# --- # lambda-test: false # --- # # Stable Diffusion (A1111) # # This example runs the popular [AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui) # project on Modal, without modification. We start a Modal container with an A10G GPU, run the server as a # subprocess, and forward the port using a [tunnel](/docs/guide/tunnels). import socket import subprocess import time import webbrowser from modal import Image, Queue, Stub, forward stub = Stub("fooocus") stub.urls = Queue.new() # TODO: FunctionCall.get() doesn't support generators. def wait_for_port(port: int): while True: try: with socket.create_connection(("", port), timeout=5.0): break except OSError: time.sleep(0.1) # The following function starts the web UI container. Notice that it requires a few steps to # install dependencies, since `stable-diffusion-webui` doesn't come with a prepackaged script # to do this. (It usually installs dependencies on first launch.) # # After defining the custom container image, we start the server with `accelerate launch`. This # function is also where you would configure hardware resources, CPU/memory, and timeouts. # # If you want to run it with an A100 GPU, just change `gpu="a10g"` to `gpu="a100"`. @stub.function( image=Image.debian_slim() .apt_install("wget", "git") .run_commands( "pip install pygit2==1.12.2", "git clone https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus.git", "pip install -r /Fooocus/requirements_versions.txt", gpu="a10g", ), gpu="a10g", cpu=2, memory=1024, timeout=3600, ) def start_web_ui(): START_COMMAND = r""" python /Fooocus/entry_with_update.py --share """ with forward(7860) as tunnel: p = subprocess.Popen(START_COMMAND, shell=True) wait_for_port(7860) print("[MODAL] ==> Accepting connections at", tunnel.url) stub.urls.put(tunnel.url) p.wait(3600) # The first run may take a few minutes to build the image. When the container starts, it will open # the page in your browser. @stub.local_entrypoint() def main(no_browser: bool = False): start_web_ui.spawn() url = stub.urls.get() if not no_browser: webbrowser.open(url) while True: # TODO: FunctionCall.get() doesn't support generators. time.sleep(1)