# Builder stage FROM python:3.10.0 as builder # Create a non-root user RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash admin # Set the working directory WORKDIR /srv # Copy requirements file first to leverage caching COPY --chown=admin requirements.txt . # Install system dependencies RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ wget ffmpeg curl aria2 \ fonts-liberation \ libatk-bridge2.0-0 \ libatk1.0-0 \ libatspi2.0-0 \ libcups2 \ libdrm2 \ libgbm1 \ libgtk-3-0 \ libnspr4 \ libnss3 \ libu2f-udev \ libvulkan1 \ libxcomposite1 \ libxdamage1 \ mesa-vulkan-drivers \ libxfixes3 \ libasound2 \ libxkbcommon0 \ libxrandr2 \ xdg-utils \ software-properties-common \ npm # Install youtubeuploader ADD https://github.com/porjo/youtubeuploader/releases/download/23.06/youtubeuploader_23.06_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz youtubeuploader.tar.gz RUN mkdir -p /srv/youtube && \ tar -zxvf youtubeuploader.tar.gz -C /srv/youtube && \ rm youtubeuploader.tar.gz && \ chmod +x /srv/youtube/youtubeuploader # Install latest npm and node RUN npm install npm@latest -g && \ npm install n -g && \ n latest # Install Python dependencies RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt # Install unsilence RUN pipx ensurepath && \ pipx install unsilence # Copy the application code COPY --chown=admin . /srv # Command to run the application # CMD python -m uvicorn App.app:app --host --port 7860 & python -m celery -A App.Worker.celery worker -c 5 --max-tasks-per-child=1 --without-heartbeat # Give read and write permissions to the admin user RUN chown -R admin:admin /srv RUN chmod 755 /srv USER admin CMD python -m uvicorn App.app:app --workers 1 --host --port 7860 --log-level debug # Expose port EXPOSE 7860