# Deploy to Render.com Render.com offers a free tier that includes 750 hours of compute time per month. This is enough to run a single proxy instance 24/7. Instances shut down after 15 minutes without traffic but start up again automatically when a request is received. ### 1. Create account - [Sign up for Render.com](https://render.com/) to create an account and access the dashboard. ### 2. Create a service using a Blueprint Render allows you to deploy and auutomatically configure a repository containing a [render.yaml](../render.yaml) file using its Blueprints feature. This is the easiest way to get started. - Click the **Blueprints** tab at the top of the dashboard. - Click **New Blueprint Instance**. - Under **Public Git repository**, enter `https://gitlab.com/khanon/oai-proxy`. - Note that this is not the GitGud repository, but a mirror on GitLab. - Click **Continue**. - Under **Blueprint Name**, enter a name. - Under **Branch**, enter `main`. - Click **Apply**. The service will be created according to the instructions in the `render.yaml` file. Don't wait for it to complete as it will fail due to missing environment variables. Instead, proceed to the next step. ### 3. Set environment variables - Return to the **Dashboard** tab. - Click the name of the service you just created, which may show as "Deploy failed". - Click the **Environment** tab. - Click **Add Secret File**. - Under **Filename**, enter `.env`. - Under **Contents**, enter all of your environment variables, one per line, in the format `NAME=value`. - For example, `OPENAI_KEY=sk-abc123`. - Click **Save Changes**. The service will automatically rebuild and deploy with the new environment variables. This will take a few minutes. The link to your deployed proxy will appear at the top of the page. If you want to change the URL, go to the **Settings** tab of your Web Service and click the **Edit** button next to **Name**. You can also set a custom domain, though I haven't tried this yet. # Optional ## Updating the server To update your server, go to the page for your Web Service and click **Manual Deploy** > **Deploy latest commit**. This will pull the latest version of the code and redeploy the server. _If you have trouble with this, you can also try selecting **Clear build cache & deploy** instead from the same menu._ ## Adding a greeting message To show a greeting message on the Server Info page, set the `GREETING_URL` environment variable within Render to the URL of a Markdown file. This URL should point to a raw text file, not an HTML page. You can use a public GitHub Gist or GitLab Snippet for this. For example: `GREETING_URL=https://gitlab.com/-/snippets/2542011/raw/main/greeting.md`. You can change the title of the page by setting the `SERVER_TITLE` environment variable. Don't set `GREETING_URL` in the `.env` secret file you created earlier; it must be set in Render's environment variables section for it to work correctly. ## Customizing the server You can customize the server by editing the `.env` configuration you created earlier. Refer to [.env.example](../.env.example) for a list of all available configuration options. Further information can be found in the [config.ts](../src/config.ts) file.