import os import instructor from groq import Groq from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from typing import List, Dict from pydantic import BaseModel class Scene(BaseModel): narration: str image_prompts: List[str] class VideoOutput(BaseModel): scenes: List[Scene] client = Groq(api_key="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") # By default, the patch function will patch the ChatCompletion.create and ChatCompletion.create methods to support the response_model parameter client = instructor.from_groq(client, mode=instructor.Mode.JSON) # Now, we can use the response_model parameter using only a base model # rather than having to use the OpenAISchema class def chatbot(prompt: str, model: str = "llama3-70b-8192"): response: VideoOutput = model=model, # model="gemma-7b-it", # model="llama2-70b-4096", # model="llama3-70b-8192", max_tokens=5000, response_model=VideoOutput, # kwargs={ # # "temperature": 1, # "max_tokens": 5000, # # "top_p": 1, # "stream": False, # "stop": None, # }, messages=[ # { # "role": "system", # "content": """""", # }, { "role": "user", "content": prompt, }, ], ) return response.dict()