import gsap from "gsap"; import { useEffect, useRef } from "react"; import { useCurrentFrame, useVideoConfig } from "remotion"; export const useGsapTimeline = (gsapTimelineFactory) => { const animationScopeRef = useRef(null); const timelineRef = useRef(); const frame = useCurrentFrame(); const { fps } = useVideoConfig(); useEffect(() => { if (animationScopeRef.current) // check if the component is mounted { const ctx = gsap.context(() => { timelineRef.current = gsapTimelineFactory(); timelineRef.current.pause(); }, animationScopeRef); return () => ctx.revert(); } }, [animationScopeRef.current]); useEffect(() => { if (animationScopeRef.current) // check if the component is mounted if (timelineRef.current) { / fps); } }, [frame, fps,animationScopeRef.current]); return animationScopeRef; };