import json import os import shutil import warnings from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Tuple from uuid import uuid4 import gradio as gr import numpy as np from filelock import FileLock from PIL.Image import Image def setup( folder_path: str | Path | None = None, delete_button: bool = True, export_button: bool = True, ) -> None: user_history = _UserHistory() user_history.folder_path = _resolve_folder_path(folder_path) user_history.delete_button = delete_button user_history.export_button = export_button user_history.initialized = True def render() -> None: user_history = _UserHistory() # initialize with default config if not user_history.initialized: print("Initializing user history with default config. Use `user_history.setup(...)` to customize.") setup() # deactivate if no persistent storage if user_history.folder_path is None: gr.Markdown( "User history is deactivated as no Persistent Storage volume has been found. Please contact the Space" " owner to either assign a [Persistent Storage]( or set" " `folder_path` to a temporary folder." ) return # Render user history tab gr.Markdown( "## Your past generations\n\n(Log in to keep a gallery of your previous generations." " Your history will be saved and available on your next visit.)" ) with gr.Row(): gr.LoginButton(min_width=250) gr.LogoutButton(min_width=250) refresh_button = gr.Button("Refresh", icon="./assets/icon_refresh.png") export_button = gr.Button("Export", icon="./assets/icon_download.png") delete_button = gr.Button("Delete history", icon="./assets/icon_delete.png") # "Export zip" row (hidden by default) with gr.Row(): export_file = gr.File(file_count="single", file_types=[".zip"], label="Exported history", visible=False) # "Config deletion" row (hidden by default) with gr.Row(): confirm_button = gr.Button("Confirm delete all history", variant="stop", visible=False) cancel_button = gr.Button("Cancel", visible=False) # Gallery gallery = gr.Gallery( label="Past images", show_label=True, elem_id="gallery", object_fit="contain", columns=5, height=600, preview=False, show_share_button=False, show_download_button=False, ) gr.Markdown("Make sure to save your images from time to time, this gallery may be deleted in the future.") gallery.attach_load_event(_fetch_user_history, every=None) # Interactions, inputs=[], outputs=[gallery], queue=False), inputs=[], outputs=[export_file], queue=False) # Taken from lambda: [gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True)], outputs=[confirm_button, cancel_button], queue=False, ) lambda: [gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False)], outputs=[confirm_button, cancel_button], queue=False, ) lambda: [gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False)], outputs=[confirm_button, cancel_button], queue=False, ) def save_image( profile: gr.OAuthProfile | None, image: Image | np.ndarray | str | Path, label: str | None = None, metadata: Dict | None = None, ): # Ignore images from logged out users if profile is None: return username = profile["preferred_username"] # Ignore images if user history not used user_history = _UserHistory() if not user_history.initialized: warnings.warn( "User history is not set in Gradio demo. Saving image is ignored. You must use `user_history.render(...)`" " first." ) return # Copy image to storage image_path = _copy_image(image, dst_folder=user_history._user_images_path(username)) # Save new image + metadata if metadata is None: metadata = {} if "datetime" not in metadata: metadata["datetime"] = str( data = {"path": str(image_path), "label": label, "metadata": metadata} with user_history._user_lock(username): with user_history._user_jsonl_path(username).open("a") as f: f.write(json.dumps(data) + "\n") ############# # Internals # ############# class _UserHistory(object): _instance = None initialized: bool = False folder_path: Path | None delete_button: bool export_button: bool def __new__(cls): # Using singleton pattern => we don't want to expose an object (more complex to use) but still want to keep # state between `render` and `save_image` calls. if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = super(_UserHistory, cls).__new__(cls) return cls._instance def _user_path(self, username: str) -> Path: if self.folder_path is None: raise Exception("User history is deactivated.") path = self.folder_path / username path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return path def _user_lock(self, username: str) -> FileLock: """Ensure history is not corrupted if concurrent calls.""" if self.folder_path is None: raise Exception("User history is deactivated.") return FileLock(self.folder_path / f"{username}.lock") # lock outside of folder => better when exporting ZIP def _user_jsonl_path(self, username: str) -> Path: return self._user_path(username) / "history.jsonl" def _user_images_path(self, username: str) -> Path: path = self._user_path(username) / "images" path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return path def _fetch_user_history(profile: gr.OAuthProfile | None) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Return saved history for that user, if it exists.""" # Cannot load history for logged out users if profile is None: return [] username = profile["preferred_username"] user_history = _UserHistory() if not user_history.initialized: warnings.warn("User history is not set in Gradio demo. You must use `user_history.render(...)` first.") return [] with user_history._user_lock(username): # No file => no history saved yet jsonl_path = user_history._user_jsonl_path(username) if not jsonl_path.is_file(): return [] # Read history images = [] for line in jsonl_path.read_text().splitlines(): data = json.loads(line) images.append((data["path"], data["label"] or "")) return list(reversed(images)) def _export_user_history(profile: gr.OAuthProfile | None) -> Dict | None: """Zip all history for that user, if it exists and return it as a downloadable file.""" # Cannot load history for logged out users if profile is None: return None username = profile["preferred_username"] user_history = _UserHistory() if not user_history.initialized: warnings.warn("User history is not set in Gradio demo. You must use `user_history.render(...)` first.") return None # Zip history with user_history._user_lock(username): path = shutil.make_archive( str(_archives_path() / f"history_{username}"), "zip", user_history._user_path(username) ) return gr.update(visible=True, value=path) def _delete_user_history(profile: gr.OAuthProfile | None) -> None: """Delete all history for that user.""" # Cannot load history for logged out users if profile is None: return username = profile["preferred_username"] user_history = _UserHistory() if not user_history.initialized: warnings.warn("User history is not set in Gradio demo. You must use `user_history.render(...)` first.") return with user_history._user_lock(username): shutil.rmtree(user_history._user_path(username)) #################### # Internal helpers # #################### def _copy_image(image: Image | np.ndarray | str | Path, dst_folder: Path) -> Path: """Copy image to the images folder.""" # Already a path => copy it if isinstance(image, str): image = Path(image) if isinstance(image, Path): dst = dst_folder / f"{uuid4().hex}_{Path(image).name}" # keep file ext shutil.copyfile(image, dst) return dst # Still a Python object => serialize it if isinstance(image, np.ndarray): image = Image.fromarray(image) if isinstance(image, Image): dst = dst_folder / f"{uuid4().hex}.png" return dst raise ValueError(f"Unsupported image type: {type(image)}") def _resolve_folder_path(folder_path: str | Path | None) -> Path | None: if folder_path is not None: return Path(folder_path).expanduser().resolve() if os.getenv("SYSTEM") == "spaces": if os.path.exists("/data"): # Persistent storage is enabled! return Path("/data") / "user_history" else: return None # No persistent storage => no user history # Not in a Space => local folder return Path(__file__).parent / "user_history" def _archives_path() -> Path: # Doesn't have to be on persistent storage as it's only used for download path = Path(__file__).parent / "_history_snapshots" path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return path