import librosa import pytorch_lightning as pl import torch from auraloss.freq import STFTLoss, MultiResolutionSTFTLoss, apply_reduction, SpectralConvergenceLoss, STFTMagnitudeLoss from config import CONFIG class STFTLossDDP(STFTLoss): def __init__(self, fft_size=1024, hop_size=256, win_length=1024, window="hann_window", w_sc=1.0, w_log_mag=1.0, w_lin_mag=0.0, w_phs=0.0, sample_rate=None, scale=None, n_bins=None, scale_invariance=False, eps=1e-8, output="loss", reduction="mean", device=None): super(STFTLoss, self).__init__() self.fft_size = fft_size self.hop_size = hop_size self.win_length = win_length self.window = getattr(torch, window)(win_length) self.w_sc = w_sc self.w_log_mag = w_log_mag self.w_lin_mag = w_lin_mag self.w_phs = w_phs self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.scale = scale self.n_bins = n_bins self.scale_invariance = scale_invariance self.eps = eps self.output = output self.reduction = reduction self.device = device self.spectralconv = SpectralConvergenceLoss() self.logstft = STFTMagnitudeLoss(log=True, reduction=reduction) self.linstft = STFTMagnitudeLoss(log=False, reduction=reduction) # setup mel filterbank if self.scale == "mel": assert (sample_rate is not None) # Must set sample rate to use mel scale assert (n_bins <= fft_size) # Must be more FFT bins than Mel bins fb = librosa.filters.mel(sample_rate, fft_size, n_mels=n_bins) self.fb = torch.tensor(fb).unsqueeze(0) elif self.scale == "chroma": assert (sample_rate is not None) # Must set sample rate to use chroma scale assert (n_bins <= fft_size) # Must be more FFT bins than chroma bins fb = librosa.filters.chroma(sample_rate, fft_size, n_chroma=n_bins) self.fb = torch.tensor(fb).unsqueeze(0) if scale is not None and device is not None: self.fb = # move filterbank to device def compressed_loss(self, x, y, alpha=None): self.window = x_mag, x_phs = self.stft(x.view(-1, x.size(-1))) y_mag, y_phs = self.stft(y.view(-1, y.size(-1))) if alpha is not None: x_mag = x_mag ** alpha y_mag = y_mag ** alpha # apply relevant transforms if self.scale is not None: x_mag = torch.matmul(, x_mag) y_mag = torch.matmul(, y_mag) # normalize scales if self.scale_invariance: alpha = (x_mag * y_mag).sum([-2, -1]) / ((y_mag ** 2).sum([-2, -1])) y_mag = y_mag * alpha.unsqueeze(-1) # compute loss terms sc_loss = self.spectralconv(x_mag, y_mag) if self.w_sc else 0.0 mag_loss = self.logstft(x_mag, y_mag) if self.w_log_mag else 0.0 lin_loss = self.linstft(x_mag, y_mag) if self.w_lin_mag else 0.0 # combine loss terms loss = (self.w_sc * sc_loss) + (self.w_log_mag * mag_loss) + (self.w_lin_mag * lin_loss) loss = apply_reduction(loss, reduction=self.reduction) return loss def forward(self, x, y): return self.compressed_loss(x, y, 0.3) class MRSTFTLossDDP(MultiResolutionSTFTLoss): def __init__(self, fft_sizes=(1024, 2048, 512), hop_sizes=(120, 240, 50), win_lengths=(600, 1200, 240), window="hann_window", w_sc=1.0, w_log_mag=1.0, w_lin_mag=0.0, w_phs=0.0, sample_rate=None, scale=None, n_bins=None, scale_invariance=False, **kwargs): super(MultiResolutionSTFTLoss, self).__init__() assert len(fft_sizes) == len(hop_sizes) == len(win_lengths) # must define all self.stft_losses = torch.nn.ModuleList() for fs, ss, wl in zip(fft_sizes, hop_sizes, win_lengths): self.stft_losses += [STFTLossDDP(fs, ss, wl, window, w_sc, w_log_mag, w_lin_mag, w_phs, sample_rate, scale, n_bins, scale_invariance, **kwargs)] class Loss(pl.LightningModule): def __init__(self): super(Loss, self).__init__() self.stft_loss = MRSTFTLossDDP(, device="cpu", w_log_mag=0.0, w_lin_mag=1.0) self.window = torch.sqrt(torch.hann_window(CONFIG.DATA.window_size)) def forward(self, x, y): x = x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) y = y.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) wave_x = torch.istft(torch.view_as_complex(x.contiguous()), CONFIG.DATA.window_size, CONFIG.DATA.stride, wave_y = torch.istft(torch.view_as_complex(y.contiguous()), CONFIG.DATA.window_size, CONFIG.DATA.stride, loss = self.stft_loss(wave_x, wave_y) return loss