{ "'s', 'm', 'h', 'd', 'w' or '-1' for no expiration.": "'s', 'm', 'h', 'd', 'w' or '-1' for no expire. Much permanent, very wow.", "(Beta)": "(Beta)", "(e.g. `sh webui.sh --api`)": "(such e.g. `sh webui.sh --api`)", "(latest)": "(much latest)", "{{ models }}": "", "{{ owner }}: You cannot delete a base model": "", "{{modelName}} is thinking...": "{{modelName}} is thinkin'...", "{{user}}'s Chats": "", "{{webUIName}} Backend Required": "{{webUIName}} Backend Much Required", "A task model is used when performing tasks such as generating titles for chats and web search queries": "", "a user": "such user", "About": "Much About", "Account": "Account", "Accurate information": "", "Active Users": "", "Add": "", "Add a model id": "", "Add a short description about what this model does": "", "Add a short title for this prompt": "Add short title for this prompt", "Add a tag": "Add such tag", "Add custom prompt": "", "Add Docs": "Add Docs", "Add Files": "Add Files", "Add Memory": "", "Add message": "Add Prompt", "Add Model": "", "Add Tags": "", "Add User": "", "Adjusting these settings will apply changes universally to all users.": "Adjusting these settings will apply changes to all users. Such universal, very wow.", "admin": "admin", "Admin Panel": "Admin Panel", "Admin Settings": "Admin Settings", "Advanced Parameters": "Advanced Parameters", "Advanced Params": "", "all": "all", "All Documents": "", "All Users": "All Users", "Allow": "Allow", "Allow Chat Deletion": "Allow Delete Chats", "Allow non-local voices": "", "alphanumeric characters and hyphens": "so alpha, many hyphen", "Already have an account?": "Such account exists?", "an assistant": "such assistant", "and": "and", "and create a new shared link.": "", "API Base URL": "API Base URL", "API Key": "API Key", "API Key created.": "", "API keys": "", "April": "", "Archive": "", "Archive All Chats": "", "Archived Chats": "", "are allowed - Activate this command by typing": "are allowed. Activate typing", "Are you sure?": "Such certainty?", "Attach file": "Attach file", "Attention to detail": "", "Audio": "Audio", "August": "", "Auto-playback response": "Auto-playback response", "Auto-send input after 3 sec.": "Auto-send after 3 sec.", "AUTOMATIC1111 Base URL": "AUTOMATIC1111 Base URL", "AUTOMATIC1111 Base URL is required.": "AUTOMATIC1111 Base URL is required.", "available!": "available! So excite!", "Back": "Back", "Bad Response": "", "Banners": "", "Base Model (From)": "", "before": "", "Being lazy": "", "Brave Search API Key": "", "Bypass SSL verification for Websites": "", "Cancel": "Cancel", "Capabilities": "", "Change Password": "Change Password", "Chat": "Chat", "Chat Bubble UI": "", "Chat direction": "", "Chat History": "Chat History", "Chat History is off for this browser.": "Chat History off for this browser. Such sadness.", "Chats": "Chats", "Check Again": "Check Again", "Check for updates": "Check for updates", "Checking for updates...": "Checking for updates... Such anticipation...", "Choose a model before saving...": "Choose model before saving... Wow choose first.", "Chunk Overlap": "Chunk Overlap", "Chunk Params": "Chunk Params", "Chunk Size": "Chunk Size", "Citation": "", "Click here for help.": "Click for help. Much assist.", "Click here to": "", "Click here to select": "Click to select", "Click here to select a csv file.": "", "Click here to select documents.": "Click to select documents", "click here.": "click here. Such click.", "Click on the user role button to change a user's role.": "Click user role button to change role.", "Clone": "", "Close": "Close", "Collection": "Collection", "ComfyUI": "", "ComfyUI Base URL": "", "ComfyUI Base URL is required.": "", "Command": "Command", "Concurrent Requests": "", "Confirm Password": "Confirm Password", "Connections": "Connections", "Content": "Content", "Context Length": "Context Length", "Continue Response": "", "Conversation Mode": "Conversation Mode", "Copied shared chat URL to clipboard!": "", "Copy": "", "Copy last code block": "Copy last code block", "Copy last response": "Copy last response", "Copy Link": "", "Copying to clipboard was successful!": "Copying to clipboard was success! Very success!", "Create a concise, 3-5 word phrase as a header for the following query, strictly adhering to the 3-5 word limit and avoiding the use of the word 'title':": "Create short phrase, 3-5 word, as header for query, much strict, avoid 'title':", "Create a model": "", "Create Account": "Create Account", "Create new key": "", "Create new secret key": "", "Created at": "Created at", "Created At": "", "Current Model": "Current Model", "Current Password": "Current Password", "Custom": "Custom", "Customize models for a specific purpose": "", "Dark": "Dark", "Database": "Database", "December": "", "Default": "Default", "Default (Automatic1111)": "Default (Automatic1111)", "Default (SentenceTransformers)": "", "Default (Web API)": "Default (Web API)", "Default Model": "", "Default model updated": "Default model much updated", "Default Prompt Suggestions": "Default Prompt Suggestions", "Default User Role": "Default User Role", "delete": "delete", "Delete": "", "Delete a model": "Delete a model", "Delete All Chats": "", "Delete chat": "Delete chat", "Delete Chat": "", "delete this link": "", "Delete User": "", "Deleted {{deleteModelTag}}": "Deleted {{deleteModelTag}}", "Deleted {{name}}": "", "Description": "Description", "Didn't fully follow instructions": "", "Discover a model": "", "Discover a prompt": "Discover a prompt", "Discover, download, and explore custom prompts": "Discover, download, and explore custom prompts", "Discover, download, and explore model presets": "Discover, download, and explore model presets", "Display the username instead of You in the Chat": "Display username instead of You in Chat", "Document": "Document", "Document Settings": "Document Settings", "Documentation": "", "Documents": "Documents", "does not make any external connections, and your data stays securely on your locally hosted server.": "does not connect external, data stays safe locally.", "Don't Allow": "Don't Allow", "Don't have an account?": "No account? Much sad.", "Don't like the style": "", "Download": "", "Download canceled": "", "Download Database": "Download Database", "Drop any files here to add to the conversation": "Drop files here to add to conversation", "e.g. '30s','10m'. Valid time units are 's', 'm', 'h'.": "e.g. '30s','10m'. Much time units are 's', 'm', 'h'.", "Edit": "", "Edit Doc": "Edit Doge", "Edit User": "Edit Wowser", "Email": "Email", "Embedding Batch Size": "", "Embedding Model": "", "Embedding Model Engine": "", "Embedding model set to \"{{embedding_model}}\"": "", "Enable Chat History": "Activate Chat Story", "Enable Community Sharing": "", "Enable New Sign Ups": "Enable New Bark Ups", "Enable Web Search": "", "Ensure your CSV file includes 4 columns in this order: Name, Email, Password, Role.": "", "Enter {{role}} message here": "Enter {{role}} bork here", "Enter a detail about yourself for your LLMs to recall": "", "Enter Brave Search API Key": "", "Enter Chunk Overlap": "Enter Overlap of Chunks", "Enter Chunk Size": "Enter Size of Chunk", "Enter Github Raw URL": "", "Enter Google PSE API Key": "", "Enter Google PSE Engine Id": "", "Enter Image Size (e.g. 512x512)": "Enter Size of Wow (e.g. 512x512)", "Enter language codes": "", "Enter model tag (e.g. {{modelTag}})": "Enter model doge tag (e.g. {{modelTag}})", "Enter Number of Steps (e.g. 50)": "Enter Number of Steps (e.g. 50)", "Enter Score": "", "Enter Searxng Query URL": "", "Enter Serper API Key": "", "Enter Serpstack API Key": "", "Enter stop sequence": "Enter stop bark", "Enter Top K": "Enter Top Wow", "Enter URL (e.g.": "Enter URL (e.g.", "Enter URL (e.g. http://localhost:11434)": "", "Enter Your Email": "Enter Your Dogemail", "Enter Your Full Name": "Enter Your Full Wow", "Enter Your Password": "Enter Your Barkword", "Enter Your Role": "", "Error": "", "Experimental": "Much Experiment", "Export": "", "Export All Chats (All Users)": "Export All Chats (All Doggos)", "Export chat (.json)": "", "Export Chats": "Export Barks", "Export Documents Mapping": "Export Mappings of Dogos", "Export Models": "", "Export Prompts": "Export Promptos", "Failed to create API Key.": "", "Failed to read clipboard contents": "Failed to read clipboard borks", "Failed to update settings": "", "February": "", "Feel free to add specific details": "", "File Mode": "Bark Mode", "File not found.": "Bark not found.", "Fingerprint spoofing detected: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default profile image.": "Fingerprint dogeing: Unable to use initials as avatar. Defaulting to default doge image.", "Fluidly stream large external response chunks": "Fluidly wow big chunks", "Focus chat input": "Focus chat bork", "Followed instructions perfectly": "", "Format your variables using square brackets like this:": "Format variables using square brackets like wow:", "Frequency Penalty": "", "General": "Woweral", "General Settings": "General Doge Settings", "Generating search query": "", "Generation Info": "", "Good Response": "", "Google PSE API Key": "", "Google PSE Engine Id": "", "h:mm a": "", "has no conversations.": "", "Hello, {{name}}": "Much helo, {{name}}", "Help": "", "Hide": "Hide", "How can I help you today?": "How can I halp u today?", "Hybrid Search": "", "Image Generation (Experimental)": "Image Wow (Much Experiment)", "Image Generation Engine": "Image Engine", "Image Settings": "Settings for Wowmage", "Images": "Wowmages", "Import Chats": "Import Barks", "Import Documents Mapping": "Import Doge Mapping", "Import Models": "", "Import Prompts": "Import Promptos", "Include `--api` flag when running stable-diffusion-webui": "Include `--api` flag when running stable-diffusion-webui", "Info": "", "Input commands": "Input commands", "Install from Github URL": "", "Interface": "Interface", "Invalid Tag": "", "January": "", "join our Discord for help.": "join our Discord for help.", "JSON": "JSON", "JSON Preview": "", "July": "", "June": "", "JWT Expiration": "JWT Expire", "JWT Token": "JWT Borken", "Keep Alive": "Keep Wow", "Keyboard shortcuts": "Keyboard Barkcuts", "Language": "Doge Speak", "Last Active": "", "Light": "Light", "Listening...": "Listening...", "LLMs can make mistakes. Verify important information.": "LLMs can make borks. Verify important info.", "LTR": "", "Made by OpenWebUI Community": "Made by OpenWebUI Community", "Make sure to enclose them with": "Make sure to enclose them with", "Manage Models": "Manage Wowdels", "Manage Ollama Models": "Manage Ollama Wowdels", "Manage Pipelines": "", "March": "", "Max Tokens (num_predict)": "", "Maximum of 3 models can be downloaded simultaneously. Please try again later.": "Maximum of 3 models can be downloaded simultaneously. Please try again later.", "May": "", "Memories accessible by LLMs will be shown here.": "", "Memory": "", "Messages you send after creating your link won't be shared. Users with the URL will be able to view the shared chat.": "", "Minimum Score": "", "Mirostat": "Mirostat", "Mirostat Eta": "Mirostat Eta", "Mirostat Tau": "Mirostat Tau", "MMMM DD, YYYY": "MMMM DD, YYYY", "MMMM DD, YYYY HH:mm": "", "Model '{{modelName}}' has been successfully downloaded.": "Model '{{modelName}}' has been successfully downloaded.", "Model '{{modelTag}}' is already in queue for downloading.": "Model '{{modelTag}}' is already in queue for downloading.", "Model {{modelId}} not found": "Model {{modelId}} not found", "Model {{modelName}} is not vision capable": "", "Model {{name}} is now {{status}}": "", "Model filesystem path detected. Model shortname is required for update, cannot continue.": "Model filesystem bark detected. Model shortname is required for update, cannot continue.", "Model ID": "", "Model not selected": "Model not selected", "Model Params": "", "Model Whitelisting": "Wowdel Whitelisting", "Model(s) Whitelisted": "Wowdel(s) Whitelisted", "Modelfile Content": "Modelfile Content", "Models": "Wowdels", "More": "", "Name": "Name", "Name Tag": "Name Tag", "Name your model": "", "New Chat": "New Bark", "New Password": "New Barkword", "No results found": "", "No search query generated": "", "No source available": "No source available", "None": "", "Not factually correct": "", "Note: If you set a minimum score, the search will only return documents with a score greater than or equal to the minimum score.": "", "Notifications": "Notifications", "November": "", "num_thread (Ollama)": "", "October": "", "Off": "Off", "Okay, Let's Go!": "Okay, Let's Go!", "OLED Dark": "OLED Dark", "Ollama": "", "Ollama API": "", "Ollama API disabled": "", "Ollama Version": "Ollama Version", "On": "On", "Only": "Only", "Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in the command string.": "Only wow characters and hyphens are allowed in the bork string.", "Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.": "Oops! Hold tight! Your files are still in the processing oven. We're cooking them up to perfection. Please be patient and we'll let you know once they're ready.", "Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.": "Oops! Looks like the URL is invalid. Please double-check and try again.", "Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.": "Oops! You're using an unsupported method (frontend only). Please serve the WebUI from the backend.", "Open": "Open", "Open AI": "Open AI", "Open AI (Dall-E)": "Open AI (Dall-E)", "Open new chat": "Open new bark", "OpenAI": "", "OpenAI API": "OpenAI API", "OpenAI API Config": "", "OpenAI API Key is required.": "OpenAI Bark Key is required.", "OpenAI URL/Key required.": "", "or": "or", "Other": "", "Password": "Barkword", "PDF document (.pdf)": "", "PDF Extract Images (OCR)": "PDF Extract Wowmages (OCR)", "pending": "pending", "Permission denied when accessing microphone: {{error}}": "Permission denied when accessing microphone: {{error}}", "Personalization": "Personalization", "Pipelines": "", "Pipelines Valves": "", "Plain text (.txt)": "Plain text (.txt)", "Playground": "Playground", "Positive attitude": "", "Previous 30 days": "", "Previous 7 days": "", "Profile Image": "", "Prompt": "", "Prompt (e.g. Tell me a fun fact about the Roman Empire)": "", "Prompt Content": "Prompt Content", "Prompt suggestions": "Prompt wowgestions", "Prompts": "Promptos", "Pull \"{{searchValue}}\" from Ollama.com": "", "Pull a model from Ollama.com": "Pull a wowdel from Ollama.com", "Query Params": "Query Bark", "RAG Template": "RAG Template", "Read Aloud": "", "Record voice": "Record Bark", "Redirecting you to OpenWebUI Community": "Redirecting you to OpenWebUI Community", "Refused when it shouldn't have": "", "Regenerate": "", "Release Notes": "Release Borks", "Remove": "", "Remove Model": "", "Rename": "", "Repeat Last N": "Repeat Last N", "Request Mode": "Request Bark", "Reranking Model": "", "Reranking model disabled": "", "Reranking model set to \"{{reranking_model}}\"": "", "Reset Upload Directory": "", "Reset Vector Storage": "Reset Vector Storage", "Response AutoCopy to Clipboard": "Copy Bark Auto Bark", "Role": "Role", "Rosé Pine": "Rosé Pine", "Rosé Pine Dawn": "Rosé Pine Dawn", "RTL": "", "Save": "Save much wow", "Save & Create": "Save & Create much create", "Save & Update": "Save & Update much update", "Saving chat logs directly to your browser's storage is no longer supported. Please take a moment to download and delete your chat logs by clicking the button below. Don't worry, you can easily re-import your chat logs to the backend through": "Saving chat logs in browser storage not support anymore. Pls download and delete your chat logs by click button below. Much easy re-import to backend through", "Scan": "Scan much scan", "Scan complete!": "Scan complete! Very wow!", "Scan for documents from {{path}}": "Scan for documents from {{path}} wow", "Search": "Search very search", "Search a model": "", "Search Chats": "", "Search Documents": "Search Documents much find", "Search Models": "", "Search Prompts": "Search Prompts much wow", "Search Result Count": "", "Searched {{count}} sites_one": "", "Searched {{count}} sites_other": "", "Searching the web for '{{searchQuery}}'": "", "Searxng Query URL": "", "See readme.md for instructions": "See readme.md for instructions wow", "See what's new": "See what's new so amaze", "Seed": "Seed very plant", "Select a base model": "", "Select a mode": "Select a mode very choose", "Select a model": "Select a model much choice", "Select a pipeline": "", "Select a pipeline url": "", "Select an Ollama instance": "Select an Ollama instance very choose", "Select model": "Select model much choice", "Selected model(s) do not support image inputs": "", "Send": "", "Send a Message": "Send a Message much message", "Send message": "Send message very send", "September": "", "Serper API Key": "", "Serpstack API Key": "", "Server connection verified": "Server connection verified much secure", "Set as default": "Set as default very default", "Set Default Model": "Set Default Model much model", "Set embedding model (e.g. {{model}})": "", "Set Image Size": "Set Image Size very size", "Set Model": "Set Model so speak", "Set reranking model (e.g. {{model}})": "", "Set Steps": "Set Steps so many steps", "Set Task Model": "", "Set Voice": "Set Voice so speak", "Settings": "Settings much settings", "Settings saved successfully!": "Settings saved successfully! Very success!", "Settings updated successfully": "", "Share": "", "Share Chat": "", "Share to OpenWebUI Community": "Share to OpenWebUI Community much community", "short-summary": "short-summary so short", "Show": "Show much show", "Show Admin Details in Account Pending Overlay": "", "Show shortcuts": "Show shortcuts much shortcut", "Showcased creativity": "", "sidebar": "sidebar much side", "Sign in": "Sign in very sign", "Sign Out": "Sign Out much logout", "Sign up": "Sign up much join", "Signing in": "", "Source": "Source", "Speech recognition error: {{error}}": "Speech recognition error: {{error}} so error", "Speech-to-Text Engine": "Speech-to-Text Engine much speak", "SpeechRecognition API is not supported in this browser.": "SpeechRecognition API is not supported in this browser. Much sad.", "Stop Sequence": "Stop Sequence much stop", "STT Settings": "STT Settings very settings", "Submit": "Submit much submit", "Subtitle (e.g. about the Roman Empire)": "", "Success": "Success very success", "Successfully updated.": "Successfully updated. Very updated.", "Suggested": "", "System": "System very system", "System Prompt": "System Prompt much prompt", "Tags": "Tags very tags", "Tell us more:": "", "Temperature": "Temperature very temp", "Template": "Template much template", "Text Completion": "Text Completion much complete", "Text-to-Speech Engine": "Text-to-Speech Engine much speak", "Tfs Z": "Tfs Z much Z", "Thanks for your feedback!": "", "The score should be a value between 0.0 (0%) and 1.0 (100%).": "", "Theme": "Theme much theme", "This ensures that your valuable conversations are securely saved to your backend database. Thank you!": "This ensures that your valuable conversations are securely saved to your backend database. Thank you! Much secure!", "This setting does not sync across browsers or devices.": "This setting does not sync across browsers or devices. Very not sync.", "Thorough explanation": "", "Tip: Update multiple variable slots consecutively by pressing the tab key in the chat input after each replacement.": "Tip: Update multiple variable slots consecutively by pressing the tab key in the chat input after each replacement. Much tip!", "Title": "Title very title", "Title (e.g. Tell me a fun fact)": "", "Title Auto-Generation": "Title Auto-Generation much auto-gen", "Title cannot be an empty string.": "", "Title Generation Prompt": "Title Generation Prompt very prompt", "to": "to very to", "To access the available model names for downloading,": "To access the available model names for downloading, much access", "To access the GGUF models available for downloading,": "To access the GGUF models available for downloading, much access", "to chat input.": "to chat input. Very chat.", "Today": "", "Toggle settings": "Toggle settings much toggle", "Toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar much toggle", "Top K": "Top K very top", "Top P": "Top P very top", "Trouble accessing Ollama?": "Trouble accessing Ollama? Much trouble?", "TTS Settings": "TTS Settings much settings", "Type": "", "Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL": "Type Hugging Face Resolve (Download) URL much download", "Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}.": "Uh-oh! There was an issue connecting to {{provider}}. Much uh-oh!", "Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text": "Unknown File Type '{{file_type}}', but accepting and treating as plain text very unknown", "Update and Copy Link": "", "Update password": "Update password much change", "Upload a GGUF model": "Upload a GGUF model very upload", "Upload Files": "", "Upload Progress": "Upload Progress much progress", "URL Mode": "URL Mode much mode", "Use '#' in the prompt input to load and select your documents.": "Use '#' in the prompt input to load and select your documents. Much use.", "Use Gravatar": "Use Gravatar much avatar", "Use Initials": "Use Initials much initial", "use_mlock (Ollama)": "", "use_mmap (Ollama)": "", "user": "user much user", "User Permissions": "User Permissions much permissions", "Users": "Users much users", "Utilize": "Utilize very use", "Valid time units:": "Valid time units: much time", "variable": "variable very variable", "variable to have them replaced with clipboard content.": "variable to have them replaced with clipboard content. Very replace.", "Version": "Version much version", "Warning": "", "Warning: If you update or change your embedding model, you will need to re-import all documents.": "", "Web": "Web very web", "Web Loader Settings": "", "Web Params": "", "Web Search": "", "Web Search Engine": "", "Webhook URL": "", "WebUI Add-ons": "WebUI Add-ons very add-ons", "WebUI Settings": "WebUI Settings much settings", "WebUI will make requests to": "WebUI will make requests to much request", "What’s New in": "What’s New in much new", "When history is turned off, new chats on this browser won't appear in your history on any of your devices.": "When history is turned off, new chats on this browser won't appear in your history on any of your devices. Much history.", "Whisper (Local)": "Whisper (Local) much whisper", "Widescreen Mode": "", "Workspace": "", "Write a prompt suggestion (e.g. Who are you?)": "Write a prompt suggestion (e.g. Who are you?) much suggest", "Write a summary in 50 words that summarizes [topic or keyword].": "Write a summary in 50 words that summarizes [topic or keyword]. Much summarize.", "Yesterday": "", "You": "", "You cannot clone a base model": "", "You have no archived conversations.": "", "You have shared this chat": "", "You're a helpful assistant.": "You're a helpful assistant. Much helpful.", "You're now logged in.": "You're now logged in. Much logged.", "Youtube": "", "Youtube Loader Settings": "" }