import gradio as gr import asyncio import copy import json import base64 from io import BytesIO import IPython.display as ipd from watchgod import awatch from Complete import ( Speak, Transcriber, MovieDescriptionProcessor, ) # Replace 'your_script' with your actual module name tts_client = Speak() movie_processor = MovieDescriptionProcessor() # Gradio app function def gradio_app(movie_name, year, media_type, original_language, go_button): if go_button: print("here") # Construct the message for movie description message = movie_processor.prompt_fetcher() message = message.format( media_type=media_type, movie_name=movie_name, original_language=original_language, movie_year=year, ) # Process movie description script = # Generate image descriptions message, result = movie_processor.prompt_fetcher("images").split("{format}") message = message.format(script=script) + result images_descriptions = movie_processor.process_movie_description(message, "Assistant") ) image_json = movie_processor.extract_json_from_markdown(images_descriptions) # Generate audio file audio_file_path = # Create an instance of the Transcriber class transcriber = Transcriber(audio_file_path) # Perform the transcription task # Download the JSON transcription to a file output_json_path = "./output.json" # Replace with the desired output path # Return the outputs return { "image_json": image_json, "audio_file": {"name": "audio_file.wav", "file_path": audio_file_path}, "tts_json": {"name": "tts_output.json", "file_path": output_json_path}, } return None # Define Gradio inputs inputs = [ gr.Textbox(placeholder="Avatar", label="Movie Name"), gr.Textbox(placeholder="2023", label="Year"), gr.Radio(choices=["movie", "tv series"], label="Media Type"), gr.Dropdown(choices=["English", "Spanish"], label="Original Language"), gr.Button("go_button"), ] # Define Gradio outputs outputs = [ gr.Textbox("image_json", label="Image JSON"), # gr.File("audio_file", label="Audio File"), # gr.File("tts_json", label="TTS JSON") ] # Create the Gradio interface iface = gr.Interface(fn=gradio_app, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, live=True) # Launch the Gradio app async def restart_gradio(): async for changes in awatch(".", watcher_cls=watchgod.DefaultDirWatcher): await iface.close() iface.launch() # Run Gradio interface and hot-reloading loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(restart_gradio()) iface.launch()