: List[int] = None, normalize_frequency: bool = False, custom_labels: bool = False, title: str = "Topics per Class", width: int = 900, height: int = 900) -> go.Figure: """ Based on BERTopic's funciton """ # Select topics based on top_n and topics args freq_df = topic_model.get_topic_freq() freq_df = freq_df.loc[freq_df.Topic != -1, :] if topics is not None: selected_topics = list(topics) elif top_n_topics is not None: #selected_topics = sorted(freq_df.Topic.to_list()[:top_n_topics]) selected_topics = freq_df.Topic.to_list()[:top_n_topics] else: selected_topics = sorted(freq_df.Topic.to_list()) # Prepare data if topic_model.custom_labels_ is not None and custom_labels: topic_names = {key: topic_model.custom_labels_[key + topic_model._outliers] for key, _ in topic_model.topic_labels_.items()} else: topic_names = {key: value[:40] + "..." if len(value) > 40 else value for key, value in topic_model.topic_labels_.items()} topics_per_class["Name"] = data = topics_per_class.loc[topics_per_class.Topic.isin(selected_topics), :] # Add traces fig = go.Figure() for index, topic in enumerate(selected_topics): if index == 0: visible = True else: visible = "legendonly" trace_data = data.loc[data.Topic == topic, :] topic_name = trace_data.Name.values[0] words = trace_data.Words.values if normalize_frequency: x = normalize(trace_data.Frequency.values.reshape(1, -1))[0] else: x = trace_data.Frequency fig.add_trace(go.Bar(y=trace_data.Class, x=x, visible=visible, hoverinfo="text", name=topic_name, orientation="h", hovertext=[f'Topic {topic}
Words: {word}' for word in words])) # Styling of the visualization fig.update_xaxes(showgrid=True) fig.update_yaxes(showgrid=True) fig.update_layout( xaxis_title="Normalized Frequency" if normalize_frequency else "Frequency", yaxis_title="Class", title={ 'text': f"{title}", 'font': dict( size=22) }, width=width, height=height, hoverlabel=dict( bgcolor="white", font_size=16, ), legend=dict( title="Global Topic Representation", ) ) return fig