from typing import List import torch import numpy as np from PIL import Image from pytorch3d.renderer.cameras import look_at_view_transform, OrthographicCameras, CamerasBase from pytorch3d.renderer.mesh.rasterizer import Fragments from pytorch3d.structures import Meshes from pytorch3d.renderer import ( RasterizationSettings, TexturesVertex, FoVPerspectiveCameras, FoVOrthographicCameras, ) from pytorch3d.renderer import MeshRasterizer def get_camera(world_to_cam, fov_in_degrees=60, focal_length=1 / (2**0.5), cam_type='fov'): # pytorch3d expects transforms as row-vectors, so flip rotation: R = world_to_cam[:3, :3].t()[None, ...] T = world_to_cam[:3, 3][None, ...] if cam_type == 'fov': camera = FoVPerspectiveCameras(device=world_to_cam.device, R=R, T=T, fov=fov_in_degrees, degrees=True) else: focal_length = 1 / focal_length camera = FoVOrthographicCameras(device=world_to_cam.device, R=R, T=T, min_x=-focal_length, max_x=focal_length, min_y=-focal_length, max_y=focal_length) return camera def render_pix2faces_py3d(meshes, cameras, H=512, W=512, blur_radius=0.0, faces_per_pixel=1): """ Renders pix2face of visible faces. :param mesh: Pytorch3d.structures.Meshes :param cameras: pytorch3d.renderer.Cameras :param H: target image height :param W: target image width :param blur_radius: Float distance in the range [0, 2] used to expand the face bounding boxes for rasterization. Setting blur radius results in blurred edges around the shape instead of a hard boundary. Set to 0 for no blur. :param faces_per_pixel: (int) Number of faces to keep track of per pixel. We return the nearest faces_per_pixel faces along the z-axis. """ # Define the settings for rasterization and shading raster_settings = RasterizationSettings( image_size=(H, W), blur_radius=blur_radius, faces_per_pixel=faces_per_pixel ) rasterizer=MeshRasterizer( cameras=cameras, raster_settings=raster_settings ) fragments: Fragments = rasterizer(meshes, cameras=cameras) return { "pix_to_face": fragments.pix_to_face[..., 0], } import nvdiffrast.torch as dr def _warmup(glctx, device=None): device = 'cuda' if device is None else device #windows workaround for def tensor(*args, **kwargs): return torch.tensor(*args, device=device, **kwargs) pos = tensor([[[-0.8, -0.8, 0, 1], [0.8, -0.8, 0, 1], [-0.8, 0.8, 0, 1]]], dtype=torch.float32) tri = tensor([[0, 1, 2]], dtype=torch.int32) dr.rasterize(glctx, pos, tri, resolution=[256, 256]) class Pix2FacesRenderer: def __init__(self, device="cuda"): self._glctx = dr.RasterizeGLContext(output_db=False, device=device) self.device = device _warmup(self._glctx, device) def transform_vertices(self, meshes: Meshes, cameras: CamerasBase): vertices = cameras.transform_points_ndc(meshes.verts_padded()) perspective_correct = cameras.is_perspective() znear = cameras.get_znear() if isinstance(znear, torch.Tensor): znear = znear.min().item() z_clip = None if not perspective_correct or znear is None else znear / 2 if z_clip: vertices = vertices[vertices[..., 2] >= cameras.get_znear()][None] # clip vertices = vertices * torch.tensor([-1, -1, 1]).to(vertices) vertices =[vertices, torch.ones_like(vertices[..., :1])], dim=-1).to(torch.float32) return vertices def render_pix2faces_nvdiff(self, meshes: Meshes, cameras: CamerasBase, H=512, W=512): meshes = cameras = vertices = self.transform_vertices(meshes, cameras) faces = meshes.faces_packed().to(torch.int32) rast_out,_ = dr.rasterize(self._glctx, vertices, faces, resolution=(H, W), grad_db=False) #C,H,W,4 pix_to_face = rast_out[..., -1].to(torch.int32) - 1 return pix_to_face pix2faces_renderer = Pix2FacesRenderer() def get_visible_faces(meshes: Meshes, cameras: CamerasBase, resolution=1024): # pix_to_face = render_pix2faces_py3d(meshes, cameras, H=resolution, W=resolution)['pix_to_face'] pix_to_face = pix2faces_renderer.render_pix2faces_nvdiff(meshes, cameras, H=resolution, W=resolution) unique_faces = torch.unique(pix_to_face.flatten()) unique_faces = unique_faces[unique_faces != -1] return unique_faces def project_color(meshes: Meshes, cameras: CamerasBase, pil_image: Image.Image, use_alpha=True, eps=0.05, resolution=1024, device="cuda") -> dict: """ Projects color from a given image onto a 3D mesh. Args: meshes (pytorch3d.structures.Meshes): The 3D mesh object. cameras (pytorch3d.renderer.cameras.CamerasBase): The camera object. pil_image (PIL.Image.Image): The input image. use_alpha (bool, optional): Whether to use the alpha channel of the image. Defaults to True. eps (float, optional): The threshold for selecting visible faces. Defaults to 0.05. resolution (int, optional): The resolution of the projection. Defaults to 1024. device (str, optional): The device to use for computation. Defaults to "cuda". debug (bool, optional): Whether to save debug images. Defaults to False. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the following keys: - "new_texture" (TexturesVertex): The updated texture with interpolated colors. - "valid_verts" (Tensor of [M,3]): The indices of the vertices being projected. - "valid_colors" (Tensor of [M,3]): The interpolated colors for the valid vertices. """ meshes = cameras = image = torch.from_numpy(np.array(pil_image.convert("RGBA")) / 255.).permute((2, 0, 1)).float().to(device) # in CHW format of [0, 1.] unique_faces = get_visible_faces(meshes, cameras, resolution=resolution) # visible faces faces_normals = meshes.faces_normals_packed()[unique_faces] faces_normals = faces_normals / faces_normals.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True) world_points = cameras.unproject_points(torch.tensor([[[0., 0., 0.1], [0., 0., 0.2]]]).to(device))[0] view_direction = world_points[1] - world_points[0] view_direction = view_direction / view_direction.norm(dim=0, keepdim=True) # find invalid faces cos_angles = (faces_normals * view_direction).sum(dim=1) assert cos_angles.mean() < 0, f"The view direction is not correct. cos_angles.mean()={cos_angles.mean()}" selected_faces = unique_faces[cos_angles < -eps] # find verts faces = meshes.faces_packed()[selected_faces] # [N, 3] verts = torch.unique(faces.flatten()) # [N, 1] verts_coordinates = meshes.verts_packed()[verts] # [N, 3] # compute color pt_tensor = cameras.transform_points(verts_coordinates)[..., :2] # NDC space points valid = ~((pt_tensor.isnan()|(pt_tensor<-1)|(1 dict: """ meshes: the mesh with vertex color to be completed. valid_index: the index of the valid vertices, where valid means colors are fixed. [V, 1] """ valid_index = colors = meshes.textures.verts_features_packed() # [V, 3] V = colors.shape[0] invalid_index = torch.ones_like(colors[:, 0]).bool() # [V] invalid_index[valid_index] = False invalid_index = torch.arange(V).to(meshes.device)[invalid_index] L = meshes.laplacian_packed() E = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(torch.tensor([list(range(V))] * 2), torch.ones((V,)), size=(V, V)).to(meshes.device) L = L + E # E = torch.eye(V, layout=torch.sparse_coo, device=meshes.device) # L = L + E colored_count = torch.ones_like(colors[:, 0]) # [V] colored_count[invalid_index] = 0 L_invalid = torch.index_select(L, 0, invalid_index) # sparse [IV, V] total_colored = colored_count.sum() coloring_round = 0 stage = "uncolored" from tqdm import tqdm pbar = tqdm(miniters=100) while stage == "uncolored" or coloring_round > 0: new_color = torch.matmul(L_invalid, colors * colored_count[:, None]) # [IV, 3] new_count = torch.matmul(L_invalid, colored_count)[:, None] # [IV, 1] colors[invalid_index] = torch.where(new_count > 0, new_color / new_count, colors[invalid_index]) colored_count[invalid_index] = (new_count[:, 0] > 0).float() new_total_colored = colored_count.sum() if new_total_colored > total_colored: total_colored = new_total_colored coloring_round += 1 else: stage = "colored" coloring_round -= 1 pbar.update(1) if coloring_round > 10000: print("coloring_round > 10000, break") break assert not torch.isnan(colors).any() meshes.textures = TexturesVertex(verts_features=[colors]) return meshes def multiview_color_projection(meshes: Meshes, image_list: List[Image.Image], cameras_list: List[CamerasBase]=None, camera_focal: float = 2 / 1.35, weights=None, eps=0.05, resolution=1024, device="cuda", reweight_with_cosangle="square", use_alpha=True, confidence_threshold=0.1, complete_unseen=False, below_confidence_strategy="smooth") -> Meshes: """ Projects color from a given image onto a 3D mesh. Args: meshes (pytorch3d.structures.Meshes): The 3D mesh object, only one mesh. image_list (PIL.Image.Image): List of images. cameras_list (list): List of cameras. camera_focal (float, optional): The focal length of the camera, if cameras_list is not passed. Defaults to 2 / 1.35. weights (list, optional): List of weights for each image, for ['front', 'front_right', 'right', 'back', 'left', 'front_left']. Defaults to None. eps (float, optional): The threshold for selecting visible faces. Defaults to 0.05. resolution (int, optional): The resolution of the projection. Defaults to 1024. device (str, optional): The device to use for computation. Defaults to "cuda". reweight_with_cosangle (str, optional): Whether to reweight the color with the angle between the view direction and the vertex normal. Defaults to None. use_alpha (bool, optional): Whether to use the alpha channel of the image. Defaults to True. confidence_threshold (float, optional): The threshold for the confidence of the projected color, if final projection weight is less than this, we will use the original color. Defaults to 0.1. complete_unseen (bool, optional): Whether to complete the unseen vertex color using laplacian. Defaults to False. Returns: Meshes: the colored mesh """ # 1. preprocess inputs if image_list is None: raise ValueError("image_list is None") if cameras_list is None: if len(image_list) == 8: cameras_list = get_8view_cameras(device, focal=camera_focal) elif len(image_list) == 6: cameras_list = get_6view_cameras(device, focal=camera_focal) elif len(image_list) == 4: cameras_list = get_4view_cameras(device, focal=camera_focal) elif len(image_list) == 2: cameras_list = get_2view_cameras(device, focal=camera_focal) else: raise ValueError("cameras_list is None, and can not be guessed from image_list") if weights is None: if len(image_list) == 8: weights = [2.0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.02, 1.0, 0.02, 0.2, 0.05] elif len(image_list) == 6: weights = [2.0, 0.05, 0.2, 1.0, 0.2, 0.05] elif len(image_list) == 4: weights = [2.0, 0.2, 1.0, 0.2] elif len(image_list) == 2: weights = [1.0, 1.0] else: raise ValueError("weights is None, and can not be guessed from image_list") # 2. run projection meshes = meshes.clone().to(device) if weights is None: weights = [1. for _ in range(len(cameras_list))] assert len(cameras_list) == len(image_list) == len(weights) original_color = meshes.textures.verts_features_packed() assert not torch.isnan(original_color).any() texture_counts = torch.zeros_like(original_color[..., :1]) texture_values = torch.zeros_like(original_color) max_texture_counts = torch.zeros_like(original_color[..., :1]) max_texture_values = torch.zeros_like(original_color) for camera, image, weight in zip(cameras_list, image_list, weights): ret = project_color(meshes, camera, image, eps=eps, resolution=resolution, device=device, use_alpha=use_alpha) if reweight_with_cosangle == "linear": weight = (ret['cos_angles'].abs() * weight)[:, None] elif reweight_with_cosangle == "square": weight = (ret['cos_angles'].abs() ** 2 * weight)[:, None] if use_alpha: weight = weight * ret['valid_alpha'] assert weight.min() > -0.0001 texture_counts[ret['valid_verts']] += weight texture_values[ret['valid_verts']] += ret['valid_colors'] * weight max_texture_values[ret['valid_verts']] = torch.where(weight > max_texture_counts[ret['valid_verts']], ret['valid_colors'], max_texture_values[ret['valid_verts']]) max_texture_counts[ret['valid_verts']] = torch.max(max_texture_counts[ret['valid_verts']], weight) # Method2 texture_values = torch.where(texture_counts > confidence_threshold, texture_values / texture_counts, texture_values) if below_confidence_strategy == "smooth": texture_values = torch.where(texture_counts <= confidence_threshold, (original_color * (confidence_threshold - texture_counts) + texture_values) / confidence_threshold, texture_values) elif below_confidence_strategy == "original": texture_values = torch.where(texture_counts <= confidence_threshold, original_color, texture_values) else: raise ValueError(f"below_confidence_strategy={below_confidence_strategy} is not supported") assert not torch.isnan(texture_values).any() meshes.textures = TexturesVertex(verts_features=[texture_values]) if complete_unseen: meshes = complete_unseen_vertex_color(meshes, torch.arange(texture_values.shape[0]).to(device)[texture_counts[:, 0] >= confidence_threshold]) ret_mesh = meshes.detach() del meshes return ret_mesh def get_cameras_list(azim_list, device, focal=2/1.35, dist=1.1): ret = [] for azim in azim_list: R, T = look_at_view_transform(dist, 0, azim) w2c =[R[0].T, T[0, :, None]], dim=1) cameras: OrthographicCameras = get_camera(w2c, focal_length=focal, cam_type='orthogonal').to(device) ret.append(cameras) return ret def get_8view_cameras(device, focal=2/1.35): return get_cameras_list(azim_list = [180, 225, 270, 315, 0, 45, 90, 135], device=device, focal=focal) def get_6view_cameras(device, focal=2/1.35): return get_cameras_list(azim_list = [180, 225, 270, 0, 90, 135], device=device, focal=focal) def get_4view_cameras(device, focal=2/1.35): return get_cameras_list(azim_list = [180, 270, 0, 90], device=device, focal=focal) def get_2view_cameras(device, focal=2/1.35): return get_cameras_list(azim_list = [180, 0], device=device, focal=focal) def get_multiple_view_cameras(device, focal=2/1.35, offset=180, num_views=8, dist=1.1): return get_cameras_list(azim_list = (np.linspace(0, 360, num_views+1)[:-1] + offset) % 360, device=device, focal=focal, dist=dist) def align_with_alpha_bbox(source_img, target_img, final_size=1024): # align source_img with target_img using alpha channel # source_img and target_img are PIL.Image.Image source_img = source_img.convert("RGBA") target_img = target_img.convert("RGBA").resize((final_size, final_size)) source_np = np.array(source_img) target_np = np.array(target_img) source_alpha = source_np[:, :, 3] target_alpha = target_np[:, :, 3] bbox_source_min, bbox_source_max = np.argwhere(source_alpha > 0).min(axis=0), np.argwhere(source_alpha > 0).max(axis=0) bbox_target_min, bbox_target_max = np.argwhere(target_alpha > 0).min(axis=0), np.argwhere(target_alpha > 0).max(axis=0) source_content = source_np[bbox_source_min[0]:bbox_source_max[0]+1, bbox_source_min[1]:bbox_source_max[1]+1, :] # resize source_content to fit in the position of target_content source_content = Image.fromarray(source_content).resize((bbox_target_max[1]-bbox_target_min[1]+1, bbox_target_max[0]-bbox_target_min[0]+1), resample=Image.BICUBIC) target_np[bbox_target_min[0]:bbox_target_max[0]+1, bbox_target_min[1]:bbox_target_max[1]+1, :] = np.array(source_content) return Image.fromarray(target_np) def load_image_list_from_mvdiffusion(mvdiffusion_path, front_from_pil_or_path=None): import os image_list = [] for dir in ['front', 'front_right', 'right', 'back', 'left', 'front_left']: image_path = os.path.join(mvdiffusion_path, f"rgb_000_{dir}.png") pil = if dir == 'front': if front_from_pil_or_path is not None: if isinstance(front_from_pil_or_path, str): replace_pil = else: replace_pil = front_from_pil_or_path # align replace_pil with pil using bounding box in alpha channel pil = align_with_alpha_bbox(replace_pil, pil, final_size=1024) image_list.append(pil) return image_list def load_image_list_from_img_grid(img_grid_path, resolution = 1024): img_list = [] grid = w, h = grid.size for row in range(0, h, resolution): for col in range(0, w, resolution): img_list.append(grid.crop((col, row, col + resolution, row + resolution))) return img_list