import torch import numpy as np from PIL import Image import pymeshlab import pymeshlab as ml from pymeshlab import PercentageValue from pytorch3d.renderer import TexturesVertex from pytorch3d.structures import Meshes from rembg import new_session, remove import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from typing import List, Tuple from PIL import Image import trimesh providers = [ ('CUDAExecutionProvider', { 'device_id': 0, 'arena_extend_strategy': 'kSameAsRequested', 'gpu_mem_limit': 8 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 'cudnn_conv_algo_search': 'HEURISTIC', }) ] session = new_session(providers=providers) NEG_PROMPT="sketch, sculpture, hand drawing, outline, single color, NSFW, lowres, bad anatomy,bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, yellow sleeves, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry,(worst quality:1.4),(low quality:1.4)" def load_mesh_with_trimesh(file_name, file_type=None): import trimesh mesh: trimesh.Trimesh = trimesh.load(file_name, file_type=file_type) if isinstance(mesh, trimesh.Scene): assert len(mesh.geometry) > 0 # save to obj first and load again to avoid offset issue from io import BytesIO with BytesIO() as f: mesh.export(f, file_type="obj") mesh = trimesh.load(f, file_type="obj") if isinstance(mesh, trimesh.Scene): # we lose texture information here mesh = trimesh.util.concatenate( tuple(trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=g.vertices, faces=g.faces) for g in mesh.geometry.values())) assert isinstance(mesh, trimesh.Trimesh) vertices = torch.from_numpy(mesh.vertices).T faces = torch.from_numpy(mesh.faces).T colors = None if mesh.visual is not None: if hasattr(mesh.visual, 'vertex_colors'): colors = torch.from_numpy(mesh.visual.vertex_colors)[..., :3].T / 255. if colors is None: # print("Warning: no vertex color found in mesh! Filling it with gray.") colors = torch.ones_like(vertices) * 0.5 return vertices, faces, colors def meshlab_mesh_to_py3dmesh(mesh: pymeshlab.Mesh) -> Meshes: verts = torch.from_numpy(mesh.vertex_matrix()).float() faces = torch.from_numpy(mesh.face_matrix()).long() colors = torch.from_numpy(mesh.vertex_color_matrix()[..., :3]).float() textures = TexturesVertex(verts_features=[colors]) return Meshes(verts=[verts], faces=[faces], textures=textures) def py3dmesh_to_meshlab_mesh(meshes: Meshes) -> pymeshlab.Mesh: colors_in = F.pad(meshes.textures.verts_features_packed().cpu().float(), [0,1], value=1).numpy().astype(np.float64) m1 = pymeshlab.Mesh( vertex_matrix=meshes.verts_packed().cpu().float().numpy().astype(np.float64), face_matrix=meshes.faces_packed().cpu().long().numpy().astype(np.int32), v_normals_matrix=meshes.verts_normals_packed().cpu().float().numpy().astype(np.float64), v_color_matrix=colors_in) return m1 def to_pyml_mesh(vertices,faces): m1 = pymeshlab.Mesh( vertex_matrix=vertices.cpu().float().numpy().astype(np.float64), face_matrix=faces.cpu().long().numpy().astype(np.int32), ) return m1 def to_py3d_mesh(vertices, faces, normals=None): from pytorch3d.structures import Meshes from pytorch3d.renderer.mesh.textures import TexturesVertex mesh = Meshes(verts=[vertices], faces=[faces], textures=None) if normals is None: normals = mesh.verts_normals_packed() # set normals as vertext colors mesh.textures = TexturesVertex(verts_features=[normals / 2 + 0.5]) return mesh def from_py3d_mesh(mesh): return mesh.verts_list()[0], mesh.faces_list()[0], mesh.textures.verts_features_packed() def rotate_normalmap_by_angle(normal_map: np.ndarray, angle: float): """ rotate along y-axis normal_map: np.array, shape=(H, W, 3) in [-1, 1] angle: float, in degree """ angle = angle / 180 * np.pi R = np.array([[np.cos(angle), 0, np.sin(angle)], [0, 1, 0], [-np.sin(angle), 0, np.cos(angle)]]) return, 3), R.T).reshape(normal_map.shape) # from view coord to front view world coord def rotate_normals(normal_pils, return_types='np', rotate_direction=1) -> np.ndarray: # [0, 255] n_views = len(normal_pils) ret = [] for idx, rgba_normal in enumerate(normal_pils): # rotate normal normal_np = np.array(rgba_normal)[:, :, :3] / 255 # in [-1, 1] alpha_np = np.array(rgba_normal)[:, :, 3] / 255 # in [0, 1] normal_np = normal_np * 2 - 1 normal_np = rotate_normalmap_by_angle(normal_np, rotate_direction * idx * (360 / n_views)) normal_np = (normal_np + 1) / 2 normal_np = normal_np * alpha_np[..., None] # make bg black rgba_normal_np = np.concatenate([normal_np * 255, alpha_np[:, :, None] * 255] , axis=-1) if return_types == 'np': ret.append(rgba_normal_np) elif return_types == 'pil': ret.append(Image.fromarray(rgba_normal_np.astype(np.uint8))) else: raise ValueError(f"return_types should be 'np' or 'pil', but got {return_types}") return ret def rotate_normalmap_by_angle_torch(normal_map, angle): """ rotate along y-axis normal_map: torch.Tensor, shape=(H, W, 3) in [-1, 1], device='cuda' angle: float, in degree """ angle = torch.tensor(angle / 180 * np.pi).to(normal_map) R = torch.tensor([[torch.cos(angle), 0, torch.sin(angle)], [0, 1, 0], [-torch.sin(angle), 0, torch.cos(angle)]]).to(normal_map) return torch.matmul(normal_map.view(-1, 3), R.T).view(normal_map.shape) def do_rotate(rgba_normal, angle): rgba_normal = torch.from_numpy(rgba_normal).float().cuda() / 255 rotated_normal_tensor = rotate_normalmap_by_angle_torch(rgba_normal[..., :3] * 2 - 1, angle) rotated_normal_tensor = (rotated_normal_tensor + 1) / 2 rotated_normal_tensor = rotated_normal_tensor * rgba_normal[:, :, [3]] # make bg black rgba_normal_np =[rotated_normal_tensor * 255, rgba_normal[:, :, [3]] * 255], dim=-1).cpu().numpy() return rgba_normal_np def rotate_normals_torch(normal_pils, return_types='np', rotate_direction=1): n_views = len(normal_pils) ret = [] for idx, rgba_normal in enumerate(normal_pils): # rotate normal angle = rotate_direction * idx * (360 / n_views) rgba_normal_np = do_rotate(np.array(rgba_normal), angle) if return_types == 'np': ret.append(rgba_normal_np) elif return_types == 'pil': ret.append(Image.fromarray(rgba_normal_np.astype(np.uint8))) else: raise ValueError(f"return_types should be 'np' or 'pil', but got {return_types}") return ret def change_bkgd(img_pils, new_bkgd=(0., 0., 0.)): ret = [] new_bkgd = np.array(new_bkgd).reshape(1, 1, 3) for rgba_img in img_pils: img_np = np.array(rgba_img)[:, :, :3] / 255 alpha_np = np.array(rgba_img)[:, :, 3] / 255 ori_bkgd = img_np[:1, :1] # color = ori_color * alpha + bkgd * (1-alpha) # ori_color = (color - bkgd * (1-alpha)) / alpha alpha_np_clamp = np.clip(alpha_np, 1e-6, 1) # avoid divide by zero ori_img_np = (img_np - ori_bkgd * (1 - alpha_np[..., None])) / alpha_np_clamp[..., None] img_np = np.where(alpha_np[..., None] > 0.05, ori_img_np * alpha_np[..., None] + new_bkgd * (1 - alpha_np[..., None]), new_bkgd) rgba_img_np = np.concatenate([img_np * 255, alpha_np[..., None] * 255], axis=-1) ret.append(Image.fromarray(rgba_img_np.astype(np.uint8))) return ret def change_bkgd_to_normal(normal_pils) -> List[Image.Image]: n_views = len(normal_pils) ret = [] for idx, rgba_normal in enumerate(normal_pils): # calcuate background normal target_bkgd = rotate_normalmap_by_angle(np.array([[[0., 0., 1.]]]), idx * (360 / n_views)) normal_np = np.array(rgba_normal)[:, :, :3] / 255 # in [-1, 1] alpha_np = np.array(rgba_normal)[:, :, 3] / 255 # in [0, 1] normal_np = normal_np * 2 - 1 old_bkgd = normal_np[:1,:1] normal_np[alpha_np > 0.05] = (normal_np[alpha_np > 0.05] - old_bkgd * (1 - alpha_np[alpha_np > 0.05][..., None])) / alpha_np[alpha_np > 0.05][..., None] normal_np = normal_np * alpha_np[..., None] + target_bkgd * (1 - alpha_np[..., None]) normal_np = (normal_np + 1) / 2 rgba_normal_np = np.concatenate([normal_np * 255, alpha_np[..., None] * 255] , axis=-1) ret.append(Image.fromarray(rgba_normal_np.astype(np.uint8))) return ret def fix_vert_color_glb(mesh_path): from pygltflib import GLTF2, Material, PbrMetallicRoughness obj1 = GLTF2().load(mesh_path) obj1.meshes[0].primitives[0].material = 0 obj1.materials.append(Material( pbrMetallicRoughness = PbrMetallicRoughness( baseColorFactor = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], metallicFactor = 0., roughnessFactor = 1.0, ), emissiveFactor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], doubleSided = True, )) def srgb_to_linear(c_srgb): c_linear = np.where(c_srgb <= 0.04045, c_srgb / 12.92, ((c_srgb + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4) return c_linear.clip(0, 1.) def save_py3dmesh_with_trimesh_fast(meshes: Meshes, save_glb_path, apply_sRGB_to_LinearRGB=True): # convert from pytorch3d meshes to trimesh mesh vertices = meshes.verts_packed().cpu().float().numpy() triangles = meshes.faces_packed().cpu().long().numpy() np_color = meshes.textures.verts_features_packed().cpu().float().numpy() if save_glb_path.endswith(".glb"): # rotate 180 along +Y vertices[:, [0, 2]] = -vertices[:, [0, 2]] if apply_sRGB_to_LinearRGB: np_color = srgb_to_linear(np_color) assert vertices.shape[0] == np_color.shape[0] assert np_color.shape[1] == 3 assert 0 <= np_color.min() and np_color.max() <= 1, f"min={np_color.min()}, max={np_color.max()}" mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=vertices, faces=triangles, vertex_colors=np_color) mesh.remove_unreferenced_vertices() # save mesh mesh.export(save_glb_path) if save_glb_path.endswith(".glb"): fix_vert_color_glb(save_glb_path) print(f"saving to {save_glb_path}") def save_glb_and_video(save_mesh_prefix: str, meshes: Meshes, with_timestamp=True, dist=3.5, azim_offset=180, resolution=512, fov_in_degrees=1 / 1.15, cam_type="ortho", view_padding=60, export_video=True) -> Tuple[str, str]: import time if '.' in save_mesh_prefix: save_mesh_prefix = ".".join(save_mesh_prefix.split('.')[:-1]) if with_timestamp: save_mesh_prefix = save_mesh_prefix + f"_{int(time.time())}" ret_mesh = save_mesh_prefix + ".glb" # optimizied version save_py3dmesh_with_trimesh_fast(meshes, ret_mesh) return ret_mesh, None def simple_clean_mesh(pyml_mesh: ml.Mesh, apply_smooth=True, stepsmoothnum=1, apply_sub_divide=False, sub_divide_threshold=0.25): ms = ml.MeshSet() ms.add_mesh(pyml_mesh, "cube_mesh") if apply_smooth: ms.apply_filter("apply_coord_laplacian_smoothing", stepsmoothnum=stepsmoothnum, cotangentweight=False) if apply_sub_divide: # 5s, slow ms.apply_filter("meshing_repair_non_manifold_vertices") ms.apply_filter("meshing_repair_non_manifold_edges", method='Remove Faces') ms.apply_filter("meshing_surface_subdivision_loop", iterations=2, threshold=PercentageValue(sub_divide_threshold)) return meshlab_mesh_to_py3dmesh(ms.current_mesh()) def expand2square(pil_img, background_color): width, height = pil_img.size if width == height: return pil_img elif width > height: result =, (width, width), background_color) result.paste(pil_img, (0, (width - height) // 2)) return result else: result =, (height, height), background_color) result.paste(pil_img, ((height - width) // 2, 0)) return result def simple_preprocess(input_image, rembg_session=session, background_color=255): RES = 2048 input_image.thumbnail([RES, RES], Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) if input_image.mode != 'RGBA': image_rem = input_image.convert('RGBA') input_image = remove(image_rem, alpha_matting=False, session=rembg_session) arr = np.asarray(input_image) alpha = np.asarray(input_image)[:, :, -1] x_nonzero = np.nonzero((alpha > 60).sum(axis=1)) y_nonzero = np.nonzero((alpha > 60).sum(axis=0)) x_min = int(x_nonzero[0].min()) y_min = int(y_nonzero[0].min()) x_max = int(x_nonzero[0].max()) y_max = int(y_nonzero[0].max()) arr = arr[x_min: x_max, y_min: y_max] input_image = Image.fromarray(arr) input_image = expand2square(input_image, (background_color, background_color, background_color, 0)) return input_image def init_target(img_pils, new_bkgd=(0., 0., 0.), device="cuda"): # Convert the background color to a PyTorch tensor new_bkgd = torch.tensor(new_bkgd, dtype=torch.float32).view(1, 1, 3).to(device) # Convert all images to PyTorch tensors and process them imgs = torch.stack([torch.from_numpy(np.array(img, dtype=np.float32)) for img in img_pils]).to(device) / 255 img_nps = imgs[..., :3] alpha_nps = imgs[..., 3] ori_bkgds = img_nps[:, :1, :1] # Avoid divide by zero and calculate the original image alpha_nps_clamp = torch.clamp(alpha_nps, 1e-6, 1) ori_img_nps = (img_nps - ori_bkgds * (1 - alpha_nps.unsqueeze(-1))) / alpha_nps_clamp.unsqueeze(-1) ori_img_nps = torch.clamp(ori_img_nps, 0, 1) img_nps = torch.where(alpha_nps.unsqueeze(-1) > 0.05, ori_img_nps * alpha_nps.unsqueeze(-1) + new_bkgd * (1 - alpha_nps.unsqueeze(-1)), new_bkgd) rgba_img_np =[img_nps, alpha_nps.unsqueeze(-1)], dim=-1) return rgba_img_np