import { Request, Response, NextFunction } from "express"; import { config } from "../config"; export const AGNAI_DOT_CHAT_IP = ""; const RATE_LIMIT_ENABLED = Boolean(config.modelRateLimit); const RATE_LIMIT = Math.max(1, config.modelRateLimit); const ONE_MINUTE_MS = 60 * 1000; const lastAttempts = new Map(); const expireOldAttempts = (now: number) => (attempt: number) => attempt > now - ONE_MINUTE_MS; const getTryAgainInMs = (ip: string) => { const now =; const attempts = lastAttempts.get(ip) || []; const validAttempts = attempts.filter(expireOldAttempts(now)); if (validAttempts.length >= RATE_LIMIT) { return validAttempts[0] - now + ONE_MINUTE_MS; } else { lastAttempts.set(ip, [...validAttempts, now]); return 0; } }; const getStatus = (ip: string) => { const now =; const attempts = lastAttempts.get(ip) || []; const validAttempts = attempts.filter(expireOldAttempts(now)); return { remaining: Math.max(0, RATE_LIMIT - validAttempts.length), reset: validAttempts.length > 0 ? validAttempts[0] + ONE_MINUTE_MS : now, }; }; /** Prunes attempts and IPs that are no longer relevant after one minutes. */ const clearOldAttempts = () => { const now =; for (const [ip, attempts] of lastAttempts.entries()) { const validAttempts = attempts.filter(expireOldAttempts(now)); if (validAttempts.length === 0) { lastAttempts.delete(ip); } else { lastAttempts.set(ip, validAttempts); } } }; setInterval(clearOldAttempts, 10 * 1000); export const getUniqueIps = () => { return lastAttempts.size; }; export const ipLimiter = (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => { if (!RATE_LIMIT_ENABLED) { next(); return; } // Exempt from rate limiting since it's shared between a lot of // users. Dunno how to prevent this from being abused without some sort of // identifier sent from Agnaistic to identify specific users. if (req.ip === AGNAI_DOT_CHAT_IP) { next(); return; } // If user is authenticated, key rate limiting by their token. Otherwise, key // rate limiting by their IP address. Mitigates key sharing. const rateLimitKey = req.user?.token || req.ip; const { remaining, reset } = getStatus(rateLimitKey); res.set("X-RateLimit-Limit", config.modelRateLimit.toString()); res.set("X-RateLimit-Remaining", remaining.toString()); res.set("X-RateLimit-Reset", reset.toString()); const tryAgainInMs = getTryAgainInMs(rateLimitKey); if (tryAgainInMs > 0) { res.set("Retry-After", tryAgainInMs.toString()); res.status(429).json({ error: { type: "proxy_rate_limited", message: `This proxy is rate limited to ${ config.modelRateLimit } model requests per minute. Please try again in ${Math.ceil( tryAgainInMs / 1000 )} seconds.`, }, }); } else { next(); } };