import os import uuid import warnings from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, TypedDict, Union import gradio as gr from fastapi import BackgroundTasks, HTTPException, Response, status from huggingface_hub import ( SpaceHardware, SpaceStorage, WebhookPayload, WebhooksServer, add_space_secret, add_space_variable, comment_discussion, create_repo, delete_repo, get_discussion_details, get_repo_discussions, get_space_runtime, get_space_variables, repo_exists, request_space_hardware, request_space_storage, snapshot_download, space_info, upload_folder, ) from huggingface_hub.repocard import RepoCard from huggingface_hub.utils import ( RepositoryNotFoundError, build_hf_headers, get_session, hf_raise_for_status, ) from requests import HTTPError SPACE_ID = os.environ.get("SPACE_ID") IS_EPHEMERAL_SPACE = SPACE_ID is not None and "-ci-pr-" in SPACE_ID WEBHOOK_SECRET = os.environ.get("SPACE_CI_SECRET") if SPACE_ID is not None: # If running in a Space (i.e. not locally) if WEBHOOK_SECRET is None: # No secret set yet => generate one => restart space WEBHOOK_SECRET = str(uuid.uuid4()) add_space_secret( repo_id=SPACE_ID, key="SPACE_CI_SECRET", value=WEBHOOK_SECRET, description="This value is used by the SpaceCI. It is automatically generated and should not be changed.", ) EPHEMERAL_SPACES_CONFIG: Dict[str, Any] = {} def configure_space_ci( blocks: Optional["gr.Blocks"] = None, trusted_authors: Optional[List[str]] = None, private: Union[bool, Literal["auto"]] = "auto", variables: Union[Dict[str, str], Literal["auto"]] = "auto", secrets: Optional[List[str]] = None, hardware: Union[SpaceHardware, Literal["auto"], None] = None, storage: Union[SpaceStorage, Literal["auto"], None] = None, ) -> WebhooksServer: if SPACE_ID is None or IS_EPHEMERAL_SPACE: # Runs locally => don't configure webhook # Runs in an ephemeral Space => don't configure webhook return WebhooksServer(ui=blocks) # Authors trusted_authors = trusted_authors or [] namespace = SPACE_ID.split("/")[0] try: # Check if namespace is an organization => in this case all members are allowed to trigger CI by default response = get_session().get( f"{namespace}/members", headers=build_hf_headers() ) response.raise_for_status() trusted_authors += [user["user"] for user in response.json()] except Exception: # Otherwise, it's a single user => only this user is allowed to trigger CI by default trusted_authors += [namespace] trusted_authors = sorted(set(trusted_authors)) EPHEMERAL_SPACES_CONFIG["trusted_authors"] = trusted_authors # Private if private == "auto": private = space_info(SPACE_ID).private EPHEMERAL_SPACES_CONFIG["private"] = private # Variables if variables == "auto": variables = {value.key: value.value for value in get_space_variables(SPACE_ID).values()} EPHEMERAL_SPACES_CONFIG["variables"] = variables # Secrets secrets_with_values: Dict[str, str] = {} if secrets is not None: for secret in secrets: secret_value = os.environ.get(secret) if secret_value is None: warnings.warn(f"Secret {secret} not found in environment variables. Will skip it in ephemeral Space.") continue secrets_with_values[secret] = secret_value EPHEMERAL_SPACES_CONFIG["secrets"] = secrets_with_values # Hardware and storage if hardware == "auto" or storage == "auto": runtime = get_space_runtime(SPACE_ID) if hardware == "auto": hardware = runtime.hardware if storage == "auto": storage = EPHEMERAL_SPACES_CONFIG["hardware"] = hardware EPHEMERAL_SPACES_CONFIG["storage"] = storage # Summary print( "Ephemeral Spaces config:" f"\n - trusted authors: {trusted_authors}" f"\n - private: {private}" f"\n - secrets: {', '.join(sorted(secrets_with_values.keys()))}" f"\n - variables: {variables}" f"\n - storage: {storage}" f"\n - hardware: {hardware}" ) # Configure webhook server = WebhooksServer(ui=blocks, webhook_secret=WEBHOOK_SECRET) server.add_webhook()(trigger_ci_on_pr) configure_webhook_on_hub() # Recover missed webhooks recover_after_restart(space_id=SPACE_ID) return server ### # Recovery logic ### # Check if there are any PRs that need to be synced. # We might have missed some events while the server was down. # => called once at startup (see configure_space_ci) background_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) def recover_after_restart(space_id: str) -> None: print("Looping through PRs to check if any needs to be synced.") for discussion in get_repo_discussions(repo_id=space_id, repo_type="space"): if discussion.is_pull_request: if discussion.status == "open": if not is_pr_synced(space_id=space_id, pr_num=discussion.num): # Found a PR that is not yet synced print(f"Recovery. Found an open PR that is not synced: {discussion.url}. Syncing it.") background_pool.submit(sync_ci_space, space_id=space_id, pr_num=discussion.num) if discussion.status == "merged" or discussion.status == "closed": ci_space_id = _get_ci_space_id(space_id=space_id, pr_num=discussion.num) if repo_exists(repo_id=ci_space_id, repo_type="space"): # Found a PR for which the CI space has not been deleted print(f"Recovery. Found a closed PR with an active CI space: {discussion.url}. Deleting it.") background_pool.submit(delete_ci_space, space_id=space_id, pr_num=discussion.num) ### # Define webhook on the Hub logic ### def configure_webhook_on_hub(): url = "https://" + os.environ.get("SPACE_HOST").strip("/") + "/webhooks/trigger_ci_on_pr" # Check if webhook already exists webhooks = list_webhooks() for webhook in webhooks: if webhook["url"] == url: print("Webhook already configured") return # If not => create it create_webhook( watched=[{"type": "space", "name": SPACE_ID}], url=url, domains=["repo", "discussion"], secret=WEBHOOK_SECRET ) print("New webhook already configured!") ### # Webhook logic ### async def trigger_ci_on_pr(payload: WebhookPayload, task_queue: BackgroundTasks): if payload.repo.type != "space": raise HTTPException(400, f"Must be a Space, not {payload.repo.type}") space_id = has_task = False if ( # Means "a new PR has been opened" payload.event.scope.startswith("discussion") and payload.event.action == "create" and payload.discussion is not None and payload.discussion.isPullRequest and payload.discussion.status == "open" ): if not is_pr_synced(space_id=space_id, pr_num=payload.discussion.num): # New PR! Sync task scheduled task_queue.add_task(sync_ci_space, space_id=space_id, pr_num=payload.discussion.num) has_task = True elif ( # Means "a PR has been merged or closed" payload.event.scope.startswith("discussion") and payload.event.action == "update" and payload.discussion is not None and payload.discussion.isPullRequest and (payload.discussion.status == "merged" or payload.discussion.status == "closed") ): task_queue.add_task( delete_ci_space, space_id=space_id, pr_num=payload.discussion.num, ) has_task = True elif ( # Means "some content has been pushed to the Space" (any branch) payload.event.scope.startswith("repo.content") and payload.event.action == "update" ): # New repo change. Is it a commit on a PR? # => loop through all PRs and check if new changes happened for discussion in get_repo_discussions(repo_id=space_id, repo_type="space"): if discussion.is_pull_request and discussion.status == "open": if not is_pr_synced(space_id=space_id, pr_num=discussion.num): # Found a PR that is not yet synced task_queue.add_task(sync_ci_space, space_id=space_id, pr_num=discussion.num) has_task = True if has_task: return Response("Task scheduled to sync/delete Space", status_code=status.HTTP_202_ACCEPTED) else: return Response("No task scheduled", status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK) ### # Internal logic ### def is_pr_synced(space_id: str, pr_num: int) -> bool: # What is the last synced commit for this PR? ci_space_id = _get_ci_space_id(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num) try: card = RepoCard.load(repo_id_or_path=ci_space_id, repo_type="space") last_synced_sha = getattr(, "synced_sha", None) except HTTPError: return False # What is the last commit id for this PR? info = space_info(repo_id=space_id, revision=f"refs/pr/{pr_num}") last_pr_sha = info.sha # Is it up to date ? return last_synced_sha == last_pr_sha def sync_ci_space(space_id: str, pr_num: int) -> None: print(f"New task: sync ephemeral env for {space_id} (PR {pr_num})") ci_space_id = _get_ci_space_id(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num) # Create a temporary space for CI if didn't exist is_new = create_ephemeral_space(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num) # Configure ephemeral Space if trusted author is_configured = False if is_new: is_configured = configure_ephemeral_space(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num) # Download space codebase from PR revision snapshot_path = Path(snapshot_download(repo_id=space_id, revision=f"refs/pr/{pr_num}", repo_type="space")) # Overwrite README file in cache (/!\) readme_path = snapshot_path / "" card = RepoCard.load(readme_path) setattr(, "synced_sha", # latest sha = f"{} (ephemeral #{pr_num})" # Sync space codebase with PR revision upload_folder( repo_id=ci_space_id, repo_type="space", commit_message=f"Sync CI Space with PR {pr_num}.", folder_path=snapshot_path, delete_patterns="*", ) # Delete readme file from cache (just in case) readme_path.unlink(missing_ok=True) # Post a comment on the PR if is_new and is_configured: notify_pr(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num, action="created_and_configured") elif is_new: notify_pr(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num, action="created_not_configured") else: notify_pr(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num, action="updated") def create_ephemeral_space(space_id: str, pr_num: int) -> bool: # Config values ci_space_id = _get_ci_space_id(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num) private: bool = EPHEMERAL_SPACES_CONFIG["private"] # Create space try: create_repo( ci_space_id, repo_type="space", space_sdk="docker", # Will be overwritten by sync private=private, exist_ok=False, ) return True except HTTPError as err: if err.response is not None and err.response.status_code == 409: # already exists return False else: raise def configure_ephemeral_space(space_id: str, pr_num: int) -> bool: # Config values ci_space_id = _get_ci_space_id(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num) trusted_authors: List[str] = EPHEMERAL_SPACES_CONFIG["trusted_authors"] variables: Dict[str, str] = EPHEMERAL_SPACES_CONFIG["variables"] secrets: Dict[str, str] = EPHEMERAL_SPACES_CONFIG["secrets"] hardware: Optional[SpaceHardware] = EPHEMERAL_SPACES_CONFIG["hardware"] storage: Optional[SpaceHardware] = EPHEMERAL_SPACES_CONFIG["storage"] # Check if trusted author details = get_discussion_details(repo_id=space_id, repo_type="space", discussion_num=pr_num) if not in trusted_authors: return False # not a trusted author => do NOT set secrets, hardware, storage, etc. # Configure space for key, value in variables.items(): add_space_variable(ci_space_id, key, value) for key, value in secrets.items(): add_space_secret(ci_space_id, key, value) # Request hardware/storage for space if hardware is not None and hardware != SpaceHardware.CPU_BASIC: request_space_hardware(ci_space_id, hardware, sleep_time=5 * 60) # sleep after 5min on PR Spaces with GPU if storage is not None: request_space_storage(ci_space_id, storage) return True def delete_ci_space(space_id: str, pr_num: int) -> None: print(f"New task: delete ephemeral env for {space_id} (PR {pr_num})") # Delete ci_space_id = _get_ci_space_id(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num) try: delete_repo(repo_id=ci_space_id, repo_type="space") except RepositoryNotFoundError: # Repo did not exist: no need to notify return # Notify about deletion notify_pr(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num, action="deleted") def notify_pr( space_id: str, pr_num: int, action: Literal["created_not_configured", "created_and_configured", "updated", "deleted"], ) -> None: ci_space_id = _get_ci_space_id(space_id=space_id, pr_num=pr_num) if action == "created_not_configured": comment = NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_CREATED_NOT_CONFIGURED.format(ci_space_id=ci_space_id) elif action == "created_and_configured": comment = NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_CREATED_AND_CONFIGURED.format(ci_space_id=ci_space_id) elif action == "updated": comment = NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_UPDATED.format(ci_space_id=ci_space_id) elif action == "deleted": comment = NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_DELETED else: raise ValueError(f"Status {action} not handled.") comment_discussion(repo_id=space_id, repo_type="space", discussion_num=pr_num, comment=comment) def _get_ci_space_id(space_id: str, pr_num: int) -> str: return f"{space_id}-ci-pr-{pr_num}" NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_CREATED_AND_CONFIGURED = """\ Following the creation of this PR, an ephemeral Space [{ci_space_id}]({ci_space_id}) has been started. Any changes pushed to this PR will be synced with the test Space. Since this PR has been created by a trusted author, the ephemeral Space has been configured with the correct hardware, storage, and secrets. _(This is an automated message.)_ """ NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_CREATED_NOT_CONFIGURED = """\ Following the creation of this PR, an ephemeral Space [{ci_space_id}]({ci_space_id}) has been started. Any changes pushed to this PR will be synced with the test Space. Since this PR has not been created by a trusted author, the ephemeral Space has not been configured with the correct hardware, storage, and secrets. An admin must configure it manually. _(This is an automated message.)_ """ NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_UPDATED = """\ Following new commits that happened in this PR, the ephemeral Space [{ci_space_id}]({ci_space_id}) has been updated. _(This is an automated message.)_ """ NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE_DELETED = """\ PR is now merged/closed. The ephemeral Space has been deleted. _(This is an automated message.)_ """ ### TO MOVE TO ITS OWN MODULE # Taken from headers = build_hf_headers() class WatchedItem(TypedDict): # Examples: # {"type": "user", "name": "julien-c"} # {"type": "org", "name": "HuggingFaceH4"} # {"type": "model", "name": "HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta"} # {"type": "dataset", "name": "HuggingFaceH4/ultrachat_200k"} # {"type": "space", "name": "HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-chat"} type: Literal["model", "dataset", "space", "org", "user"] name: str # Do you want to subscribe to repo updates (code changes), discussion updates (issues, PRs, comments), or both? DOMAIN_T = Literal["repo", "discussion"] def get_webhook(webhook_id: str) -> Dict: """Get a webhook by its id.""" response = get_session().get(f"{webhook_id}", headers=headers) hf_raise_for_status(response) return response.json() def list_webhooks() -> List[Dict]: """List all configured webhooks.""" response = get_session().get("", headers=headers) hf_raise_for_status(response) return response.json() def create_webhook(watched: List[WatchedItem], url: str, domains: List[DOMAIN_T], secret: Optional[str]) -> Dict: """Create a new webhook. Args: watched (List[WatchedItem]): List of items to watch. It an be users, orgs, models, datasets or spaces. See `WatchedItem` for more details. url (str): URL to send the payload to. domains (List[Literal["repo", "discussion"]]): List of domains to watch. It can be "repo", "discussion" or both. secret (str, optional): Secret to use to sign the payload. Returns: dict: The created webhook. Example: ```python >>> payload = create_webhook( ... watched=[{"type": "user", "name": "julien-c"}, {"type": "org", "name": "HuggingFaceH4"}], ... url="", ... domains=["repo", "discussion"], ... secret="my-secret", ... ) { "webhook": { "id": "654bbbc16f2ec14d77f109cc", "watched": [{"type": "user", "name": "julien-c"}, {"type": "org", "name": "HuggingFaceH4"}], "url": "", "secret": "my-secret", "domains": ["repo", "discussion"], "disabled": False, }, } ``` """ print("Creating webhook") print({"watched": watched, "url": url, "domains": domains, "secret": str(type(secret))}) response = get_session().post( "", json={"watched": watched, "url": url, "domains": domains, "secret": secret}, headers=headers, ) hf_raise_for_status(response) return response.json() def update_webhook( webhook_id: str, watched: List[WatchedItem], url: str, domains: List[DOMAIN_T], secret: Optional[str] ) -> Dict: """Update an existing webhook. Exact same usage as `create_webhook` but you must know the `webhook_id`. All fields are updated. """ response = get_session().post( f"{webhook_id}", json={"watched": watched, "url": url, "domains": domains, "secret": secret}, headers=headers, ) hf_raise_for_status(response) return response.json() def enable_webhook(webhook_id: str) -> Dict: """Enable a webhook (makes it "active").""" response = get_session().post( f"{webhook_id}/enable", headers=headers, ) hf_raise_for_status(response) return response.json() def disable_webhook(webhook_id: str) -> Dict: """Disable a webhook (makes it "disabled").""" response = get_session().post( f"{webhook_id}/disable", headers=headers, ) hf_raise_for_status(response) return response.json() def delete_webhook(webhook_id: str): """Delete a webhook.""" response = get_session().delete( f"{webhook_id}", headers=headers, ) hf_raise_for_status(response)