import base64 import os import httpx import streamlit as st import webbrowser from dotenv import load_dotenv from datetime import datetime load_dotenv() print(os.environ) print(os.environ["APP_URL"]) APP_URL = st.secrets["APP_URL"] print(st.secrets["APP_URL"]) STRAVA_CLIENT_ID = os.environ["STRAVA_CLIENT_ID"] STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ["STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET"] STRAVA_AUTHORIZATION_URL = "" STRAVA_API_BASE_URL = "" SCOPE = "activity:read_all,profile:read_all,activity:write" DEFAULT_ACTIVITY_LABEL = "NO_ACTIVITY_SELECTED" STRAVA_ORANGE = "#fc4c02" @st.cache_data def load_image_as_base64(image_path): with open(image_path, "rb") as f: contents = return base64.b64encode(contents).decode("utf-8") def powered_by_strava_logo(): base64_image = load_image_as_base64("static/api_logo_pwrd_by_strava.png") st.markdown( f'powered by strava', unsafe_allow_html=True, ) @st.cache_data def authorization_url(): request = httpx.Request( method="GET", url=STRAVA_AUTHORIZATION_URL, params={ "client_id": STRAVA_CLIENT_ID, "redirect_uri": APP_URL, "response_type": "code", "approval_prompt": "auto", "scope": SCOPE } ) return request.url def login_header(header=None): strava_authorization_url = authorization_url() if header is None: base = st else: col1, _, _, button = header base = button with col1: powered_by_strava_logo() base64_image = load_image_as_base64("./static/btn_strava_connect.png") base.markdown( ( f"" f" \"strava" f"" ), unsafe_allow_html=True, ) def logout_header(header=None): if header is None: base = st else: _, col2, _, button = header base = button with col2: powered_by_strava_logo() if base.button("Log out"):, new=0) def logged_in_title(strava_auth, header=None): if header is None: base = st else: col, _, _, _ = header base = col first_name = strava_auth["athlete"]["firstname"] last_name = strava_auth["athlete"]["lastname"] col.markdown(f"*Welcome, {first_name} {last_name}!*") @st.cache_data def exchange_authorization_code(authorization_code): response = url="", json={ "client_id": STRAVA_CLIENT_ID, "client_secret": STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET, "code": authorization_code, "grant_type": "authorization_code", } ) try: response.raise_for_status() except httpx.HTTPStatusError: st.error("Something went wrong while authenticating with Strava. Please reload and try again") st.experimental_set_query_params() st.stop() return strava_auth = response.json() return strava_auth def authenticate(header=None, stop_if_unauthenticated=True): query_params = st.experimental_get_query_params() authorization_code = query_params.get("code", [None])[0] if authorization_code is None: authorization_code = query_params.get("session", [None])[0] if authorization_code is None: login_header(header=header) if stop_if_unauthenticated: st.stop() return else: logout_header(header=header) strava_auth = exchange_authorization_code(authorization_code) logged_in_title(strava_auth, header) st.experimental_set_query_params(session=authorization_code) return strava_auth def header(): col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col3: strava_button = st.empty() return col1, col2, col3, strava_button def catch_strava_api_error(response): if response.status_code == 200: return st.write(response.status_code) if response.status_code == 401: st.error("You are not authorized to access this resource. Please relog yourself.") st.stop() return else: st.error(response) if response["errors"]: st.error(f"Something went wrong while fetching data from Strava. Please reload and try again (error message: {response['message']})") st.stop() return def strava_call(auth, uri_params, params = None): access_token = auth["access_token"] response = httpx.get( url=f"{STRAVA_API_BASE_URL}/{uri_params}", params=params, headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}", }, ) catch_strava_api_error(response) return response.json() @st.cache_data def get_athlete_detail(auth, page=1): return strava_call(auth, "athlete") @st.cache_data def get_shoes(athlete): return athlete["shoes"] @st.cache_data def get_activity(activity_id, auth): return strava_call(auth, f"activities/{activity_id}") @st.cache_data def get_activities_on_period(auth, activities, start_date, end_date, page): response = get_activities(auth, page) number_added = 0 for activity in response: strava_start_date = datetime.strptime(activity["start_date"], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ').date() if strava_start_date >= start_date and strava_start_date <= end_date: activities.append(activity) number_added += 1 if number_added == 0: return activities else: return get_activities_on_period(auth, activities, start_date, end_date, page + 1) @st.cache_data def get_activities(auth, page=1): return strava_call(auth, f"athlete/activities", params={"page": page}) @st.cache_data def get_activity_zones(auth, activity_id): return strava_call(auth, f"activities/{activity_id}/zones") @st.cache_data def get_athlete_zones(auth): return strava_call(auth, f"athlete/zones") # @st.cache_data # def get_all_activities(auth): # page = 1 # activities = [] # while True: # new_activities = strava_call(auth, f"athlete/activities", params={ # "page": page, # "per_page": 200 # }) # activities.append(new_activities) # if len(new_activities) == 0: # break # page += 1 # # return activities # def export_all_activities(auth): # activities = get_all_activities(auth=auth) # st.write(f"You got {len(activities)} activities") # with open('activities.json', 'w') as f: # json.dump(activities, f)