import { fetch, WebSocket, debug } from '@/lib/isomorphic' import WebSocketAsPromised from 'websocket-as-promised' import { SendMessageParams, BingConversationStyle, ConversationResponse, ChatResponseMessage, ConversationInfo, InvocationEventType, ChatError, ErrorCode, ChatUpdateCompleteResponse, ImageInfo, KBlobResponse } from './types' import { convertMessageToMarkdown, websocketUtils, streamAsyncIterable } from './utils' import { WatchDog, createChunkDecoder } from '@/lib/utils' type Params = SendMessageParams<{ bingConversationStyle: BingConversationStyle }> const OPTIONS_SETS = [ 'nlu_direct_response_filter', 'deepleo', 'disable_emoji_spoken_text', 'responsible_ai_policy_235', 'enablemm', 'iycapbing', 'iyxapbing', 'objopinion', 'rweasgv2', 'dagslnv1', 'dv3sugg', 'autosave', 'iyoloxap', 'iyoloneutral', 'clgalileo', 'gencontentv3', ] export class BingWebBot { protected conversationContext?: ConversationInfo protected cookie: string protected ua: string protected endpoint = '' private lastText = '' private asyncTasks: Array> = [] constructor(opts: { cookie: string ua: string bingConversationStyle?: BingConversationStyle conversationContext?: ConversationInfo }) { const { cookie, ua, conversationContext } = opts this.cookie = cookie?.includes(';') ? cookie : `_EDGE_V=1; _U=${cookie}` = ua this.conversationContext = conversationContext } static buildChatRequest(conversation: ConversationInfo) { const optionsSets = OPTIONS_SETS if (conversation.conversationStyle === BingConversationStyle.Precise) { optionsSets.push('h3precise') } else if (conversation.conversationStyle === BingConversationStyle.Creative) { optionsSets.push('h3imaginative') } return { arguments: [ { source: 'cib', optionsSets, allowedMessageTypes: [ 'Chat', 'InternalSearchQuery', 'Disengaged', 'InternalLoaderMessage', 'SemanticSerp', 'GenerateContentQuery', 'SearchQuery', ], sliceIds: [ 'winmuid1tf', 'anssupfor_c', 'imgchatgptv2', 'tts2cf', 'contansperf', 'mlchatpc8500w', 'mlchatpc2', 'ctrlworkpay', 'winshortmsgtf', 'cibctrl', 'sydtransctrl', 'sydconfigoptc', '0705trt4', '517opinion', '628ajcopus0', '330uaugs0', '529rwea', '0626snptrcs0', '424dagslnv1', ], isStartOfSession: conversation.invocationId === 0, message: { author: 'user', inputMethod: 'Keyboard', text: conversation.prompt, imageUrl: conversation.imageUrl, messageType: 'Chat', }, conversationId: conversation.conversationId, conversationSignature: conversation.conversationSignature, participant: { id: conversation.clientId }, }, ], invocationId: conversation.invocationId.toString(), target: 'chat', type: InvocationEventType.StreamInvocation, } } async createConversation(): Promise { const headers = { 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br, zsdch', 'User-Agent':, 'x-ms-useragent': 'azsdk-js-api-client-factory/1.0.0-beta.1 core-rest-pipeline/1.10.0 OS/Win32', cookie: this.cookie, } let resp: ConversationResponse | undefined try { const response = await fetch(this.endpoint + '/api/create', { method: 'POST', headers, redirect: 'error', mode: 'cors', credentials: 'include' }) if (response.status === 404) { throw new ChatError('Not Found', ErrorCode.NOTFOUND_ERROR) } resp = await response.json() as ConversationResponse } catch (err) { console.error('create conversation error', err) } if (!resp?.result) { throw new ChatError('Invalid response', ErrorCode.UNKOWN_ERROR) } const { value, message } = resp.result || {} if (value !== 'Success') { const errorMsg = `${value}: ${message}` if (value === 'UnauthorizedRequest') { throw new ChatError(errorMsg, ErrorCode.BING_UNAUTHORIZED) } if (value === 'Forbidden') { throw new ChatError(errorMsg, ErrorCode.BING_FORBIDDEN) } throw new ChatError(errorMsg, ErrorCode.UNKOWN_ERROR) } return resp } private async createContext(conversationStyle: BingConversationStyle) { if (!this.conversationContext) { const conversation = await this.createConversation() this.conversationContext = { conversationId: conversation.conversationId, conversationSignature: conversation.conversationSignature, clientId: conversation.clientId, invocationId: 0, conversationStyle, prompt: '', } } return this.conversationContext } async sendMessage(params: Params) { try { await this.createContext(params.options.bingConversationStyle) Object.assign(this.conversationContext!, { prompt: params.prompt, imageUrl: params.imageUrl }) return this.sydneyProxy(params) } catch (error) { params.onEvent({ type: 'ERROR', error: error instanceof ChatError ? error : new ChatError('Catch Error', ErrorCode.UNKOWN_ERROR), }) } } private async sydneyProxy(params: Params) { const abortController = new AbortController() const response = await fetch(this.endpoint + '/api/sydney', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, signal: abortController.signal, body: JSON.stringify(this.conversationContext!) }) if (response.status !== 200) { params.onEvent({ type: 'ERROR', error: new ChatError( 'Unknown error', ErrorCode.UNKOWN_ERROR, ), }) } params.signal?.addEventListener('abort', () => { abortController.abort() }) const textDecoder = createChunkDecoder() for await (const chunk of streamAsyncIterable(response.body!)) { this.parseEvents(params, websocketUtils.unpackMessage(textDecoder(chunk))) } } async sendWs() { const wsConfig: ConstructorParameters[1] = { packMessage: websocketUtils.packMessage, unpackMessage: websocketUtils.unpackMessage, createWebSocket: (url) => new WebSocket(url, { headers: { 'accept-language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9', 'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'User-Agent':, pragma: 'no-cache', cookie: this.cookie, } }) } const wsp = new WebSocketAsPromised('wss://', wsConfig) => { wsp.sendPacked({ protocol: 'json', version: 1 }) wsp.sendPacked({ type: 6 }) wsp.sendPacked(BingWebBot.buildChatRequest(this.conversationContext!)) }) return wsp } private async useWs(params: Params) { const wsp = await this.sendWs() const watchDog = new WatchDog() wsp.onUnpackedMessage.addListener((events) => { => { wsp.sendPacked({ type: 6 }) }) this.parseEvents(params, events) }) wsp.onClose.addListener(() => { watchDog.reset() params.onEvent({ type: 'DONE' }) wsp.removeAllListeners() }) params.signal?.addEventListener('abort', () => { wsp.removeAllListeners() wsp.close() }) } private async createImage(prompt: string, id: string) { try { const headers = { 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br, zsdch', 'User-Agent':, 'x-ms-useragent': 'azsdk-js-api-client-factory/1.0.0-beta.1 core-rest-pipeline/1.10.0 OS/Win32', cookie: this.cookie, } const query = new URLSearchParams({ prompt, id }) const response = await fetch(this.endpoint + '/api/image?' + query.toString(), { method: 'POST', headers, mode: 'cors', credentials: 'include' }) .then(res => res.text()) if (response) { this.lastText += '\n' + response } } catch (err) { console.error('Create Image Error', err) } } private buildKnowledgeApiPayload(imageUrl: string, conversationStyle: BingConversationStyle) { const imageInfo: ImageInfo = {} let imageBase64: string | undefined = undefined const knowledgeRequest = { imageInfo, knowledgeRequest: { invokedSkills: [ 'ImageById' ], subscriptionId: 'Bing.Chat.Multimodal', invokedSkillsRequestData: { enableFaceBlur: true }, convoData: { convoid: this.conversationContext?.conversationId, convotone: conversationStyle, } }, } if (imageUrl.startsWith('data:image/')) { imageBase64 = imageUrl.replace('data:image/', ''); const partIndex = imageBase64.indexOf(',') if (partIndex) { imageBase64 = imageBase64.substring(partIndex + 1) } } else { imageInfo.url = imageUrl } return { knowledgeRequest, imageBase64 } } async uploadImage(imageUrl: string, conversationStyle: BingConversationStyle = BingConversationStyle.Creative): Promise { if (!imageUrl) { return } await this.createContext(conversationStyle) const payload = this.buildKnowledgeApiPayload(imageUrl, conversationStyle) const response = await fetch(this.endpoint + '/api/kblob', { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, method: 'POST', mode: 'cors', credentials: 'include', body: JSON.stringify(payload), }) .then(res => res.json()) .catch(e => { console.log('Error', e) }) return response } private async generateContent(message: ChatResponseMessage) { if (message.contentType === 'IMAGE') { this.asyncTasks.push(this.createImage(message.text, message.messageId)) } } private async parseEvents(params: Params, events: any) { const conversation = this.conversationContext! events?.forEach(async (event: ChatUpdateCompleteResponse) => { debug('bing event', event) if (event.type === 3) { await Promise.all(this.asyncTasks) this.asyncTasks = [] params.onEvent({ type: 'UPDATE_ANSWER', data: { text: this.lastText } }) params.onEvent({ type: 'DONE' }) conversation.invocationId = parseInt(event.invocationId, 10) + 1 } else if (event.type === 1) { const messages = event.arguments[0].messages if (messages) { const text = convertMessageToMarkdown(messages[0]) this.lastText = text params.onEvent({ type: 'UPDATE_ANSWER', data: { text, spokenText: messages[0].text, throttling: event.arguments[0].throttling } }) } } else if (event.type === 2) { const messages = event.item.messages as ChatResponseMessage[] | undefined if (!messages) { params.onEvent({ type: 'ERROR', error: new ChatError( event.item.result.error || 'Unknown error', event.item.result.value === 'Throttled' ? ErrorCode.THROTTLE_LIMIT : event.item.result.value === 'CaptchaChallenge' ? (this.conversationContext?.conversationId?.includes('BingProdUnAuthenticatedUsers') ? ErrorCode.BING_UNAUTHORIZED : ErrorCode.BING_CAPTCHA) : ErrorCode.UNKOWN_ERROR ), }) return } const limited = messages.some((message) => message.contentOrigin === 'TurnLimiter' || message.messageType === 'Disengaged' ) if (limited) { params.onEvent({ type: 'ERROR', error: new ChatError( 'Sorry, you have reached chat limit in this conversation.', ErrorCode.CONVERSATION_LIMIT, ), }) return } const lastMessage = as ChatResponseMessage const specialMessage = event.item.messages.find(message => === 'bot' && message.contentType === 'IMAGE') if (specialMessage) { this.generateContent(specialMessage) } if (lastMessage) { const text = convertMessageToMarkdown(lastMessage) this.lastText = text params.onEvent({ type: 'UPDATE_ANSWER', data: { text, throttling: event.item.throttling, suggestedResponses: lastMessage.suggestedResponses, sourceAttributions: lastMessage.sourceAttributions }, }) } } }) } resetConversation() { this.conversationContext = undefined } }