import { Request, RequestHandler, Router } from "express"; import * as http from "http"; import { createProxyMiddleware } from "http-proxy-middleware"; import { config } from "../config"; import { logger } from "../logger"; import { createQueueMiddleware } from "./queue"; import { ipLimiter } from "./rate-limit"; import { handleProxyError } from "./middleware/common"; import { addKey, addAnthropicPreamble, milkZoomers, createPreprocessorMiddleware, finalizeBody, languageFilter, limitOutputTokens, } from "./middleware/request"; import { ProxyResHandlerWithBody, createOnProxyResHandler, } from "./middleware/response"; let modelsCache: any = null; let modelsCacheTime = 0; const getModelsResponse = () => { if (new Date().getTime() - modelsCacheTime < 1000 * 60) { return modelsCache; } if (!config.anthropicKey) return { object: "list", data: [] }; const claudeVariants = [ "claude-v1", "claude-v1-100k", "claude-instant-v1", "claude-instant-v1-100k", "claude-v1.3", "claude-v1.3-100k", "claude-v1.2", "claude-v1.0", "claude-instant-v1.1", "claude-instant-v1.1-100k", "claude-instant-v1.0", ]; const models = => ({ id, object: "model", created: new Date().getTime(), owned_by: "anthropic", permission: [], root: "claude", parent: null, })); modelsCache = { object: "list", data: models }; modelsCacheTime = new Date().getTime(); return modelsCache; }; const handleModelRequest: RequestHandler = (_req, res) => { res.status(200).json(getModelsResponse()); }; const rewriteAnthropicRequest = ( proxyReq: http.ClientRequest, req: Request, res: http.ServerResponse ) => { const rewriterPipeline = [ addKey, addAnthropicPreamble, milkZoomers, languageFilter, limitOutputTokens, finalizeBody, ]; try { for (const rewriter of rewriterPipeline) { rewriter(proxyReq, req, res, {}); } } catch (error) { req.log.error(error, "Error while executing proxy rewriter"); proxyReq.destroy(error as Error); } }; /** Only used for non-streaming requests. */ const anthropicResponseHandler: ProxyResHandlerWithBody = async ( _proxyRes, req, res, body ) => { if (typeof body !== "object") { throw new Error("Expected body to be an object"); } if (config.promptLogging) { const host = req.get("host"); body.proxy_note = `Prompts are logged on this proxy instance. See ${host} for more information.`; } if (!req.originalUrl.includes("/v1/complete")) {"Transforming Anthropic response to OpenAI format"); body = transformAnthropicResponse(body); } res.status(200).json(body); }; /** * Transforms a model response from the Anthropic API to match those from the * OpenAI API, for users using Claude via the OpenAI-compatible endpoint. This * is only used for non-streaming requests as streaming requests are handled * on-the-fly. */ function transformAnthropicResponse( anthropicBody: Record ): Record { return { id: "ant-" + anthropicBody.log_id, object: "chat.completion", created:, model: anthropicBody.model, usage: { prompt_tokens: 0, completion_tokens: 0, total_tokens: 0, }, choices: [ { message: { role: "assistant", content: anthropicBody.completion?.trim(), }, finish_reason: anthropicBody.stop_reason, index: 0, }, ], }; } const anthropicProxy = createQueueMiddleware( createProxyMiddleware({ target: "", changeOrigin: true, on: { proxyReq: rewriteAnthropicRequest, proxyRes: createOnProxyResHandler([anthropicResponseHandler]), error: handleProxyError, }, selfHandleResponse: true, logger, pathRewrite: { // Send OpenAI-compat requests to the real Anthropic endpoint. "^/v1/chat/completions": "/v1/complete", }, }) ); const anthropicRouter = Router(); // Fix paths because clients don't consistently use the /v1 prefix. anthropicRouter.use((req, _res, next) => { if (!req.path.startsWith("/v1/")) { req.url = `/v1${req.url}`; } next(); }); anthropicRouter.get("/v1/models", handleModelRequest); "/v1/complete", ipLimiter, createPreprocessorMiddleware({ inApi: "anthropic", outApi: "anthropic" }), anthropicProxy ); // OpenAI-to-Anthropic compatibility endpoint. "/v1/chat/completions", ipLimiter, createPreprocessorMiddleware({ inApi: "openai", outApi: "anthropic" }), anthropicProxy ); // Redirect browser requests to the homepage. anthropicRouter.get("*", (req, res, next) => { const isBrowser = req.headers["user-agent"]?.includes("Mozilla"); if (isBrowser) { res.redirect("/"); } else { next(); } }); export const anthropic = anthropicRouter;